path: root/doc/man7/crypto.pod
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diff --git a/doc/man7/crypto.pod b/doc/man7/crypto.pod
index aa6b6405ba..cf2c3f01d7 100644
--- a/doc/man7/crypto.pod
+++ b/doc/man7/crypto.pod
@@ -12,41 +12,458 @@ See the individual manual pages for details.
The OpenSSL crypto library (C<libcrypto>) implements a wide range of
cryptographic algorithms used in various Internet standards. The services
-provided by this library are used by the OpenSSL implementations of SSL, TLS
-and S/MIME, and they have also been used to implement SSH, OpenPGP, and
-other cryptographic standards.
+provided by this library are used by the OpenSSL implementations of TLS and
+CMS, and they have also been used to implement many other third party products
+and protocols.
-C<libcrypto> consists of a number of sub-libraries that implement the
-individual algorithms.
+The functionality includes symmetric encryption, public key cryptography, key
+agreement, certificate handling, cryptographic hash functions, cryptographic
+pseudo-random number generators, message authentication codes (MACs), key
+derivation functions (KDFs), and various utilities.
-The functionality includes symmetric encryption, public key
-cryptography and key agreement, certificate handling, cryptographic
-hash functions, cryptographic pseudo-random number generator, and
-various utilities.
+=head2 Algorithms
-=head1 NOTES
+Cryptographic primitives such as the SHA256 digest, or AES encryption are
+referred to in OpenSSL as "algorithms". Each algorithm may have multiple
+implementations available for use. For example the RSA algorithm is available as
+a "default" implementation suitable for general use, and a "fips" implementation
+which has been validated to FIPS standards for situations where that is
+important. It is also possible that a third party could add additional
+implementations such as in a hardware security module (HSM).
-Some of the newer functions follow a naming convention using the numbers
-B<0> and B<1>. For example the functions:
+=head2 Operations
- int X509_CRL_add0_revoked(X509_CRL *crl, X509_REVOKED *rev);
- int X509_add1_trust_object(X509 *x, const ASN1_OBJECT *obj);
+Different algorithms can be grouped together by their purpose. For example there
+are algorithms for encryption, and different algorithms for digesting data.
+These different groups are known as "operations" in OpenSSL. Each operation
+has a different set of functions associated with it. For example to perform an
+encryption operation using AES (or any other encryption algorithm) you would use
+the encryption functions detailed on the L<EVP_EncryptInit(3)> page. Or to
+perform a digest operation using SHA256 then you would use the digesting
+functions on the L<EVP_DigestInit(3)> page.
-The B<0> version uses the supplied structure pointer directly
-in the parent and it will be freed up when the parent is freed.
-In the above example I<crl> would be freed but I<rev> would not.
+=head2 Providers
-The B<1> function uses a copy of the supplied structure pointer
-(or in some cases increases its link count) in the parent and
-so both (I<x> and I<obj> above) should be freed up.
+A provider in OpenSSL is a component that collects together algorithm
+implementations. In order to use an algorithm you must have at least one
+provider loaded that contains an implementation of it. OpenSSL comes with a
+number of providers and they may also be obtained from third parties. If you
+don't load a provider explicitly (either in program code or via config) then the
+OpenSSL built-in "default" provider will be automatically loaded.
+=head2 Library contexts
-See the individual manual pages for details.
+A library context can be thought of as a "scope" within which configuration
+options take effect. When a provider is loaded, it is only loaded within the
+scope of a given library context. In this way it is possible for different
+components of a complex application to each use a different library context and
+have different providers loaded with different configuration settings.
+If an application does not explicitly create a library context then the
+"default" library context will be used.
+Library contexts are represented by the B<OSSL_LIB_CTX> type. Many OpenSSL API
+functions take a library context as a parameter. Applications can always pass
+B<NULL> for this parameter to just use the default library context.
+The default library context is automatically created the first time it is
+needed. This will automatically load any available configuration file and will
+initialise OpenSSL for use. Unlike in earlier versions of OpenSSL (prior to
+1.1.0) no explicit initialisation steps need to be taken.
+Similarly when the application exits the default library context is
+automatically destroyed. No explicit de-initialisation steps need to be taken.
+See L<OSSL_LIB_CTX(3)> for more information about library contexts.
+=head2 Multi-threaded applications
+As long as OpenSSL has been built with support for threads (the default case
+on most platforms) then most OpenSSL I<functions> are thread-safe in the sense
+that it is safe to call the same function from multiple threads at the same
+time. However most OpenSSL I<data structures> are not thread-safe. For example
+the L<BIO_write(3)> and L<BIO_read(3)> functions are thread safe. However it
+would not be thread safe to call BIO_write() from one thread while calling
+BIO_read() in another where both functions are passed the same B<BIO> object
+since both of them may attempt to make changes to the same B<BIO> object.
+There are exceptions to these rules. A small number of functions are not thread
+safe at all. Where this is the case this restriction should be noted in the
+documentation for the function. Similarly some data structures may be partially
+or fully thread safe. For example it is safe to use an B<OSSL_LIB_CTX> in
+multiple threads.
+See L<openssl-threads(7)> for a more detailed discussion on OpenSSL threading
+In order to use an algorithm an implementation for it must first be "fetched".
+Fetching is the process of looking through the available implementations,
+applying selection criteria (via a property query string), and finally choosing
+the implementation that will be used.
+Two types of fetching are supported by OpenSSL - explicit fetching and implicit
+=head2 Property query strings
+When fetching an algorithm it is possible to specify a property query string to
+guide the selection process. For example a property query string of
+"provider=default" could be used to force the selection to only consider
+algorithm implementations in the default provider.
+Property query strings can be specified explicitly as an argument to a function.
+It is also possible to specify a default property query string for the whole
+library context using the L<EVP_set_default_properties(3)> function. Where both
+default properties and function specific properties are specified then they are
+combined. Function specific properties will override default properties where
+there is a conflict.
+See L<property(7)> for more information about properties.
+=head2 Explicit fetching
+Users of the OpenSSL libraries never query a provider directly for an algorithm
+implementation. Instead, the diverse OpenSSL APIs often have explicit fetching
+functions that do the work, and they return an appropriate algorithm object back
+to the user. These functions usually have the name C<APINAME_fetch>, where
+C<APINAME> is the name of the operation. For example L<EVP_MD_fetch(3)> can
+be used to explicitly fetch a digest algorithm implementation. The user is
+responsible for freeing the object returned from the C<APINAME_fetch> function
+using C<APINAME_free> when it is no longer needed.
+These fetching functions follow a fairly common pattern, where three
+arguments are passed:
+=over 4
+=item The library context
+See L<OSSL_LIB_CTX(3)> for a more detailed description.
+This may be NULL to signify the default (global) library context, or a
+context created by the user. Only providers loaded in this library context (see
+L<OSSL_PROVIDER_load(3)>) will be considered by the fetching function. In case
+no provider has been loaded in this library context then the default provider
+will be loaded as a fallback (see L<OSSL_PROVIDER-default(7)>).
+=item An identifier
+For all currently implemented fetching functions this is the algorithm name.
+=item A property query string
+The property query string used to guide selection of the algorithm
+The algorithm implementation that is fetched can then be used with other diverse
+functions that use them. For example the L<EVP_DigestInit_ex(3)> function takes
+as a parameter an B<EVP_MD> object which may have been returned from an earlier
+call to L<EVP_MD_fetch(3)>.
+=head2 Implicit fetch
+OpenSSL has a number of functions that return an algorithm object with no
+associated implementation, such as L<EVP_sha256(3)>,
+L<EVP_blake2b512(3)> or L<EVP_aes_128_cbc(3)>. These are present for
+compatibility with OpenSSL before version 3.0 where explicit fetching was not
+When they are used with functions like L<EVP_DigestInit_ex(3)> or
+L<EVP_CipherInit_ex(3)>, the actual implementation to be used is
+fetched implicitly using default search criteria.
+In some cases implicit fetching can also occur when a NULL algorithm parameter
+is supplied. In this case an algorithm implementation is implicitly fetched
+using default search criteria and an algorithm name that is consistent with
+the context in which it is being used.
+The following section provides a series of examples of fetching algorithm
+Fetch any available implementation of SHA2-256 in the default context. Note
+that some algorithms have aliases. So "SHA256" and "SHA2-256" are synonymous:
+ EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "SHA2-256", NULL);
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md);
+Fetch any available implementation of AES-128-CBC in the default context:
+ EVP_CIPHER *cipher = EVP_CIPHER_fetch(NULL, "AES-128-CBC", NULL);
+ ...
+ EVP_CIPHER_free(cipher);
+Fetch an implementation of SHA2-256 from the default provider in the default
+ EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "SHA2-256", "provider=default");
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md);
+Fetch an implementation of SHA2-256 that is not from the default provider in the
+default context:
+ EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "SHA2-256", "provider!=default");
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md);
+Fetch an implementation of SHA2-256 from the default provider in the specified
+ EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(ctx, "SHA2-256", "provider=default");
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md);
+Load the legacy provider into the default context and then fetch an
+implementation of WHIRLPOOL from it:
+ /* This only needs to be done once - usually at application start up */
+ OSSL_PROVIDER *legacy = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(NULL, "legacy");
+ EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "WHIRLPOOL", "provider=legacy");
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md);
+Note that in the above example the property string "provider=legacy" is optional
+since, assuming no other providers have been loaded, the only implementation of
+the "whirlpool" algorithm is in the "legacy" provider. Also note that the
+default provider should be explicitly loaded if it is required in addition to
+other providers:
+ /* This only needs to be done once - usually at application start up */
+ OSSL_PROVIDER *legacy = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(NULL, "legacy");
+ OSSL_PROVIDER *default = OSSL_PROVIDER_load(NULL, "default");
+ EVP_MD *md_whirlpool = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "whirlpool", NULL);
+ EVP_MD *md_sha256 = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "SHA2-256", NULL);
+ ...
+ EVP_MD_free(md_whirlpool);
+ EVP_MD_free(md_sha256);
+OpenSSL comes with a set of providers.
+The algorithms available in each of these providers may vary due to build time
+configuration options. The L<openssl-list(1)> command can be used to list the
+currently available algorithms.
+The names of the algorithms shown from L<openssl-list(1)> can be used as an
+algorithm identifier to the appropriate fetching function. Also see the provider
+specific manual pages linked below for further details about using the
+algorithms available in each of the providers.
+As well as the OpenSSL providers third parties can also implemment providers.
+For information on writing a provider see L<provider(7)>.
+=head2 Default provider
+The default provider is built in as part of the F<libcrypto> library and
+contains all of the most commonly used algorithm implementations. Should it be
+needed (if other providers are loaded and offer implementations of the same
+algorithms), the property query string "provider=default" can be used as a
+search criterion for these implementations. The default provider includes all
+of the functionality in the base provider below.
+If you don't load any providers at all then the "default" provider will be
+automatically loaded. If you explicitly load any provider then the "default"
+provider would also need to be explicitly loaded if it is required.
+See L<OSSL_PROVIDER-default(7)>.
+=head2 Base provider
+The base provider is built in as part of the F<libcrypto> library and contains
+algorithm implementations for encoding and decoding for OpenSSL keys.
+Should it be needed (if other providers are loaded and offer
+implementations of the same algorithms), the property query string
+"provider=base" can be used as a search criterion for these implementations.
+Some encoding and decoding algorithm implementations are not FIPS algorithm
+implementations in themselves but support algorithms from the FIPS provider and
+are allowed for use in "FIPS mode". The property query string "fips=yes" can be
+used to select such algorithms.
+See L<OSSL_PROVIDER-base(7)>.
+=head2 FIPS provider
+The FIPS provider is a dynamically loadable module, and must therefore
+be loaded explicitly, either in code or through OpenSSL configuration
+(see L<config(5)>). It contains algorithm implementations that have been
+validated according to the FIPS 140-2 standard. Should it be needed (if other
+providers are loaded and offer implementations of the same algorithms), the
+property query string "provider=fips" can be used as a search criterion for
+these implementations. All approved algorithm implementations in the FIPS
+provider can also be selected with the property "fips=yes". The FIPS provider
+may also contain non-approved algorithm implementations and these can be
+selected with the property "fips=no".
+=head2 Legacy provider
+The legacy provider is a dynamically loadable module, and must therefore
+be loaded explicitly, either in code or through OpenSSL configuration
+(see L<config(5)>). It contains algorithm implementations that are considered
+insecure, or are no longer in common use such as MD2 or RC4. Should it be needed
+(if other providers are loaded and offer implementations of the same algorithms),
+the property "provider=legacy" can be used as a search criterion for these
+See L<OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy(7)>.
+=head2 Null provider
+The null provider is built in as part of the F<libcrypto> library. It contains
+no algorithms in it at all. When fetching algorithms the default provider will
+be automatically loaded if no other provider has been explicitly loaded. To
+prevent that from happening you can explicitly load the null provider.
+See L<OSSL_PROVIDER-null(7)>.
+Cryptographic algorithms are made available to applications through use of the
+"EVP" APIs. Each of the various operations such as encryption, digesting,
+message authentication codes, etc., have a set of EVP function calls that can
+be invoked to use them. See the L<evp(7)> page for further details.
+Most of these follow a common pattern. A "context" object is first created. For
+example for a digest operation you would use an B<EVP_MD_CTX>, and for an
+encryption/decryption operation you would use an B<EVP_CIPHER_CTX>. The
+operation is then initialised ready for use via an "init" function - optionally
+passing in a set of parameters (using the B<OSSL_PARAM> type) to configure how
+the operation should behave. Next data is fed into the operation in a series of
+"update" calls. The operation is finalised using a "final" call which will
+typically provide some kind of output. Finally the context is cleaned up and
+The following shows a complete example for doing this process for digesting
+data using SHA256. The process is similar for other operations such as
+encryption/decryption, signatures, message authentication codes, etc.
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <openssl/evp.h>
+ #include <openssl/bio.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+ EVP_MD *sha256 = NULL;
+ const unsigned char msg[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03
+ };
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ unsigned char *outdigest = NULL;
+ /* Create a context for the digest operation */
+ ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
+ if (ctx == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ /*
+ * Fetch the SHA256 algorithm implementation for doing the digest. We're
+ * using the "default" library context here (first NULL parameter), and
+ * we're not supplying any particular search criteria for our SHA256
+ * implementation (second NULL parameter). Any SHA256 implementation will
+ * do.
+ */
+ sha256 = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "SHA256", NULL);
+ if (sha256 == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ /* Initialise the digest operation */
+ if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, sha256, NULL))
+ goto err;
+ /*
+ * Pass the message to be digested. This can be passed in over multiple
+ * EVP_DigestUpdate calls if necessary
+ */
+ if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, msg, sizeof(msg)))
+ goto err;
+ /* Allocate the output buffer */
+ outdigest = OPENSSL_malloc(EVP_MD_size(sha256));
+ if (outdigest == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ /* Now calculate the digest itself */
+ if (!EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, outdigest, &len))
+ goto err;
+ /* Print out the digest result */
+ BIO_dump_fp(stdout, outdigest, len);
+ err:
+ /* Clean up all the resources we allocated */
+ OPENSSL_free(outdigest);
+ EVP_MD_free(sha256);
+ EVP_MD_CTX_free(ctx);
+ }
+By default OpenSSL will load a configuration file when it is first used. This
+will set up various configuration settings within the default library context.
+Applications that create their own library contexts may optionally configure
+them with a config file using the L<OSSL_LIB_CTX_load_config(3)> function.
+The configuration file can be used to automatically load providers and set up
+default property query strings.
+For information on the OpenSSL configuration file format see L<config(5)>.
+Many algorithms require the use of a key. Keys can be generated dynamically
+using the EVP APIs (for example see L<EVP_PKEY_gen(3)>). However it is often
+necessary to save or load keys (or their associated parameters) to or from some
+external format such as PEM or DER (see L<openssl-glossary(7)>). OpenSSL uses
+encoders and decoders to perform this task.
+Encoders and decoders are just algorithm implementations in the same way as
+any other algorithm implementation in OpenSSL. They are implemented by
+providers. The OpenSSL encoders and decoders are available in the default
+provider. They are also duplicated in the base provider.
+For information about encoders see L<OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(3)>. For
+information about decoders see L<OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(3)>.
+Many OpenSSL functions that "get" or "set" a value follow a naming convention
+using the numbers B<0> and B<1>, i.e. "get0", "get1", "set0" and "set1". This
+can also apply to some functions that "add" a value to an existing set, i.e.
+"add0" and "add1".
+For example the functions:
+ int X509_CRL_add0_revoked(X509_CRL *crl, X509_REVOKED *rev);
+ int X509_add1_trust_object(X509 *x, const ASN1_OBJECT *obj);
+In the B<0> version the ownership of the object is passed to (for an add or set)
+or retained by (for a get) the parent object. For example after calling the
+X509_CRL_add0_revoked() function above, ownership of the I<rev> object is passed
+to the I<crl> object. Therefore, after calling this function I<rev> should not
+be freed directly. It will be freed implicitly when I<crl> is freed.
+In the B<1> version the ownership of the object is not passed to or retained by
+the parent object. Instead a copy or "up ref" of the object is performed. So
+after calling the X509_add1_trust_object() function above the application will
+still be responsible for freeing the I<obj> value where appropriate.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<openssl(1)>, L<ssl(7)>
+L<openssl(1)>, L<ssl(7)>, L<evp(7)>, L<OSSL_LIB_CTX(3)>, L<openssl-threads(7)>,
+L<property(7)>, L<OSSL_PROVIDER-default(7)>, L<OSSL_PROVIDER-base(7)>,
+L<openssl-glossary(7)>, L<provider(7)>