path: root/pgcli/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-07-25Adapt the query used to get functions metadata to PG11Lele Gaifax
2018-07-24Change server version query.Irina Truong
2018-07-20Print server version as part of welcome message.Irina Truong
2018-07-04Fix lint, update AUTHORS, and changelogSaif Hakim
2018-07-03Avoid reconnect prompt after error if connection is still validSaif Hakim
2018-06-17Pep8.Irina Truong
2018-06-17Can't add tuple and list.Irina Truong
2018-06-16Non-existent function will raise a ProgrammingError.Irina Truong
2018-06-16Fix for 'only named arguments may follow *expression'Irina Truong
2018-06-16switched view query to imitating psqlcatherinedevlin
2018-06-16Added \efcatherinedevlin
2018-06-16Moved code to pgexecutecatherinedevlin
2018-06-07fix: not enough values to unpackMatthieu Guilbert
2018-05-18Merge branch 'master' into feature/get-last-sql-queryAmjith Ramanujam
2018-05-15Restrict the offer to reconnect.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-05-15Add is_special to run returnRishi Ramraj
2017-10-21Fix for #805 (partial).Irina Truong
2017-08-12Fix psycopg2 error code lookupFrançois Pietka
2017-08-12Get socket directory if no host provided by psycopg2François Pietka
2017-08-12Add query to get socket directoryFrançois Pietka
2017-07-29Use psycopg2 to get database detailsFrançois Pietka
2017-07-27Use raw strings where needed to avoid backslash ambiguityFrançois Pietka
2017-07-20Merge pull request #677 from dbcli/koljonen/suggest_functions_with_argsAmjith Ramanujam
2017-07-16Merge branch 'master' into koljonen/suggest_functions_with_argsJoakim Koljonen
2017-07-15Add method to list databases with full informationFrançois Pietka
2017-07-08Some renames for compatibility with the function-arguments PRJoakim Koljonen
2017-07-05Add defaults to column metadataJoakim Koljonen
2017-06-25Include arguments in function completionsJoakim Koljonen
2017-05-25Make it possible to use SSL with pgcliAlexander Schmolck
2017-04-29Handle failure to obtain lockJackson Popkin
2017-03-13Combine select queries for connection properties.Irina Truong
2017-03-13Fix set_session cannot be used inside a transaction when using dsn. Connect #...Irina Truong
2017-03-03Adjust the connection order to work around psycopg2 restriction.Amjith Ramanujam
2016-12-07Add transaction status to toolbarJoakim Koljonen
2016-09-21fix for 'SHOW ALL' of posgtres (redshift doesn't return a description)Manuel Barkhau
2016-09-21fixes #588 invalid setting for redshiftManuel Barkhau
2016-09-02Merge pull request #571 from dbcli/darikg/no-hang-wait-selectAmjith Ramanujam
2016-08-26Remove forgotten debug messageJulien Rouhaud
2016-08-25Add more placeholders to promptJulien Rouhaud
2016-08-25Fix pgexecute info retrieving when connecting with a DSNJulien Rouhaud
2016-08-24Use tweaked version of psycopg2.extras.wait_select to supply a timeoutDarik Gamble
2016-07-27packages/ --> packages/parseutils/meta.pyDarik Gamble
2016-07-09Replace alias with since AWS Redshift does not support itTahir Butt
2016-06-29No argmodes eitherDarik Gamble
2016-06-29Fallback for missing proallargtypes column, and missing regtype::text type castDarik Gamble
2016-06-29bugfix: don't call att.atttypid::regtype::text in old versions of postgresqlDarik Gamble
2016-06-07Fix issue where notices/warnings/... were printed in reverse orderkoljonen
2016-06-04Custom casing of table/column/function/view nameskoljonen
2016-06-04Merge pull request #513 from koljonen/order_columns_by_db_column_orderdarikg
2016-06-02Filter trigger returning functions from suggestionsDaniel Rocco