path: root/src/frontend/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-06Remove compare functionalityMatthias Beyer
2021-04-06Run cargo-fmtMatthias Beyer
2021-04-06Replace failure with anyhowMatthias Beyer
2020-09-10Fix for API change with name as Option<>Matthias Beyer
2019-04-25Add doc: All Frontend implementationsMatthias Beyer
2019-04-24Add missing "ComparePackage" typeMatthias Beyer
2019-04-24Implement ListFrontend::compare_packages()Matthias Beyer
2019-04-23Fix: Status and Www implement Display, so they implement ToString as wellMatthias Beyer
2019-04-23Refactor: Do not use the `format!("{}", ...)` trickMatthias Beyer
2019-04-19Initial importMatthias Beyer