AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-10Undo commit of sorting changes, did not want to apply this yet.Dave Davenport
2015-07-09Use right modifierQC
2015-07-08Small update manpageQC
2015-07-07Update manpage.QC
2015-07-07Make color parsing more robust, report failing of parsing color.QC
2015-07-06Fix window matching.Dave Davenport
2015-07-05Replace all qsorts.QC
2015-07-05Use glib qsort as qsort is not portable.QC
2015-07-04Fix typo (thx to jpleau)QC
2015-07-04Trying 2nd bsd patchQC
2015-07-04Add patches from BSD (hopefully ok?)QC
2015-07-02Update changelog.QC
2015-07-01Set fuzzy default to false (instead of unset)Dave Davenport
2015-07-01Make fuzzy matching available everywhere: #133 (-fuzzy)Dave Davenport
2015-07-01Use tokenmatch in window_match.Dave Davenport
2015-06-30Free in right orderQC
2015-06-28Update ChangeLog.Dave Davenport
2015-06-28Move fuzzy_token_match to where it can be reused.Dave Davenport
2015-06-27Fix namingQC
2015-06-26Update manpageDave Davenport
2015-06-25Fix fuzzy match to continue at next character. #133Dave Davenport
2015-06-24Don't do unneeded comparesQC
2015-06-23Test implementation for #133.QC
2015-06-20Possible fix for #179QC
2015-06-15Make 'all?' keys user configurable.Dave Davenport
2015-06-15Issue #66, allow keybindings for navigation to be changed.Dave Davenport
2015-06-14Update ChangelogDave Davenport
2015-06-14[SSH] Ignore comments in the Host: line.Dave Davenport
2015-06-12Update ChangelogDave Davenport
2015-06-11More dmenu fixes (shift -enter on custom)QC
2015-06-11Fix dmenu mode.QC
2015-06-11Fixes #176 add mode that user expects.QC
2015-06-11And undo.QC
2015-06-11Check what happens with wrong date when committing.QC
2015-06-08Add markup support to error msg.Dave Davenport
2015-06-08Update changelogDave Davenport
2015-06-09Move comment to right placeQball Cow
2015-06-09Possible fix issue #175Qball Cow
2015-06-05tiny cleanupQC
2015-06-04Add rasi e-mail.QC
2015-06-03Fix ellip. in entry box, wrap message box.Dave Davenport
2015-06-02Switch to ronn for manpage generation.Qball Cow
2015-06-02Update doc, saying xresources is prefered method.Dave Davenport
2015-06-01Fix typo in manual: Issue: #174Qball Cow
2015-05-31Add a `-no-config` option to run rofi stock.Dave Davenport
2015-05-31Add 0.15.6 to changelog.Dave Davenport
2015-05-29Update changelog.QC
2015-05-28Update manpage.Dave Davenport