path: root/lib
diff options
authorEelco Dolstra <>2014-10-04 17:02:29 +0200
committerEelco Dolstra <>2014-10-05 01:10:06 +0200
commit6c2bf141cf87d62cc8e79a155b12d3382dd10558 (patch)
tree3ffd8624cea5fba46d1574dd5a928f78158246ca /lib
parent65242d4a744f818e0ca459e711793fa9c2b55238 (diff)
lib: Use arithmetic operators rather than builtins.add etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lists.nix b/lib/lists.nix
index af70faacbcd7..566ee89c95bc 100644
--- a/lib/lists.nix
+++ b/lib/lists.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,7 @@
with import ./trivial.nix;
- inc = builtins.add 1;
- dec = n: builtins.sub n 1;
-in rec {
+rec {
inherit (builtins) head tail length isList elemAt concatLists filter elem;
@@ -29,7 +23,7 @@ in rec {
fold' = n:
if n == len
then nul
- else op (elemAt list n) (fold' (inc n));
+ else op (elemAt list n) (fold' (n + 1));
in fold' 0;
# Left fold: `fold op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul
@@ -38,12 +32,10 @@ in rec {
len = length list;
foldl' = n:
- if n == minus1
+ if n == -1
then nul
- else op (foldl' (dec n)) (elemAt list n);
- in foldl' (dec (length list));
- minus1 = dec 0;
+ else op (foldl' (n - 1)) (elemAt list n);
+ in foldl' (length list - 1);
# map with index: `imap (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"] ==
@@ -54,7 +46,7 @@ in rec {
imap' = n:
if n == len
then []
- else [ (f (inc n) (elemAt list n)) ] ++ imap' (inc n);
+ else [ (f (n + 1) (elemAt list n)) ] ++ imap' (n + 1);
in imap' 0;
@@ -104,7 +96,7 @@ in rec {
# Count how many times function `pred' returns true for the elements
# of `list'.
- count = pred: fold (x: c: if pred x then inc c else c) 0;
+ count = pred: fold (x: c: if pred x then c + 1 else c) 0;
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
@@ -125,9 +117,9 @@ in rec {
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range = first: last:
- if lessThan last first
+ if last < first
then []
- else [first] ++ range (add first 1) last;
+ else [first] ++ range (first + 1) last;
# Partition the elements of a list in two lists, `right' and
@@ -144,11 +136,11 @@ in rec {
len1 = length fst;
len2 = length snd;
- len = if lessThan len1 len2 then len1 else len2;
+ len = if len1 < len2 then len1 else len2;
zipListsWith' = n:
if n != len then
[ (f (elemAt fst n) (elemAt snd n)) ]
- ++ zipListsWith' (inc n)
+ ++ zipListsWith' (n + 1)
else [];
in zipListsWith' 0;
@@ -167,7 +159,7 @@ in rec {
len = length list;
first = head list;
- pivot' = n: acc@{ left, right }: let el = elemAt list n; next = pivot' (inc n); in
+ pivot' = n: acc@{ left, right }: let el = elemAt list n; next = pivot' (n + 1); in
if n == len
then acc
else if strictLess first el
@@ -176,7 +168,7 @@ in rec {
next { left = [ el ] ++ left; inherit right; };
pivot = pivot' 1 { left = []; right = []; };
- if lessThan len 2 then list
+ if len < 2 then list
else (sort strictLess pivot.left) ++ [ first ] ++ (sort strictLess pivot.right);
@@ -188,7 +180,7 @@ in rec {
if n == len || n == count
then []
- [ (elemAt list n) ] ++ take' (inc n);
+ [ (elemAt list n) ] ++ take' (n + 1);
in take' 0;
@@ -197,16 +189,16 @@ in rec {
len = length list;
drop' = n:
- if n == minus1 || lessThan n count
+ if n == -1 || n < count
then []
- drop' (dec n) ++ [ (elemAt list n) ];
- in drop' (dec len);
+ drop' (n - 1) ++ [ (elemAt list n) ];
+ in drop' (len - 1);
# Return the last element of a list.
last = list:
- assert list != []; elemAt list (dec (length list));
+ assert list != []; elemAt list (length list - 1);
# Return all elements but the last
@@ -218,11 +210,11 @@ in rec {
len1 = length xs;
len2 = length ys;
- len = if lessThan len1 len2 then len1 else len2;
+ len = if len1 < len2 then len1 else len2;
zipTwoLists' = n:
if n != len then
[ { first = elemAt xs n; second = elemAt ys n; } ]
- ++ zipTwoLists' (inc n)
+ ++ zipTwoLists' (n + 1)
else [];
in zipTwoLists' 0;
diff --git a/lib/modules.nix b/lib/modules.nix
index 1d428311cd19..5ef7b4bb090e 100644
--- a/lib/modules.nix
+++ b/lib/modules.nix
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ rec {
defaultPrio = 100;
getPrio = def: if def.value._type or "" == "override" then def.value.priority else defaultPrio;
- min = x: y: if builtins.lessThan x y then x else y;
+ min = x: y: if x < y then x else y;
highestPrio = fold (def: prio: min (getPrio def) prio) 9999 defs;
strip = def: if def.value._type or "" == "override" then def // { value = def.value.content; } else def;
in concatMap (def: if getPrio def == highestPrio then [(strip def)] else []) defs;
diff --git a/lib/strings.nix b/lib/strings.nix
index 31b0f56e09b0..56d990de62da 100644
--- a/lib/strings.nix
+++ b/lib/strings.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
let lib = import ./default.nix;
-inherit (builtins) add sub lessThan length;
+inherit (builtins) length;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ rec {
stringToCharacters = s: let l = stringLength s; in
if l == 0
then []
- else map (p: substring p 1 s) (lib.range 0 (sub l 1));
+ else map (p: substring p 1 s) (lib.range 0 (l - 1));
# Manipulate a string charcater by character and replace them by strings
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ rec {
toUpper = replaceChars lowerChars upperChars;
# Appends string context from another string
- addContextFrom = a: b: (substring 0 0 a)+b;
+ addContextFrom = a: b: substring 0 0 a + b;
# Compares strings not requiring context equality
# Obviously, a workaround but works on all Nix versions
@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ rec {
s = addContextFrom _sep _s;
sepLen = stringLength sep;
sLen = stringLength s;
- lastSearch = sub sLen sepLen;
+ lastSearch = sLen - sepLen;
startWithSep = startAt:
substring startAt sepLen s == sep;
recurse = index: startAt:
- let cutUntil = i: [(substring startAt (sub i startAt) s)]; in
- if lessThan index lastSearch then
+ let cutUntil = i: [(substring startAt (i - startAt) s)]; in
+ if index < lastSearch then
if startWithSep index then
- let restartAt = add index sepLen; in
+ let restartAt = index + sepLen; in
cutUntil index ++ recurse restartAt restartAt
- recurse (add index 1) startAt
+ recurse (index + 1) startAt
cutUntil sLen;
diff --git a/lib/systems.nix b/lib/systems.nix
index afa2002c6e4e..25a83e9d14fa 100644
--- a/lib/systems.nix
+++ b/lib/systems.nix
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ rec {
isCpuType = x: isType "cpu-type" x
&& elem x.bits [8 16 32 64 128]
- && (builtins.lessThan 8 x.bits -> isSignificantByte x.significantByte);
+ && (8 < x.bits -> isSignificantByte x.significantByte);
cpuTypes = with significantBytes;
setTypes "cpu-type" {