path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs
index 48a7b87..7b17d05 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Filter/Plot/Renderers/Bokeh.hs
@@ -22,41 +22,27 @@ import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Renderers.Prelude
-bokeh :: PlotM (Maybe Renderer)
+bokeh :: PlotM Renderer
bokeh = do
- avail <- bokehAvailable
- if not avail
- then return Nothing
- else do
cmdargs <- asksConfig bokehCmdArgs
- mexe <- executable Bokeh
return $
- mexe >>= \exe@(Executable _ exename) ->
- return
- Renderer
- { rendererToolkit = Bokeh,
- rendererExe = exe,
- rendererCapture = appendCapture bokehCaptureFragment,
- rendererCommand = bokehCommand cmdargs exename,
- rendererSupportedSaveFormats = bokehSupportedSaveFormats,
- rendererChecks = [bokehCheckIfShow],
- rendererLanguage = "python",
- rendererComment = mappend "# ",
- rendererScriptExtension = ".py"
- }
+ Renderer
+ { rendererToolkit = Bokeh,
+ rendererCapture = appendCapture bokehCaptureFragment,
+ rendererCommand = bokehCommand cmdargs,
+ rendererAvailability = CommandSuccess $ \exe -> [st|#{pathToExe exe} -c "import bokeh; import selenium"|],
+ rendererSupportedSaveFormats = bokehSupportedSaveFormats,
+ rendererChecks = [bokehCheckIfShow],
+ rendererLanguage = "python",
+ rendererComment = mappend "# ",
+ rendererScriptExtension = ".py"
+ }
bokehSupportedSaveFormats :: [SaveFormat]
bokehSupportedSaveFormats = [PNG, SVG, HTML]
-bokehCommand :: Text -> Text -> OutputSpec -> Text
-bokehCommand cmdargs exe OutputSpec {..} = [st|#{exe} #{cmdargs} "#{oScriptPath}"|]
-bokehAvailable :: PlotM Bool
-bokehAvailable = do
- mexe <- executable Bokeh
- case mexe of
- Nothing -> return False
- Just (Executable dir exe) -> withPrependedPath dir $ asks envCWD >>= flip commandSuccess [st|#{exe} -c "import bokeh; import selenium"|]
+bokehCommand :: Text -> OutputSpec -> Text
+bokehCommand cmdargs OutputSpec {..} = [st|#{pathToExe oExecutable} #{cmdargs} "#{oScriptPath}"|]
-- | Check if `` calls are present in the script,
-- which would halt pandoc-plot