AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-14Add first hook implementationfeature/hooksAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-14Document python configuration fileAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-13Fix fzf picker for simple stringsAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-12Fix fzf documentation and add match-format disadvantageAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-12Document fzf integrationAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-12Fix flakeAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-12Add fzf pickerAlejandro Gallo
2021-06-03Add libera proofAlejandro Gallo
2021-04-09Update README with gnu/linux.chAlejandro Gallo
2021-03-06Add paps bibtex filter-cited commandAlejandro Gallo
2021-02-25Add --np flag for multiprocessing controlAlejandro Gallo
2021-02-25Add papis.utils.parmap to simplify multiprocessing checksAlejandro Gallo
2021-02-24Fix link to papis zotero, minor typesetting. (#324)Henning Timm
2021-02-23Add papis-execAlejandro Gallo
2021-02-22Add edit notes functionality to picker (#319)jghauser
2021-02-20Address issue #322Alejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Remove appveyor badgeAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Remove appveyorAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Add windows support for github CIAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Add macos testing for github workflowsAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Add python 3.9 for testingAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-16Remove isbnlib's restriction on the versionAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-15Merge branch 'master' of Gallo
2021-01-15Add link for zulipAlejandro Gallo
2021-01-06better check for downloaded files in crossref (#312)Alex Fikl
2020-12-30fix deadlock when filtering with the list widget (#314)Alex Fikl
2020-12-24Fix issue #307Alejandro Gallo
2020-12-24Fix mypy for multiprocessingAlejandro Gallo
2020-12-22Add support for platforms without multiprocessing (i.e. android) (#308)Henrik Grimler
2020-12-12Add github CI and outsource CI scriptsAlejandro Gallo
2020-12-11Fix issue #305Alejandro Gallo
2020-12-11improve isbn.data_to_papis (#302)Alex Fikl
2020-12-09Fix issue #285Alejandro Gallo
2020-12-07Fix blog post referenceAlejandro Gallo
2020-12-07Add blog post to READMEAlejandro Gallo
2020-12-06Add Importer for ISBN (#262)Alex Fikl
2020-12-05add a py.typed file (#301)Alex Fikl
2020-12-04Fix typo in (#299)Andrey Akinshin
2020-12-03Add contributors shieldAlejandro Gallo
2020-12-02Fix issue #297Alejandro Gallo
2020-11-30Update maintainer status in READMEAlejandro Gallo
2020-11-28Allow to escape dots and underscores with a backslash in ref-format (#294)prataffel
2020-11-24Fix for #291 (#293)Alexander Von Moll
2020-11-06Replace blue with ansiblue (#289)ccat3z
2020-10-23Merge branch 'master' of Gallo
2020-10-23Add papis bibtex importAlejandro Gallo
2020-10-20GPL-3.0-or-later (#288)Michael McMahon
2020-10-18Ignore for mypy due to prompt-toolkitAlejandro Gallo
2020-10-17Bump up versionv0.11.1Alejandro Gallo
2020-10-17Fix issue #285 due to circular import in python3.8Alejandro Gallo