AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01- Gallant
2017-01-13changelog 0.4.0Andrew Gallant
2017-01-13Fix invalid UTF-8 output on Windows.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-13update same-file depAndrew Gallant
2017-01-13Use basic SGR sequences when possible.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-11Make --column imply --line-number.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-10another bytecount update, weirdAndrew Gallant
2017-01-10update bytecountAndrew Gallant
2017-01-10Add --path-separator flag.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-10Add example to -r/--replace docs.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-09fix minimum Rust versionAndrew Gallant
2017-01-09remove redundant wordsAndrew Gallant
2017-01-09add anti-pitchAndrew Gallant
2017-01-09Don't search stdout redirected file.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-09add Kotlin type: "*.kt", "*.kts"chocolateboy
2017-01-09Ruby type: add "Gemfile", "*.gemspec", ".irbrc", "Rakefile"chocolateboy
2017-01-09Perl type: add "*.t"chocolateboy
2017-01-09add Crystal type: "Projectfile", "*.cr"chocolateboy
2017-01-08Sync documented threads cap to code.Daniel Luz
2017-01-08Remove trivial condition.Daniel Luz
2017-01-07Fix type compose test.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-07Provide a mechanism to compose type definitionsIan Kerins
2017-01-06Add docs for shell completion files.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-06Fix spacing issue in --help output.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-06Add --sort-files flag.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-06Tweak the parallel directory iterator.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-06Rejigger bold and intense settings.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-06Add powershell as a known file typeJason Shirk (POWERSHELL)
2017-01-03bump depsAndrew Gallant
2017-01-02Tweak build matrix.Andrew Gallant
2017-01-01Update to regex 0.2.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-30bump various versionsAndrew Gallant
2016-12-29Add types for handling SWIG files. (#297)Matěj Cepl
2016-12-27Remove superfluous memmap dependency in `grep` crate.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24Remove special ^C handling.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24add docs to wincolorAndrew Gallant
2016-12-24Small code cleanups.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24Remove ~ dependency on clap.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24Add some additional benchmark runs.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24Add some commented out commands to compile script.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24Add --disabled flag to benchsuite.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-24update depsAndrew Gallant
2016-12-23fix some clippy lints (#288)Leonardo Yvens
2016-12-23Update Cargo.lock to bring in clap 2.19.2 fix for ZSH completions. (#287)Lilian Anatolie Moraru
2016-12-22Update docs to explain use of -g and --files to search for paths. (#285)YPCrumble
2016-12-12Make backreference support clear.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-12Fix cut-off line in globset docs.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-12Fix a non-termination bug.Andrew Gallant
2016-12-07update brew tapAndrew Gallant
2016-12-07fix ci0.3.2Andrew Gallant