path: root/nixos/maintainers
diff options
authorAndrew Childs <>2019-06-05 00:10:47 +0900
committerAndrew Childs <>2019-09-05 00:52:21 +0900
commit84742e22934d697e0476fab5a6c8886723ff92ef (patch)
tree4b62a0907a324806778f669f4093177a487b6c55 /nixos/maintainers
parent25bee972e9411916c809d88d1ca46e36629a77d6 (diff)
amazon-image.nix: upload prebuilt images
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/maintainers')
2 files changed, 279 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/amazon-image.nix b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/amazon-image.nix
index 059df34e9fec..31e15537179a 100644
--- a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/amazon-image.nix
+++ b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/amazon-image.nix
@@ -76,6 +76,14 @@ in {
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "file ${cfg.format} $diskImage" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+ ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -n \
+ --arg label ${lib.escapeShellArg config.system.nixos.label} \
+ --arg system ${lib.escapeShellArg pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system} \
+ --arg logical_bytes "$(${pkgs.qemu}/bin/qemu-img info --output json "$diskImage" | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq '."virtual-size"')" \
+ --arg file "$diskImage" \
+ '$ARGS.named' \
+ > $out/nix-support/image-info.json
diff --git a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/ b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/
index 790cc6cbc531..c4149e3e8ffe 100755
--- a/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/
+++ b/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/
@@ -1,279 +1,296 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#! nix-shell -i bash -p qemu ec2_ami_tools jq ec2_api_tools awscli
+#!nix-shell -p awscli -p jq -p qemu -i bash
+# Uploads and registers NixOS images built from the
+# <nixos/release.nix> amazonImage attribute. Images are uploaded and
+# registered via a home region, and then copied to other regions.
+# The home region requires an s3 bucket, and a "vmimport" IAM role
+# with access to the S3 bucket. Configuration of the vmimport role is
+# documented in
+# set -x
+set -euo pipefail
+# configuration
+regions=(eu-west-1 eu-west-2 eu-west-3 eu-central-1
+ us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2
+ ca-central-1
+ ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 ap-northeast-1 ap-northeast-2
+ ap-south-1 ap-east-1
+ sa-east-1)
+log() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ log "Usage: ./ IMAGE_OUTPUT"
+ exit 1
+# result of the amazon-image from nixos/release.nix
+if [ ! -e "$store_path" ]; then
+ log "Store path: $store_path does not exist, fetching..."
+ nix-store --realise "$store_path"
+if [ ! -d "$store_path" ]; then
+ log "store_path: $store_path is not a directory. aborting"
+ exit 1
+read_image_info() {
+ if [ ! -e "$store_path/nix-support/image-info.json" ]; then
+ log "Image missing metadata"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ jq -r "$1" "$store_path/nix-support/image-info.json"
+# We handle a single image per invocation, store all attributes in
+# globals for convenience.
+image_label=$(read_image_info .label)
+image_system=$(read_image_info .system)
+image_file=$(read_image_info .file)
+image_logical_bytes=$(read_image_info .logical_bytes)
+# Derived attributes
+image_logical_gigabytes=$((($image_logical_bytes-1)/1024/1024/1024+1)) # Round to the next GB
+case "$image_system" in
+ aarch64-linux)
+ amazon_arch=arm64
+ ;;
+ x86_64-linux)
+ amazon_arch=x86_64
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Unknown system: $image_system"
+ exit 1
+image_description="NixOS ${image_label} ${image_system}"
+log "Image Details:"
+log " Name: $image_name"
+log " Description: $image_description"
+log " Size (gigabytes): $image_logical_gigabytes"
+log " System: $image_system"
+log " Amazon Arch: $amazon_arch"
+read_state() {
+ local state_key=$1
+ local type=$2
+ cat "$state_dir/$state_key.$type" 2>/dev/null || true
+write_state() {
+ local state_key=$1
+ local type=$2
+ local val=$3
+ mkdir -p $state_dir
+ echo "$val" > "$state_dir/$state_key.$type"
+wait_for_import() {
+ local region=$1
+ local task_id=$2
+ local state snapshot_id
+ log "Waiting for import task $task_id to be completed"
+ while true; do
+ read state progress snapshot_id < <(
+ aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region $region --import-task-ids "$task_id" | \
+ jq -r '.ImportSnapshotTasks[].SnapshotTaskDetail | "\(.Status) \(.Progress) \(.SnapshotId)"'
+ )
+ log " ... state=$state progress=$progress snapshot_id=$snapshot_id"
+ case "$state" in
+ active)
+ sleep 10
+ ;;
+ completed)
+ echo "$snapshot_id"
+ return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Unexpected snapshot import state: '${state}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+wait_for_image() {
+ local region=$1
+ local ami_id=$2
+ local state
+ log "Waiting for image $ami_id to be available"
+ while true; do
+ read state < <(
+ aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids "$ami_id" --region $region | \
+ jq -r ".Images[].State"
+ )
+ log " ... state=$state"
+ case "$state" in
+ pending)
+ sleep 10
+ ;;
+ available)
+ return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Unexpected AMI state: '${state}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+make_image_public() {
+ local region=$1
+ local ami_id=$2
-# To start with do: nix-shell -p awscli --run "aws configure"
+ wait_for_image $region "$ami_id"
-set -e
-set -o pipefail
+ log "Making image $ami_id public"
-version=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.version | sed s/'"'//g)
-echo "NixOS version is $version ($major)"
+ aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
+ --image-id "$ami_id" --region "$region" --launch-permission 'Add={Group=all}' >&2
-echo "keeping state in $stateDir"
-mkdir -p $stateDir
+upload_image() {
+ local region=$1
-rm -f ec2-amis.nix
+ local aws_path=${image_file#/}
-regions="eu-west-1 eu-west-2 eu-west-3 eu-central-1 us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2 ca-central-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 ap-northeast-1 ap-northeast-2 sa-east-1 ap-south-1"
+ local state_key="$region.$image_label.$image_system"
+ local task_id=$(read_state "$state_key" task_id)
+ local snapshot_id=$(read_state "$state_key" snapshot_id)
+ local ami_id=$(read_state "$state_key" ami_id)
-for type in $types; do
- link=$stateDir/$type
- imageFile=$link/nixos.qcow2
- system=x86_64-linux
- arch=x86_64
+ if [ -z "$task_id" ]; then
+ log "Checking for image on S3"
+ if ! aws s3 ls --region "$region" "s3://${bucket}/${aws_path}" >&2; then
+ log "Image missing from aws, uploading"
+ aws s3 cp --region $region "$image_file" "s3://${bucket}/${aws_path}" >&2
+ fi
- # Build the image.
- if ! [ -L $link ]; then
- if [ $type = pv ]; then hvmFlag=false; else hvmFlag=true; fi
+ log "Importing image from S3 path s3://$bucket/$aws_path"
- echo "building image type '$type'..."
- nix-build -o $link \
- '<nixpkgs/nixos>' \
- -A \
- --arg configuration "{ imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2/amazon-image.nix> ]; ec2.hvm = $hvmFlag; }"
+ task_id=$(aws ec2 import-snapshot --disk-container "{
+ \"Description\": \"nixos-image-${image_label}-${image_system}\",
+ \"Format\": \"vhd\",
+ \"UserBucket\": {
+ \"S3Bucket\": \"$bucket\",
+ \"S3Key\": \"$aws_path\"
+ }
+ }" --region $region | jq -r '.ImportTaskId')
+ write_state "$state_key" task_id "$task_id"
- for store in $stores; do
- bucket=nixos-amis
- bucketDir="$version-$type-$store"
- prevAmi=
- prevRegion=
- for region in $regions; do
- name=nixos-$version-$arch-$type-$store
- description="NixOS $system $version ($type-$store)"
- amiFile=$stateDir/$region.$type.$store.ami-id
- if ! [ -e $amiFile ]; then
- echo "doing $name in $region..."
- if [ -n "$prevAmi" ]; then
- ami=$(aws ec2 copy-image \
- --region "$region" \
- --source-region "$prevRegion" --source-image-id "$prevAmi" \
- --name "$name" --description "$description" | jq -r '.ImageId')
- if [ "$ami" = null ]; then break; fi
- else
- if [ $store = s3 ]; then
- # Bundle the image.
- imageDir=$stateDir/$type-bundled
- # Convert the image to raw format.
- rawFile=$stateDir/$type.raw
- if ! [ -e $rawFile ]; then
- qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw $imageFile $rawFile.tmp
- mv $rawFile.tmp $rawFile
- fi
- if ! [ -d $imageDir ]; then
- rm -rf $imageDir.tmp
- mkdir -p $imageDir.tmp
- ec2-bundle-image \
- -d $imageDir.tmp \
- -i $rawFile --arch $arch \
- --user "$AWS_ACCOUNT" -c "$EC2_CERT" -k "$EC2_PRIVATE_KEY"
- mv $imageDir.tmp $imageDir
- fi
- # Upload the bundle to S3.
- if ! [ -e $imageDir/uploaded ]; then
- echo "uploading bundle to S3..."
- ec2-upload-bundle \
- -m $imageDir/$type.raw.manifest.xml \
- -b "$bucket/$bucketDir" \
- --location EU
- touch $imageDir/uploaded
- fi
- extraFlags="--image-location $bucket/$bucketDir/$type.raw.manifest.xml"
- else
- # Convert the image to vhd format so we don't have
- # to upload a huge raw image.
- vhdFile=$stateDir/$type.vhd
- if ! [ -e $vhdFile ]; then
- qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vpc $imageFile $vhdFile.tmp
- mv $vhdFile.tmp $vhdFile
- fi
- vhdFileLogicalBytes="$(qemu-img info "$vhdFile" | grep ^virtual\ size: | cut -f 2 -d \( | cut -f 1 -d \ )"
- vhdFileLogicalGigaBytes=$(((vhdFileLogicalBytes-1)/1024/1024/1024+1)) # Round to the next GB
- echo "Disk size is $vhdFileLogicalBytes bytes. Will be registered as $vhdFileLogicalGigaBytes GB."
- taskId=$(cat $stateDir/$region.$type.task-id 2> /dev/null || true)
- volId=$(cat $stateDir/$region.$type.vol-id 2> /dev/null || true)
- snapId=$(cat $stateDir/$region.$type.snap-id 2> /dev/null || true)
- # Import the VHD file.
- if [ -z "$snapId" -a -z "$volId" -a -z "$taskId" ]; then
- echo "importing $vhdFile..."
- taskId=$(ec2-import-volume $vhdFile --no-upload -f vhd \
- --region "$region" -z "${region}a" \
- --bucket "$bucket" --prefix "$bucketDir/" \
- | tee /dev/stderr \
- | sed 's/.*\(import-vol-[0-9a-z]\+\).*/\1/ ; t ; d')
- echo -n "$taskId" > $stateDir/$region.$type.task-id
- fi
- if [ -z "$snapId" -a -z "$volId" ]; then
- ec2-resume-import $vhdFile -t "$taskId" --region "$region" \
- fi
- # Wait for the volume creation to finish.
- if [ -z "$snapId" -a -z "$volId" ]; then
- echo "waiting for import to finish..."
- while true; do
- volId=$(aws ec2 describe-conversion-tasks --conversion-task-ids "$taskId" --region "$region" | jq -r .ConversionTasks[0].ImportVolume.Volume.Id)
- if [ "$volId" != null ]; then break; fi
- sleep 10
- done
- echo -n "$volId" > $stateDir/$region.$type.vol-id
- fi
- # Delete the import task.
- if [ -n "$volId" -a -n "$taskId" ]; then
- echo "removing import task..."
- ec2-delete-disk-image -t "$taskId" --region "$region" \
- rm -f $stateDir/$region.$type.task-id
- fi
- # Create a snapshot.
- if [ -z "$snapId" ]; then
- echo "creating snapshot..."
- # FIXME: this can fail with InvalidVolume.NotFound. Eventual consistency yay.
- snapId=$(aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id "$volId" --region "$region" --description "$description" | jq -r .SnapshotId)
- if [ "$snapId" = null ]; then exit 1; fi
- echo -n "$snapId" > $stateDir/$region.$type.snap-id
- fi
- # Wait for the snapshot to finish.
- echo "waiting for snapshot to finish..."
- while true; do
- status=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-ids "$snapId" --region "$region" | jq -r .Snapshots[0].State)
- if [ "$status" = completed ]; then break; fi
- sleep 10
- done
- # Delete the volume.
- if [ -n "$volId" ]; then
- echo "deleting volume..."
- aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id "$volId" --region "$region" || true
- rm -f $stateDir/$region.$type.vol-id
- fi
- blockDeviceMappings="DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs={SnapshotId=$snapId,VolumeSize=$vhdFileLogicalGigaBytes,DeleteOnTermination=true,VolumeType=gp2}"
- extraFlags=""
- if [ $type = pv ]; then
- extraFlags+=" --root-device-name /dev/sda1"
- else
- extraFlags+=" --root-device-name /dev/sda1"
- extraFlags+=" --sriov-net-support simple"
- extraFlags+=" --ena-support"
- fi
- blockDeviceMappings+=" DeviceName=/dev/sdb,VirtualName=ephemeral0"
- blockDeviceMappings+=" DeviceName=/dev/sdc,VirtualName=ephemeral1"
- blockDeviceMappings+=" DeviceName=/dev/sdd,VirtualName=ephemeral2"
- blockDeviceMappings+=" DeviceName=/dev/sde,VirtualName=ephemeral3"
- fi
- if [ $type = hvm ]; then
- extraFlags+=" --sriov-net-support simple"
- extraFlags+=" --ena-support"
- fi
- # Register the AMI.
- if [ $type = pv ]; then
- kernel=$(aws ec2 describe-images --owner amazon --filters "Name=name,Values=pv-grub-hd0_1.05-$arch.gz" | jq -r .Images[0].ImageId)
- if [ "$kernel" = null ]; then break; fi
- echo "using PV-GRUB kernel $kernel"
- extraFlags+=" --virtualization-type paravirtual --kernel $kernel"
- else
- extraFlags+=" --virtualization-type hvm"
- fi
- ami=$(aws ec2 register-image \
- --name "$name" \
- --description "$description" \
- --region "$region" \
- --architecture "$arch" \
- --block-device-mappings $blockDeviceMappings \
- $extraFlags | jq -r .ImageId)
- if [ "$ami" = null ]; then break; fi
- fi
- echo -n "$ami" > $amiFile
- echo "created AMI $ami of type '$type' in $region..."
- else
- ami=$(cat $amiFile)
- fi
- echo "region = $region, type = $type, store = $store, ami = $ami"
- if [ -z "$prevAmi" ]; then
- prevAmi="$ami"
- prevRegion="$region"
- fi
- done
+ if [ -z "$snapshot_id" ]; then
+ snapshot_id=$(wait_for_import "$region" "$task_id")
+ write_state "$state_key" snapshot_id "$snapshot_id"
+ fi
- done
+ if [ -z "$ami_id" ]; then
+ log "Registering snapshot $snapshot_id as AMI"
+ local block_device_mappings=(
+ "DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs={SnapshotId=$snapshot_id,VolumeSize=$image_logical_gigabytes,DeleteOnTermination=true,VolumeType=gp2}"
+ )
+ local extra_flags=(
+ --root-device-name /dev/sda1
+ --sriov-net-support simple
+ --ena-support
+ --virtualization-type hvm
+ )
+ block_device_mappings+=(DeviceName=/dev/sdb,VirtualName=ephemeral0)
+ block_device_mappings+=(DeviceName=/dev/sdc,VirtualName=ephemeral1)
+ block_device_mappings+=(DeviceName=/dev/sdd,VirtualName=ephemeral2)
+ block_device_mappings+=(DeviceName=/dev/sde,VirtualName=ephemeral3)
+ ami_id=$(
+ aws ec2 register-image \
+ --name "$image_name" \
+ --description "$image_description" \
+ --region $region \
+ --architecture $amazon_arch \
+ --block-device-mappings "${block_device_mappings[@]}" \
+ "${extra_flags[@]}" \
+ | jq -r '.ImageId'
+ )
+ write_state "$state_key" ami_id "$ami_id"
+ fi
+ make_image_public $region "$ami_id"
-for type in $types; do
- link=$stateDir/$type
- system=x86_64-linux
- arch=x86_64
+ echo "$ami_id"
- for store in $stores; do
+copy_to_region() {
+ local region=$1
+ local from_region=$2
+ local from_ami_id=$3
- for region in $regions; do
+ state_key="$region.$image_label.$image_system"
+ ami_id=$(read_state "$state_key" ami_id)
- name=nixos-$version-$arch-$type-$store
- amiFile=$stateDir/$region.$type.$store.ami-id
- ami=$(cat $amiFile)
+ if [ -z "$ami_id" ]; then
+ log "Copying $from_ami_id to $region"
+ ami_id=$(
+ aws ec2 copy-image \
+ --region "$region" \
+ --source-region "$from_region" \
+ --source-image-id "$from_ami_id" \
+ --name "$image_name" \
+ --description "$image_description" \
+ | jq -r '.ImageId'
+ )
- echo "region = $region, type = $type, store = $store, ami = $ami"
+ write_state "$state_key" ami_id "$ami_id"
+ fi
- echo -n "waiting for AMI..."
- while true; do
- status=$(aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids "$ami" --region "$region" | jq -r .Images[0].State)
- if [ "$status" = available ]; then break; fi
- sleep 10
- echo -n '.'
- done
- echo
+ make_image_public $region "$ami_id"
+ echo "$ami_id"
- # Make the image public.
- aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
- --image-id "$ami" --region "$region" --launch-permission 'Add={Group=all}'
+upload_all() {
+ home_image_id=$(upload_image "$home_region")
+ jq -n \
+ --arg key "$home_region.$image_system" \
+ --arg value "$home_image_id" \
+ '$ARGS.named'
- echo " \"$major\".$region.$type-$store = \"$ami\";" >> ec2-amis.nix
- done
+ for region in "${regions[@]}"; do
+ if [ "$region" = "$home_region" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ copied_image_id=$(copy_to_region "$region" "$home_region" "$home_image_id")
+ jq -n \
+ --arg key "$region.$image_system" \
+ --arg value "$copied_image_id" \
+ '$ARGS.named'
+upload_all | jq --slurp from_entries