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diff --git a/doc/man7/EVP_SIGNATURE-ED25519.pod b/doc/man7/EVP_SIGNATURE-ED25519.pod
index e3d9cd47e2..bb91ae2434 100644
--- a/doc/man7/EVP_SIGNATURE-ED25519.pod
+++ b/doc/man7/EVP_SIGNATURE-ED25519.pod
@@ -15,11 +15,24 @@ one-shot digest sign and digest verify using PureEdDSA and B<Ed25519> or B<Ed448
(see RFC8032). It has associated private and public key formats compatible with
RFC 8410.
+=head2 ED25591 and ED448 Signature Parameters
No additional parameters can be set during one-shot signing or verification.
In particular, because PureEdDSA is used, a digest must B<NOT> be specified when
signing or verifying.
See L<EVP_PKEY-X25519(7)> for information related to B<X25519> and B<X448> keys.
+The following signature parameters can be retrieved using
+=over 4
+=item "algorithm-id" (B<OSSL_SIGNATURE_PARAM_ALGORITHM_ID>) <octet string>
+The parameters are described in L<provider-signature(7)>.
=head1 NOTES
The PureEdDSA algorithm does not support the streaming mechanism