path: root/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix b/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix
index 9a2360d7f7c1..5d23d8f7f2a1 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/cuda/overrides.nix
@@ -1,122 +1,178 @@
- cudaVersion,
- lib,
- addDriverRunpath,
- inherit (lib) attrsets lists strings;
- # cudaVersionOlder : Version -> Boolean
- cudaVersionOlder = strings.versionOlder cudaVersion;
- # cudaVersionAtLeast : Version -> Boolean
- cudaVersionAtLeast = strings.versionAtLeast cudaVersion;
+ filterAndCreateOverrides =
+ createOverrideAttrs: final: prev:
+ let
+ # It is imperative that we use `final.callPackage` to perform overrides,
+ # so the final package set is available to the override functions.
+ inherit (final) callPackage;
- addBuildInputs =
- drv: buildInputs:
- drv.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ buildInputs;
- });
-# NOTE: Filter out attributes that are not present in the previous version of
-# the package set. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of attributes
-# like `cuda_nvcc` in `cudaPackages_10_0, which predates redistributables.
-final: prev:
-attrsets.filterAttrs (attr: _: (builtins.hasAttr attr prev)) {
- libcufile = prev.libcufile.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [
- final.libcublas.lib
- final.pkgs.numactl
- final.pkgs.rdma-core
+ # NOTE(@connorbaker): We MUST use `lib` from `prev` because the attribute
+ # names CAN NOT depend on `final`.
+ inherit (prev.lib.attrsets) filterAttrs mapAttrs;
+ inherit (prev.lib.trivial) pipe;
+ # NOTE: Filter out attributes that are not present in the previous version of
+ # the package set. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of attributes
+ # like `cuda_nvcc` in `cudaPackages_10_0, which predates redistributables.
+ filterOutNewAttrs = filterAttrs (name: _: prev ? ${name});
+ # Apply callPackage to each attribute value, yielding a value to be passed
+ # to overrideAttrs.
+ callPackageThenOverrideAttrs = mapAttrs (
+ name: value: prev.${name}.overrideAttrs (callPackage value { })
+ );
+ in
+ pipe createOverrideAttrs [
+ filterOutNewAttrs
+ callPackageThenOverrideAttrs
- # Before 11.7 libcufile depends on itself for some reason.
- autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps =
- prevAttrs.autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps
- ++ lists.optionals (cudaVersionOlder "11.7") [ "" ];
- });
+# Each attribute name is the name of an existing package in the previous version
+# of the package set.
+# The value is a function (to be provided to callPackage), which yields a value
+# to be provided to overrideAttrs. This allows us to override the attributes of
+# a package without losing access to the fixed point of the package set --
+# especially useful given that some packages may depend on each other!
+filterAndCreateOverrides {
+ libcufile =
+ {
+ cudaOlder,
+ lib,
+ libcublas,
+ numactl,
+ rdma-core,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [
+ libcublas.lib
+ numactl
+ rdma-core
+ ];
+ # Before 11.7 libcufile depends on itself for some reason.
+ autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps =
+ prevAttrs.autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (cudaOlder "11.7") [ "" ];
+ };
- libcusolver = addBuildInputs prev.libcusolver (
- # Always depends on this
- [ final.libcublas.lib ]
- # Dependency from 12.0 and on
- ++ lists.optionals (cudaVersionAtLeast "12.0") [ final.libnvjitlink.lib ]
- # Dependency from 12.1 and on
- ++ lists.optionals (cudaVersionAtLeast "12.1") [ final.libcusparse.lib ]
- );
+ libcusolver =
+ {
+ cudaAtLeast,
+ lib,
+ libcublas,
+ libcusparse ? null,
+ libnvjitlink ? null,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ buildInputs =
+ prevAttrs.buildInputs
+ # Always depends on this
+ ++ [ libcublas.lib ]
+ # Dependency from 12.0 and on
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "12.0") [ libnvjitlink.lib ]
+ # Dependency from 12.1 and on
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "12.1") [ libcusparse.lib ];
- libcusparse = addBuildInputs prev.libcusparse (
- lists.optionals (cudaVersionAtLeast "12.0") [ final.libnvjitlink.lib ]
- );
+ brokenConditions = prevAttrs.brokenConditions // {
+ "libnvjitlink missing (CUDA >= 12.0)" =
+ !(cudaAtLeast "12.0" -> (libnvjitlink != null && libnvjitlink.lib != null));
+ "libcusparse missing (CUDA >= 12.1)" =
+ !(cudaAtLeast "12.1" -> (libcusparse != null && libcusparse.lib != null));
+ };
+ };
+ libcusparse =
+ {
+ cudaAtLeast,
+ lib,
+ libnvjitlink ? null,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ buildInputs =
+ prevAttrs.buildInputs
+ # Dependency from 12.0 and on
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "12.0") [ libnvjitlink.lib ];
+ brokenConditions = prevAttrs.brokenConditions // {
+ "libnvjitlink missing (CUDA >= 12.0)" =
+ !(cudaAtLeast "12.0" -> (libnvjitlink != null && libnvjitlink.lib != null));
+ };
+ };
- cuda_cudart = prev.cuda_cudart.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- # Remove once cuda-find-redist-features has a special case for libcuda
- outputs =
- prevAttrs.outputs
- ++ lists.optionals (!(builtins.elem "stubs" prevAttrs.outputs)) [ "stubs" ];
+ # TODO(@connorbaker): depends on crt/host_config.h, which is from
+ # It would be nice to be able to encode that.
+ cuda_cudart =
+ { addDriverRunpath, lib }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ # Remove once cuda-find-redist-features has a special case for libcuda
+ outputs =
+ prevAttrs.outputs
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (!(builtins.elem "stubs" prevAttrs.outputs)) [ "stubs" ];
- allowFHSReferences = false;
+ allowFHSReferences = false;
- # The libcuda stub's pkg-config doesn't follow the general pattern:
- postPatch =
- prevAttrs.postPatch or ""
- + ''
- while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' path ; do
- sed -i \
- -e "s|^libdir\s*=.*/lib\$|libdir=''${!outputLib}/lib/stubs|" \
- -e "s|^Libs\s*:\(.*\)\$|Libs: \1 -Wl,-rpath,${addDriverRunpath.driverLink}/lib|" \
- "$path"
- done < <(find -iname 'cuda-*.pc' -print0)
- ''
- + ''
+ # The libcuda stub's pkg-config doesn't follow the general pattern:
+ postPatch =
+ prevAttrs.postPatch or ""
+ + ''
+ while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' path; do
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|^libdir\s*=.*/lib\$|libdir=''${!outputLib}/lib/stubs|" \
+ -e "s|^Libs\s*:\(.*\)\$|Libs: \1 -Wl,-rpath,${addDriverRunpath.driverLink}/lib|" \
+ "$path"
+ done < <(find -iname 'cuda-*.pc' -print0)
+ ''
# Namelink may not be enough, add a soname.
# Cf.
- if [[ -f lib/stubs/ && ! -f lib/stubs/ ]] ; then
- ln -s lib/stubs/
- fi
- '';
- postFixup =
- prevAttrs.postFixup or ""
- + ''
- moveToOutput lib/stubs "$stubs"
- ln -s "$stubs"/lib/stubs/* "$stubs"/lib/
- ln -s "$stubs"/lib/stubs "''${!outputLib}/lib/stubs"
- '';
- });
+ + ''
+ if [[ -f lib/stubs/ && ! -f lib/stubs/ ]]; then
+ ln -s lib/stubs/
+ fi
+ '';
- cuda_compat = prev.cuda_compat.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = prevAttrs.autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps ++ [
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ];
- # `cuda_compat` only works on aarch64-linux, and only when building for Jetson devices.
- badPlatformsConditions = prevAttrs.badPlatformsConditions // {
- "Trying to use cuda_compat on aarch64-linux targeting non-Jetson devices" =
- !final.flags.isJetsonBuild;
+ postFixup =
+ prevAttrs.postFixup or ""
+ + ''
+ moveToOutput lib/stubs "$stubs"
+ ln -s "$stubs"/lib/stubs/* "$stubs"/lib/
+ ln -s "$stubs"/lib/stubs "''${!outputLib}/lib/stubs"
+ '';
- });
- cuda_gdb = addBuildInputs prev.cuda_gdb (
- # x86_64 only needs gmp from 12.0 and on
- lists.optionals (cudaVersionAtLeast "12.0") [ final.pkgs.gmp ]
- );
- cuda_nvcc = prev.cuda_nvcc.overrideAttrs (
- oldAttrs:
- let
- # This replicates the logic in stdenvAdapters.useLibsFrom, except we use
- # gcc from pkgsHostTarget and not from buildPackages.
- ccForLibs-wrapper =;
- gccMajorVersion = final.nvccCompatibilities.${cudaVersion}.gccMaxMajorVersion;
- cc = final.pkgs.wrapCCWith {
- cc = final.pkgs."gcc${gccMajorVersion}".cc;
- useCcForLibs = true;
- gccForLibs =;
+ cuda_compat =
+ { flags, lib }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = prevAttrs.autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps ++ [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ];
+ # `cuda_compat` only works on aarch64-linux, and only when building for Jetson devices.
+ badPlatformsConditions = prevAttrs.badPlatformsConditions // {
+ "Trying to use cuda_compat on aarch64-linux targeting non-Jetson devices" = !flags.isJetsonBuild;
- in
- {
+ };
- outputs = oldAttrs.outputs ++ lists.optionals (!(builtins.elem "lib" oldAttrs.outputs)) [ "lib" ];
+ cuda_gdb =
+ {
+ cudaAtLeast,
+ gmp,
+ lib,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ buildInputs =
+ prevAttrs.buildInputs
+ # x86_64 only needs gmp from 12.0 and on
+ ++ lib.lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "12.0") [ gmp ];
+ };
+ cuda_nvcc =
+ {
+ backendStdenv,
+ cuda_cudart,
+ lib,
+ setupCudaHook,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
# Patch the nvcc.profile.
# Syntax:
# - `=` for assignment,
@@ -131,38 +187,37 @@ attrsets.filterAttrs (attr: _: (builtins.hasAttr attr prev)) {
# backend-stdenv.nix
postPatch =
- (oldAttrs.postPatch or "")
+ (prevAttrs.postPatch or "")
+ ''
substituteInPlace bin/nvcc.profile \
- --replace \
- '$(TOP)/lib' \
- "''${!outputLib}/lib" \
- --replace \
+ --replace-fail \
'$(TOP)/$(_NVVM_BRANCH_)' \
"''${!outputBin}/nvvm" \
- --replace \
+ --replace-fail \
'$(TOP)/$(_TARGET_DIR_)/include' \
cat << EOF >> bin/nvcc.profile
# Fix a compatible backend compiler
- PATH += ${lib.getBin cc}/bin:
+ PATH += "${}/bin":
# Expose the split-out nvvm
- LIBRARIES =+ -L''${!outputBin}/nvvm/lib
- INCLUDES =+ -I''${!outputBin}/nvvm/include
- # Expose cudart and the libcuda stubs
- LIBRARIES =+ -L$static/lib" "-L${final.cuda_cudart.lib}/lib -L${final.cuda_cudart.lib}/lib/stubs
- INCLUDES =+ -I${}/include
+ LIBRARIES =+ "-L''${!outputBin}/nvvm/lib"
+ INCLUDES =+ "-I''${!outputBin}/nvvm/include"
- propagatedBuildInputs = [ final.setupCudaHook ];
+ # NOTE(@connorbaker):
+ # Though it might seem odd or counter-intuitive to add the setup hook to `propagatedBuildInputs` instead of
+ # `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`, it is necessary! If you move the setup hook from `propagatedBuildInputs` to
+ # `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`, it stops being propagated to downstream packages during their build because
+ # setup hooks in `propagatedNativeBuildInputs` are not designed to affect the runtime or build environment of
+ # dependencies; they are only meant to affect the build environment of the package that directly includes them.
+ propagatedBuildInputs = (prevAttrs.propagatedBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [ setupCudaHook ];
postInstall =
- (oldAttrs.postInstall or "")
+ (prevAttrs.postInstall or "")
+ ''
moveToOutput "nvvm" "''${!outputBin}"
@@ -170,48 +225,77 @@ attrsets.filterAttrs (attr: _: (builtins.hasAttr attr prev)) {
# The nvcc and cicc binaries contain hard-coded references to /usr
allowFHSReferences = true;
- meta = (oldAttrs.meta or { }) // {
+ meta = (prevAttrs.meta or { }) // {
mainProgram = "nvcc";
- }
- );
+ };
- cuda_nvprof = prev.cuda_nvprof.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ final.cuda_cupti.lib ];
- });
+ cuda_nvprof =
+ { cuda_cupti }: prevAttrs: { buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ cuda_cupti.lib ]; };
- cuda_demo_suite = addBuildInputs prev.cuda_demo_suite [
- final.pkgs.freeglut
- final.pkgs.libGLU
- final.pkgs.libglvnd
- final.pkgs.mesa
- final.libcufft.lib
- final.libcurand.lib
- ];
+ cuda_demo_suite =
+ {
+ freeglut,
+ libcufft,
+ libcurand,
+ libGLU,
+ libglvnd,
+ mesa,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [
+ freeglut
+ libcufft.lib
+ libcurand.lib
+ libGLU
+ libglvnd
+ mesa
+ ];
+ };
- nsight_compute = prev.nsight_compute.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
- nativeBuildInputs =
- prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs
- ++ (
- if (strings.versionOlder prev.nsight_compute.version "2022.2.0") then
- [ final.pkgs.qt5.wrapQtAppsHook ]
- else
- [ final.pkgs.qt6.wrapQtAppsHook ]
- );
- buildInputs =
- prevAttrs.buildInputs
- ++ (
- if (strings.versionOlder prev.nsight_compute.version "2022.2.0") then
- [ final.pkgs.qt5.qtwebview ]
- else
- [ final.pkgs.qt6.qtwebview ]
- );
- });
+ nsight_compute =
+ {
+ lib,
+ qt5 ? null,
+ qt6 ? null,
+ }:
+ prevAttrs:
+ let
+ inherit (lib.strings) versionOlder versionAtLeast;
+ inherit (prevAttrs) version;
+ qt = if versionOlder version "2022.2.0" then qt5 else qt6;
+ inherit (qt) wrapQtAppsHook qtwebview;
+ in
+ {
+ nativeBuildInputs = prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ wrapQtAppsHook ];
+ buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ qtwebview ];
+ brokenConditions = prevAttrs.brokenConditions // {
+ "Qt 5 missing (<2022.2.0)" = !(versionOlder version "2022.2.0" -> qt5 != null);
+ "Qt 6 missing (>=2022.2.0)" = !(versionAtLeast version "2022.2.0" -> qt6 != null);
+ };
+ };
- nsight_systems = prev.nsight_systems.overrideAttrs (
+ nsight_systems =
+ {
+ cuda_cudart,
+ cudaOlder,
+ gst_all_1,
+ lib,
+ nss,
+ numactl,
+ pulseaudio,
+ qt5 ? null,
+ qt6 ? null,
+ rdma-core,
+ ucx,
+ wayland,
+ xorg,
+ }:
- qt = if lib.versionOlder prevAttrs.version "2022.4.2.1" then final.pkgs.qt5 else final.pkgs.qt6;
+ inherit (lib.strings) versionOlder versionAtLeast;
+ inherit (prevAttrs) version;
+ qt = if lib.strings.versionOlder prevAttrs.version "2022.4.2.1" then qt5 else qt6;
qtwayland =
if lib.versions.major qt.qtbase.version == "5" then
lib.getBin qt.qtwayland
@@ -223,55 +307,57 @@ attrsets.filterAttrs (attr: _: (builtins.hasAttr attr prev)) {
# An ad hoc replacement for
env.rmPatterns = toString [
+ "nsight-systems/*/*/lib{arrow,jpeg}*"
+ "nsight-systems/*/*/lib{ssl,ssh,crypto}*"
+ "nsight-systems/*/*/libboost*"
+ "nsight-systems/*/*/libexec"
- "nsight-systems/*/*/libboost*"
- "nsight-systems/*/*/lib{ssl,ssh,crypto}*"
- "nsight-systems/*/*/lib{arrow,jpeg}*"
- "nsight-systems/*/*/python/bin/python"
- "nsight-systems/*/*/libexec"
+ "nsight-systems/*/*/python/bin/python"
postPatch =
prevAttrs.postPatch or ""
+ ''
- for path in $rmPatterns ; do
+ for path in $rmPatterns; do
rm -r "$path"
nativeBuildInputs = prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ qt.wrapQtAppsHook ];
buildInputs = prevAttrs.buildInputs ++ [
- final.cuda_cudart.stubs
- final.pkgs.alsa-lib
- final.pkgs.boost178
- final.pkgs.e2fsprogs
- final.pkgs.gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base
- final.pkgs.gst_all_1.gstreamer
- final.pkgs.nss
- final.pkgs.numactl
- final.pkgs.pulseaudio
- final.pkgs.rdma-core
- final.pkgs.ucx
- final.pkgs.wayland
- final.pkgs.xorg.libXcursor
- final.pkgs.xorg.libXdamage
- final.pkgs.xorg.libXrandr
- final.pkgs.xorg.libXtst
- qt.qtbase
(qt.qtdeclarative or qt.full)
(qt.qtsvg or qt.full)
+ cuda_cudart.stubs
+ gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base
+ gst_all_1.gstreamer
+ nss
+ numactl
+ pulseaudio
+ qt.qtbase
+ rdma-core
+ ucx
+ wayland
+ xorg.libXcursor
+ xorg.libXdamage
+ xorg.libXrandr
+ xorg.libXtst
- # Older releases require boost 1.70 deprecated in Nixpkgs
- meta.broken = prevAttrs.meta.broken or false || lib.versionOlder final.cudaVersion "11.8";
- }
- );
+ brokenConditions = prevAttrs.brokenConditions // {
+ # Older releases require boost 1.70, which is deprecated in Nixpkgs
+ "CUDA too old (<11.8)" = cudaOlder "11.8";
+ "Qt 5 missing (<2022.4.2.1)" = !(versionOlder version "2022.4.2.1" -> qt5 != null);
+ "Qt 6 missing (>=2022.4.2.1)" = !(versionAtLeast version "2022.4.2.1" -> qt6 != null);
+ };
+ };
- nvidia_driver = prev.nvidia_driver.overrideAttrs {
- # No need to support this package as we have drivers already
- # in linuxPackages.
- meta.broken = true;
- };
+ nvidia_driver =
+ { }:
+ prevAttrs: {
+ brokenConditions = prevAttrs.brokenConditions // {
+ "Package is not supported; use drivers from linuxPackages" = true;
+ };
+ };