AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-02-23Release 0.580.58Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-23Extended the documentation.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-23Oops, double colon means code...Matthias Bussonnier
2016-02-23Added documentation to WindowRenderInfo.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-23Allow ansi color name in Pygments style.Matthias Bussonnier
2016-02-22Added Token.TrailingWhiteSpace and Token.Tab to default style.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Small style change for better support on terminals with dark background.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Fix for Python 2.6 compatibility.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Bugfix in HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor (Highlight the correct column, wh...Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Removed unused invalidation_hash in DefaultPrompt.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Added comment in load_emacs_search_bindings.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Added TabsProcessor: a tool to visualise tabs instead of displaying ^I.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-22Handle Ctrl-R and Ctrl-S also in Vi mode when searching.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-21Start rewriting the full screen application example.Matthias Bussonnier
2016-02-21Remove unnecessary comment for AcceptAction38elements
2016-02-20Bugfix in AppendAutoSuggestion processor. (Only show suggestion at the end.)Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-19Improved default style.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-19Added __repr__ to ConditionalContainer.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-19Bugfix: correctly set height of output screen. (Fixes bug in positioning of e...Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-19Correct cleanup when a multiwidth character was shown at some place and remov...Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-19Improved handling of mouse clicks below the last line.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-18changed dict check to MappingAnthony Scopatz
2016-02-18Added get_search_state parameter to HighlightSearchProcessor + bugfix.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-16When an unknown exception is raised in, don't forg...Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-16Removed/cleaned up duplicated code in emacs key bindings.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Use six.moves.range.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Use style_from_dict everywhere instead of the deprecated PygmentsStyle.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Implementation of RPROMPT: Added get_rprompt_tokens to create_prompt_layout.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Give 'Float' a hide_when_covering_content option.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Give a better error message when running in git-bash or cygwin.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-15Fixed syntax error in conemu_output.Jonathan Slenders
2016-02-13Added includes in doc example.Stephan Weller
2016-02-13Fixed documentation typo.Stephan Weller
2016-02-13Disable bracketed paste support in ConEmuBurak Yiğit Kaya
2016-02-13Big refactoring of the Window and user control interfaces.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-28Fixed examples/autocompletion.pyEvan
2016-01-28add `unicode_literals` import in "Getting Starded" code snippetRenan Ivo
2016-01-28link to the stable version of the documentationRenan Ivo
2016-01-27Correctly restore default console attributes on Win32.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-25Improved the performance of Document.cursor_position_col/current_line_before_...Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-22Performance optimization in layout/controls. Using _LazyReverseDict.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-22Small cleanup (removed unused imports + whitespace.)Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-21Don't set the terminal title in eterm.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Fixed imports in unittests.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Updated print-tokens example to use prompt_toolkit.token.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Removed Pygments as a dependency. (Optional for those who need it.)Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Added example that demonstrates how to switch between Vi and Emacs mode.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Refactoring of the prompt_toolkit.styles.Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Use prompt_toolkit.token everywhere. (Make pygments more optional.)Jonathan Slenders
2016-01-20Created prompt_toolkit.token. A custom Token implementation, that is compatib...Jonathan Slenders