path: root/.circleci/config.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.circleci/config.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a276ad2..00000000
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# Python CircleCI 2.0 configuration file
-# Check for more details
-version: 2
- - &defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.6-buster-node
- working_directory: ~/projects/reel2bits
- - &attach_workspace
- attach_workspace:
- at: ~/projects/
- - &persist_to_workspace
- persist_to_workspace:
- root: ~/projects/
- paths:
- - ./reel2bits/
- - ./audiowaveform/
- - &install_system_dependencies
- run:
- name: Install system dependencies
- command: |
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y sox libtag1v5 libmagic1 libffi6 ffmpeg postgresql-client-11 rsync
- sudo apt-get install -y cmake build-essential git wget make libboost-all-dev rustc
- sudo apt-get install -y libsox-dev libsox-fmt-all libtag1-dev libmagic-dev libffi-dev libgd-dev libmad0-dev libsndfile1-dev libid3tag0-dev libmediainfo-dev
- - &install_audiowaveform
- run:
- name: Install audiowaveform
- command: ./api/tests/
- - &install_python_dependencies
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - *install_system_dependencies
- - *install_audiowaveform
- - run: python -V | tee /tmp/.python-version
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - v2-dependencies-{{ checksum "/tmp/.python-version" }}-{{ checksum "api/requirements.txt" }}
- - run: python3 -m venv venv
- - run:
- command: |
- . venv/bin/activate
- pip install --requirement api/requirements.txt
- pip install black
- pip install flake8
- touch front/dist/index.html
- - save_cache:
- key: v2-dependencies-{{ checksum "/tmp/.python-version" }}-{{ checksum "api/requirements.txt" }}
- paths:
- - ./venv
- - *persist_to_workspace
- - &install_steps
- steps:
- - checkout
- - *attach_workspace
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - v1-node-dependencies-{{ checksum "front/yarn.lock" }}
- - v1-node-dependencies-
- - run:
- command: |
- cd front
- yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- - save_cache:
- key: v1-node-depdencies-{{ checksum "front/yarn.lock" }}
- paths:
- - ./front/node_modules/
- - *persist_to_workspace
- - &test_steps
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - *install_system_dependencies
- - *install_audiowaveform
- - run:
- name: Linters
- command: |
- . venv/bin/activate
- cd api
- black --check .
- flake8 . --count --show-source --statistics
- - run:
- name: Tests
- command: |
- . venv/bin/activate
- cd api
- mkdir test-reports
- export APP_SETTINGS="config.testing.Config"
- python test
- - run:
- name: Full migrations
- command: |
- psql -U postgres -h localhost -w -c 'CREATE DATABASE reel2bits'
- psql -U postgres -h localhost -w -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' reel2bits
- . venv/bin/activate
- cd api
- flask db upgrade
- flask db-datas 000-seeds
- flask db-datas 001-generate-tracks-uuids
- flask db-datas 002-set-local-users
- flask db-datas 003-set-user-quota
- flask db-datas 004-update-file-sizes
- flask db-datas 005-update-user-quotas
- - store_test_results:
- path: api/test-reports
- - store_artifacts:
- path: api/test-reports
- - &lint_steps_front
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - run:
- name: Front lint
- command: |
- cd front
- npm run lint
- - &test_steps_front
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - run:
- name: Front test
- command: |
- firefox --version
- cd front
- npm run unit
- - &build_front
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - run:
- name: Install rsync
- command: |
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y rsync
- - run:
- name: Front build
- command: |
- cd front
- npm run build
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: ~/projects/
- paths:
- - ./reel2bits/front/dist
- - &sync_front
- steps:
- - *attach_workspace
- - add_ssh_keys:
- fingerprints:
- - "8b:e8:75:22:8a:21:35:5a:50:1c:da:75:2f:11:6c:2b"
- - "66:7c:0f:97:42:b2:eb:fe:53:3c:0a:db:a5:5c:7a:27"
- - run:
- name: Install rsync
- command: |
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y rsync
- - deploy:
- name: zip and sync artifacts
- command: |
- cd front
- if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then
- export NAME="front-dist-${CIRCLE_BRANCH}"
- zip -r "${NAME}.zip" dist/
- rsync -avc -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22" ${NAME}.zip
- fi
- if [ ! -z "${CIRCLE_TAG}" ]; then
- export NAME="front-dist-${CIRCLE_TAG}"
- zip -r "${NAME}.zip" dist/
- rsync -avc -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22" ${NAME}.zip
- fi
- - &build_and_sync_doc
- steps:
- - checkout
- - *attach_workspace
- - add_ssh_keys:
- fingerprints:
- - "66:80:b8:db:44:06:34:e1:f0:ac:35:b2:a0:80:98:bd"
- - run:
- name: Install rsync
- command: |
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y rsync graphviz
- - run:
- name: Install dependencies
- command: |
- python3 -m venv venv
- . venv/bin/activate
- pip install sphinx-guillotina-theme sphinx
- - run:
- name: Build docs
- command: |
- . venv/bin/activate
- cd docs && ./
- - deploy:
- name: deploy
- command: |
- rsync -avc -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22" --delete docs-build/
- install:
- <<: *defaults
- <<: *install_steps
- install-python3.6:
- <<: *defaults
- <<: *install_python_dependencies
- install-python3.7:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7-buster-node
- <<: *install_python_dependencies
- install-python3.8:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.8-buster-node
- <<: *install_python_dependencies
- install-python3.9:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.9-rc-buster-node
- <<: *install_python_dependencies
- test-python3.6:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.6-buster-node
- - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine
- environment:
- POSTGRES_USER: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB: reel2bits_test
- <<: *test_steps
- test-python3.7:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7-buster-node
- - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine
- environment:
- POSTGRES_USER: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB: reel2bits_test
- <<: *test_steps
- test-python3.8:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.8-buster-node
- - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine
- environment:
- POSTGRES_USER: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB: reel2bits_test
- <<: *test_steps
- test-python3.9:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.9-rc-buster-node
- - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine
- environment:
- POSTGRES_USER: postgres
- POSTGRES_DB: reel2bits_test
- <<: *test_steps
- front-lint:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:12.9.0-buster-browsers
- <<: *lint_steps_front
- front-lint-lts:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:10.16.3-buster-browsers
- <<: *lint_steps_front
- front-test-lts:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:10.16.3-buster-browsers
- <<: *test_steps_front
- front-build:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:10.16.3-buster-browsers
- <<: *build_front
- front-sync:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/node:10.16.3-buster-browsers
- <<: *sync_front
- build-develop-doc:
- <<: *defaults
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7-buster-node
- environment:
- BUILD_PATH: ../docs-build
- <<: *build_and_sync_doc
- version: 2
- build-docs:
- jobs:
- - build-develop-doc:
- filters:
- branches:
- only: master
- build-and-test:
- jobs:
- - install
- - install-python3.6:
- requires:
- - install
- - install-python3.7:
- requires:
- - install
- - install-python3.8:
- requires:
- - install
- - install-python3.9:
- requires:
- - install
- - test-python3.6:
- requires:
- - install-python3.6
- - test-python3.7:
- requires:
- - install-python3.7
- - test-python3.8:
- requires:
- - install-python3.8
- - test-python3.9:
- requires:
- - install-python3.9
- - front-lint-lts:
- requires:
- - install
- - front-test-lts:
- requires:
- - front-lint-lts
- - front-lint:
- requires:
- - install
- - front-build:
- requires:
- - front-lint
- - front-sync:
- requires:
- - front-lint-lts
- - front-build
- filters:
- branches:
- only: master