BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
dbaty/run_tests_on_windows___ wip: smaller matrix, faster runs (and failures)Damien Baty6 months
feature/history-configfix black format.laixintao3 years
fix-vi-crashMerge branch 'main' into fix-vi-crashAmjith Ramanujam23 months
mainReleasing version 4.1.0Irina Truong11 days
v4.1.0commit 46fe654cd1...Irina Truong11 days
v4.0.1commit 04ca41a262...Irina Truong7 months
v4.0.0commit c77529e6a1...Irina Truong7 months
v3.5.0commit c280f8e398...Irina Truong20 months
v3.4.1commit a878d2a4ba...Irina Truong2 years
v3.4.0commit 02134daad7...Irina Truong2 years
v3.3.1commit 78843ac30f...Amjith Ramanujam2 years
v3.3.0commit 6d719b628d...Amjith Ramanujam2 years
v3.2.0commit 0f54b126b3...Amjith Ramanujam3 years
v3.1.0commit baea7690b0...Irina Truong3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2016-11-07Release Slenders
2016-11-07Don't handle ControlJ when we're not in insert mode. (This includes multiple-...Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-07Fixed bug when pressing delete at the end of the last line in Vi visual block...Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-07Handle race condition in eventloop/ Slenders
2016-11-02Fix `cooked_mode`. This fixes a bug in ptpython where executing `input()` wou...Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-01Added unit tests for yank-nth-arg and yank-last-arg.Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-01Fixes the previous commit. Wrong typechecking.Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-01Implementation of the yank-nth-arg and yank-last-arg Readline commands + Emac...Jonathan Slenders
2016-11-01Fix full-screen-layout example: `on_text_changed` receives a Buffer instead o...Silvus
2016-10-31Import prompt_async shortcut in __init__.Alexander Pushkov