diff options
authorDomen Kožar <>2016-08-31 11:34:46 +0200
committerDomen Kožar <>2016-08-31 11:34:46 +0200
commitda421bc75f98c1b19f214a3b6b7cda07dc4c088b (patch)
parent557b329608f666d216d7e274570998d5d8b2e773 (diff)
Fix #4210: Remove builderDefs
This was one of the ways to build packages, we are trying hard to minimize different ways so it's easier for newcomers to learn only one way. This also: - removes texLive (old), fixes #14807 - removed upstream-updater, if that code is still used it should be in separate repo - changes a few packages like gitit/mit-scheme to use new texlive
21 files changed, 5 insertions, 1324 deletions
diff --git a/doc/old/update-upstream-data.txt b/doc/old/update-upstream-data.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2abce3b40552..000000000000
--- a/doc/old/update-upstream-data.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Semi-automatic source information updating using "" script and "src-{,info-}for-*.nix"
-1. Recognizing when a pre-existing package uses this mechanism.
-Packages using this automatical update mechanism have src-info-for-default.nix and src-for-default.nix next to default.nix. src-info-for-default.nix describes getting the freshest source from upstream web site; src-for-default.nix is a generated file with the current data about used source. Both files define a simple attrSet.
-src-info-for-default.nix (for a file grabbed via http) contains at least downloadPage attribute - it is the page we need to look at to find out the latest version. It also contains baseName that is used for automatical generation of package name containing version. It can contain extra data for trickier cases.
-src-for-default.nix will contain advertisedUrl (raw URL chosen on the site; its change prompts regeneration of source data), url for fetchurl, hash, version retrieved from the download URL and suggested package name.
-2. Updating a package
-nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/upstream-updater directory contains some scripts. The worker script is called This script requires main expression name (e.g. default.nix). It can optionally accpet a second parameter, URL which will be used instead of getting one by parsing the downloadPage (version extraction, mirror URL creation etc. will still be run). After running the script, check src-for-default.nix (or replace default.nix with expression name, if there are seceral expressions in the directory) for new version information.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitit.nix b/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitit.nix
index befd8c628f16..44880ebeda14 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitit.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitit.nix
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ in
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = with pkgs; [ curl ]
- ++ optional cfg.pdfExport texLiveFull
+ ++ optional cfg.pdfExport texlive.combined.scheme-basic
++ optional (cfg.repositoryType == "darcs") darcs
++ optional (cfg.repositoryType == "mercurial") mercurial
++ optional (cfg.repositoryType == "git") git;
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/builder-defs.nix b/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/builder-defs.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index e21b032aacbe..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/builder-defs.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-args @ {stringsWithDeps, lib, stdenv, writeScript, fetchurl, fetchmtn, fetchgit, ...}: with args; with stringsWithDeps; with lib;
-let inherit (builtins) head tail trace; in
- inherit writeScript;
- src = attrByPath ["src"] "" args;
- addSbinPath = attrByPath ["addSbinPath"] false args;
- forceShare = if args ? forceShare then args.forceShare else ["man" "doc" "info"];
- (optional (attrByPath ["forceCopyDoc"] true args) "doc");
- hasSuffixHack = a: b: hasSuffix (a+(substring 0 0 b)) ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
- archiveType = s:
- (if hasSuffixHack ".tar" s then "tar"
- else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.gz" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tgz" s) then "tgz"
- else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.bz2" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tbz2" s) ||
- (hasSuffixHack ".tbz" s) then "tbz2"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".tar.Z" s then "tZ"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".tar.lzma" s then "tar.lzma"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".tar.xz" s then "tar.xz"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".rar" s then "rar"
- else if (hasSuffixHack ".zip" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".ZIP" s) then "zip"
- else if hasSuffixHack "-cvs-export" s then "cvs-dir"
- else if hasSuffixHack "-git-export" s then "git-dir"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".nar.bz2" s then "narbz2"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".rpm" s then "rpm"
- # Mostly for manually specified directories..
- else if hasSuffixHack "/" s then "dir"
- # Last block - for single files!! It should be always after .tar.*
- else if hasSuffixHack ".bz2" s then "plain-bz2"
- else if hasSuffixHack ".gz" s then "plain-gz"
- # For bootstrap calls
- else if (s ==("" + (substring 0 0 s))) then "empty"
- else (abort "unknown archive type : ${s}"));
- # changing this ? see [1]
- defAddToSearchPath = fullDepEntry ("
- addToSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter() {
- local delimiter=\$1
- local varName=\$2
- local needDir=\$3
- local addDir=\${4:-\$needDir}
- local prefix=\$5
- if [ -d \$prefix\$needDir ]; then
- if [ -z \${!varName} ]; then
- eval export \${varName}=\${prefix}\$addDir
- else
- eval export \${varName}=\${!varName}\${delimiter}\${prefix}\$addDir
- fi
- fi
- }
- addToSearchPath()
- {
- addToSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter \"\${PATH_DELIMITER}\" \"\$@\"
- }
- ") ["defNest"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- defNest = noDepEntry ("
- nestingLevel=0
- startNest() {
- nestingLevel=\$((\$nestingLevel + 1))
- echo -en \"\\e[\$1p\"
- }
- stopNest() {
- nestingLevel=\$((\$nestingLevel - 1))
- echo -en \"\\e[q\"
- }
- header() {
- startNest \"\$2\"
- echo \"\$1\"
- }
- # Make sure that even when we exit abnormally, the original nesting
- # level is properly restored.
- closeNest() {
- while test \$nestingLevel -gt 0; do
- stopNest
- done
- }
- trap \"closeNest\" EXIT
- ");
- # changing this ? see [1]
- minInit = fullDepEntry ("
- ${stdenv.preHook}
- set -e
- NIX_CC=${}
- export SHELL=${}
- # Set up the initial path.
- for i in \$NIX_CC ${toString stdenv.initialPath}; do
- PATH=\$PATH\${PATH:+\"\${PATH_DELIMITER}\"}\$i/bin
- done
- export TZ=UTC
- prefix=${if args ? prefix then (toString args.prefix) else "\$out"}
- ") ["defNest" "defAddToSearchPath"];
- # if you change this rewrite using '' instead of "" to get rid of indentation in builder scripts
- addInputs = fullDepEntry ("
- # Recursively find all build inputs.
- findInputs()
- {
- local pkg=\$1
- case \$pkgs in
- *\\ \$pkg\\ *)
- return 0
- ;;
- esac
- pkgs=\"\$pkgs \$pkg \"
- echo \$pkg
- if test -f \$pkg/nix-support/setup-hook; then
- source \$pkg/nix-support/setup-hook
- fi
- }
- pkgs=\"\"
- for i in \$NIX_CC ${toString realBuildInputs}; do
- findInputs \$i
- done
- # Set the relevant environment variables to point to the build inputs
- # found above.
- addToEnv()
- {
- local pkg=\$1
- "+
- (if !((args ? ignoreFailedInputs) && (args.ignoreFailedInputs == 1)) then "
- if [ -e \$1/nix-support/failed ]; then
- echo \"failed input \$1\" >&2
- fail
- fi
- " else "")
- +(if addSbinPath then "
- if test -d \$1/sbin; then
- export _PATH=\$_PATH\${_PATH:+\"\${PATH_DELIMITER}\"}\$1/sbin
- fi
- " else "")
- +"
- if test -d \$1/bin; then
- export _PATH=\$_PATH\${_PATH:+\"\${PATH_DELIMITER}\"}\$1/bin
- fi
- for i in \"\${envHooks[@]}\"; do
- \$i \$pkg
- done
- }
- for i in \$pkgs; do
- addToEnv \$i
- done
- # Add the output as an rpath.
- if test \"\$NIX_NO_SELF_RPATH\" != \"1\"; then
- export NIX_LDFLAGS=\"-rpath \$out/lib \$NIX_LDFLAGS\"
- fi
- ") ["minInit"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- defEnsureDir = fullDepEntry ("
- # Ensure that the given directories exists.
- ensureDir() {
- local dir
- for dir in \"\$@\"; do
- if ! test -x \"\$dir\"; then mkdir -p \"\$dir\"; fi
- done
- }
- ") ["minInit"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- toSrcDir = s : fullDepEntry ((if (archiveType s) == "tar" then "
- tar xvf '${s}'
- cd \"\$(tar tf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "tgz" then "
- tar xvzf '${s}'
- cd \"\$(tar tzf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "tbz2" then "
- tar xvjf '${s}'
- cd \"\$(tar tjf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "tZ" then "
- uncompress < '${s}' | tar x
- cd \"\$(uncompress < '${s}' | tar t | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "tar.lzma" then "
- unlzma -d -c <'${s}' | tar xv
- cd \"\$(unlzma -d -c <'${s}' | tar t | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "tar.xz" then "
- xz -d -c <'${s}' | tar xv
- cd \"\$(xz -d -c <'${s}' | tar t | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "rar" then "
- unrar x '${s}'
- cd \"$(unrar lb '${s}' | tail -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "zip" then "
- unzip '${s}'
- cd \"$( unzip -lqq '${s}' | tail -1 |
- sed -e 's@^\\(\\s\\+[-0-9:]\\+\\)\\{3,3\\}\\s\\+\\([^/]\\+\\)/.*@\\2@' )\"
- " else if (archiveType s) == "cvs-dir" then "
- cp -r '${s}' .
- cd \$(basename ${s})
- chmod u+rwX -R .
- " else if (archiveType s) == "git-dir" then "
- cp -r '${s}' .
- cd \$(basename ${s})
- chmod u+rwX -R .
- " else if (archiveType s) == "dir" then "
- cp -r '${s}' .
- cd \$(basename ${s})
- chmod u+rwX -R .
- " else if (archiveType s) == "narbz2" then "
- bzip2 <${s} | nix-store --restore \$PWD/\$(basename ${s} .nar.bz2)
- cd \$(basename ${s} .nar.bz2)
- " else if (archiveType s) == "rpm" then ''
- rpm2cpio ${s} > ${s}.cpio
- cpio -iv < ${s}.cpio
- test -f *.tar.* && tar -xvf *.tar.*
- test -d */ && cd */
- '' else if (archiveType s) == "plain-bz2" then "
- mkdir \$PWD/\$(basename ${s} .bz2)
- NAME=\$(basename ${s} .bz2)
- bzip2 -d <${s} > \$PWD/\$(basename ${s} .bz2)/\${NAME#*-}
- cd \$(basename ${s} .bz2)
- " else if (archiveType s) == "plain-gz" then "
- mkdir \$PWD/\$(basename ${s} .gz)
- NAME=\$(basename ${s} .gz)
- gzip -d <${s} > \$PWD/\$(basename ${s} .gz)/\${NAME#*-}
- cd \$(basename ${s} .gz)
- " else if (archiveType s) == "empty" then "
- echo No source to unpack - doing nothing ..
- " else (abort "unknown archive type : ${s}"))+
- # goSrcDir is typically something like "cd mysubdir" .. but can be anything else
- (if args ? goSrcDir then args.goSrcDir else "")
- ) ["minInit"];
- configureCommand = attrByPath ["configureCommand"] "./configure" args;
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doConfigure = fullDepEntry ("
- ${configureCommand} --prefix=\"\$prefix\" ${toString configureFlags}
- ") ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doIntltool = fullDepEntry ("
- mkdir -p config
- intltoolize --copy --force
- ") ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doAutotools = fullDepEntry ("
- mkdir -p config
- libtoolize --copy --force
- aclocal --force
- #Some packages do not need this
- autoheader || true;
- automake --add-missing --copy
- autoconf
- ")["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doAutogen = fullDepEntry (''
- ./
- '')["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doMake = fullDepEntry ("
- make ${toString makeFlags}
- ") ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- doUnpack = toSrcDir (toString src);
- # changing this ? see [1]
- installPythonPackage = fullDepEntry ("
- python install --prefix=\"\$prefix\"
- ") ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- doPythonConfigure = fullDepEntry (''
- pythonVersion=$(toPythonPath "$prefix")
- pythonVersion=''${pythonVersion#*/lib/python}
- pythonVersion=''${pythonVersion%%/site-packages}
- ${if args ? extraPythonConfigureCommand then
- args.extraPythonConfigureCommand
- else ""}
- python -b "$prefix/bin" -d "$(toPythonPath "$prefix")" -v "$prefix/share/sip" ${toString configureFlags}
- '') ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doMakeInstall = fullDepEntry ("
- make ${toString (attrByPath ["makeFlags"] "" args)} "+
- "${toString (attrByPath ["installFlags"] "" args)} install") ["doMake"];
- # changing this ? see [1]
- doForceShare = fullDepEntry ("
- mkdir -p \"\$prefix/share\"
- for d in ${toString forceShare}; do
- if [ -d \"\$prefix/\$d\" -a ! -d \"\$prefix/share/\$d\" ]; then
- mv -v \"\$prefix/\$d\" \"\$prefix/share\"
- ln -sv share/\$d \"\$prefix\"
- fi;
- done;
- ") ["minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
- doForceCopy = fullDepEntry (''
- name="$(basename $out)"
- name="''${name#*-}"
- mkdir -p "$prefix/share/$name"
- for f in ${toString forceCopy}; do
- cp -r "$f" "$prefix/share/$name/$f" || true
- done;
- '') ["minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
- doDump = n: noDepEntry "echo Dump number ${n}; set";
- saveEnv = noDepEntry ''export > "$TMP/env-vars" || true'';
- doDumpBuildInputs = noDepEntry (''
- echo "${toString realBuildInputs}"
- '');
- patchFlags = if args ? patchFlags then args.patchFlags else "-p1";
- patches = attrByPath ["patches"] [] args;
- toPatchCommand = s: "cat ${s} | patch ${toString patchFlags}";
- doPatch = fullDepEntry (concatStringsSep ";"
- (map toPatchCommand patches)
- ) ["minInit" "doUnpack"];
- envAdderInner = s: x: if x==null then s else y:
- a: envAdderInner (s+"echo export ${x}='\"'\"\$${x}:${y}\";'\"'\n") a;
- envAdder = envAdderInner "";
- envAdderList = l: if l==[] then "" else
- "echo export ${head l}='\"'\"\\\$${head l}:${head (tail l)}\"'\"';\n" +
- envAdderList (tail (tail l));
- # changing this ? see [1]
- wrapEnv = cmd: env: "
- mv \"${cmd}\" \"${cmd}-orig\";
- touch \"${cmd}\";
- chmod a+rx \"${cmd}\";
- (${envAdderList env}
- echo '\"'\"${cmd}-orig\"'\"' '\"'\\\$@'\"' \n) > \"${cmd}\"";
- doWrap = cmd: fullDepEntry (wrapEnv cmd (attrByPath ["wrappedEnv"] [] args)) ["minInit"];
- makeManyWrappers = wildcard : wrapperFlags : fullDepEntry (''
- for i in ${wildcard}; do
- wrapProgram "$i" ${wrapperFlags}
- done
- '') ["minInit" "addInputs" "defEnsureDir"];
- wrapBinContentsPython = (makeManyWrappers
- ''$out/bin/*''
- pythonWrapperArguments
- );
- pythonWrapperArguments =
- (''--prefix PYTHONPATH : $(toPythonPath $out)'' +
- preservePathWrapperArguments = ''''${PATH:+ --prefix PATH : $PATH }'';
- doPropagate = fullDepEntry ("
- mkdir -p \$out/nix-support
- echo '${toString (attrByPath ["propagatedBuildInputs"] [] args)}' >\$out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
- ") ["minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
- cmakeFlags = attrByPath ["cmakeFlags"] [] args;
- cmakeRPathFlag = if attrByPath ["cmakeSkipRpath "] true args then " -DCMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH=ON " else "";
- cmakeBuildDir = attrByPath ["cmakeBuildDir"] "build" args;
- doCmake = fullDepEntry (''
- mkdir ${cmakeBuildDir}
- cd ${cmakeBuildDir}
- cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$out" ${cmakeRPathFlag}${toString cmakeFlags} ..
- '') ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- doScons = fullDepEntry (''
- mkdir -p $out
- ${if (attrByPath ["sconsCleanEnv"] false args)
- then ""
- else ''
- sed -e '1iimport os' -i SConstruct
- sed -e 's/env *= *Environment *.*/&; env['"'"'ENV'"'"']=os.environ;/' -i SConstruct
- ''
- }
- scons ${toString (attrByPath ["sconsFlags"] [] args)} PREFIX=$out
- scons ${toString (attrByPath ["sconsFlags"] [] args)} PREFIX=$out install
- '') ["minInit" "doUnpack" "addInputs" "defEnsureDir"];
- /*debug = x:(trace x x);
- debugX = x:(trace (toXML x) x);*/
- makeNest = x: if x == defNest.text then x else "startNest\n" + x + "\nstopNest\n";
- textClosure = a: steps: textClosureMap makeNest a (["defNest"] ++ steps);
- inherit noDepEntry fullDepEntry packEntry;
- defList = attrByPath ["defList"] [] args;
- getVal = getValue args defList;
- check = checkFlag args;
- reqsList = attrByPath ["reqsList"] [] args;
- buildInputsNames = filter (x: null != getVal x)
- (uniqList {inputList =
- (concatLists (map
- (x: if x==[] then [] else builtins.tail x)
- reqsList));});
- configFlags = attrByPath ["configFlags"] [] args;
- buildFlags = attrByPath ["buildFlags"] [] args;
- nameSuffixes = attrByPath ["nameSuffixes"] [] args;
- autoBuildInputs = assert (checkReqs args defList reqsList);
- filter (x: x!=null) (map getVal buildInputsNames);
- autoConfigureFlags = condConcat "" configFlags check;
- autoMakeFlags = condConcat "" buildFlags check;
- useConfig = attrByPath ["useConfig"] false args;
- realBuildInputs =
- lib.closePropagation ((if useConfig then
- autoBuildInputs else
- attrByPath ["buildInputs"] [] args)++
- (attrByPath ["propagatedBuildInputs"] [] args));
- configureFlags = if useConfig then autoConfigureFlags else
- attrByPath ["configureFlags"] "" args;
- makeFlags = if useConfig then autoMakeFlags else attrByPath ["makeFlags"] "" args;
- inherit lib;
- surroundWithCommands = x : before : after : {deps=x.deps; text = before + "\n" +
- x.text + "\n" + after ;};
- createDirs = fullDepEntry (concatStringsSep ";"
- (map (x: "mkdir -p ${x}") (attrByPath ["neededDirs"] [] args))
- ) ["minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
- copyExtraDoc = fullDepEntry (''
- name="$(basename $out)"
- name="''${name#*-}"
- mkdir -p "$out/share/doc/$name"
- '' + (concatStringsSep ";"
- (map
- (x: ''cp "${x}" "$out/share/doc/$name" || true;'')
- (attrByPath ["extraDoc"] [] args)))) ["minInit" "defEnsureDir" "doUnpack"];
- realPhaseNames =
- (optional ([] != attrByPath ["neededDirs"] [] args) "createDirs")
- ++
- (attrByPath ["phaseNames"] [] args)
- ++
- ["doForceShare" "doPropagate" "doForceCopy"]
- ++
- (optional ([] != attrByPath ["extraDoc"] [] args) "copyExtraDoc")
- ++
- (optional (attrByPath ["doCheck"] false args) "doMakeCheck")
- ++
- (optional (attrByPath ["alwaysFail"] false args) "doFail")
- ;
- doFail = noDepEntry "
- echo 'Failing to keep builddir (and to invalidate result).'
- a() { return 127; } ; a ;
- ";
- doMakeCheck = fullDepEntry (''
- make check
- '') ["minInit"];
- extraDerivationAttrs = lib.attrByPath ["extraDerivationAttrs"] {} args;
- # for overrides..
- builderDefsArgs = args;
- innerBuilderDefsPackage = bd: args: (
- let localDefs = bd.passthru.function args; in
- stdenv.mkDerivation ((rec {
- inherit (localDefs) name;
- buildCommand = textClosure localDefs localDefs.realPhaseNames;
- meta = localDefs.meta;
- passthru = localDefs.passthru // {inherit (localDefs) src; };
- }) // (if localDefs ? propagatedBuildInputs then {
- inherit (localDefs) propagatedBuildInputs;
- } else {}) // extraDerivationAttrs)
- );
- builderDefsPackage = bd: func:
- if builtins.isFunction func then
- (foldArgs
- (x: y: ((func (bd // x // y)) // y))
- (innerBuilderDefsPackage bd)
- {})
- else
- (builderDefsPackage bd (import (toString func)))
- ;
- generateFontsFromSFD = fullDepEntry (''
- for i in *.sfd; do
- echo $i;
- fontforge -c \
- 'Open($1);
- ${optionalString (args ? extraFontForgeCommands) args.extraFontForgeCommands
- }Reencode("unicode");
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createTTF"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".ttf");''}
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createOTF"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".otf");''}
- Reencode("TeX-Base-Encoding");
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createAFM"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".afm");''}
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createPFM"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".pfm");''}
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createPFB"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".pfb");''}
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createMAP"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".map");''}
- ${optionalString (attrByPath ["createENC"] true args) ''Generate($1:r + ".enc");''}
- ' $i;
- done
- '') ["minInit" "addInputs" "doUnpack"];
- installFonts =
- let retrievedName = (if args ? name then else ""); in
- fullDepEntry (''
- mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/truetype/public/${retrievedName}
- mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/opentype/public/${retrievedName}
- mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/type1/public/${retrievedName}
- mkdir -p $out/share/texmf/fonts/enc/${retrievedName}
- mkdir -p $out/share/texmf/fonts/map/${retrievedName}
- find -name '*.ttf' -exec cp {} $out/share/fonts/truetype/public/${retrievedName} \;
- find -name '*.otf' -exec cp {} $out/share/fonts/opentype/public/${retrievedName} \;
- find -name '*.pfm' -o -name '*.afm' -o -name '*.pfb' -exec cp {} $out/share/fonts/type1/public/${retrievedName} \;
- find -name '*.enc' -exec cp {} $out/share/texmf/fonts/enc/${retrievedName} \;
- find -name '*.map' -exec cp {} $out/share/texmf/fonts/map/${retrievedName} \;
- '') ["minInit" "defEnsureDir"];
- simplyShare = shareName: fullDepEntry (''
- mkdir -p $out/share
- cp -r . $out/share/${shareName}
- '') ["doUnpack" "defEnsureDir"];
- doPatchShebangs = dir: fullDepEntry (''
- patchShebangFun() {
- # Rewrite all script interpreter file names (`#! /path') under the
- # specified directory tree to paths found in $PATH. E.g.,
- # /bin/sh will be rewritten to /nix/store/<hash>-some-bash/bin/sh.
- # Interpreters that are already in the store are left untouched.
- echo "patching script interpreter paths"
- local f
- for f in $(find "${dir}" -xtype f -perm -0100); do
- local oldPath=$(sed -ne '1 s,^#![ ]*\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' "$f")
- if test -n "$oldPath" -a "''${oldPath:0:''${#NIX_STORE}}" != "$NIX_STORE"; then
- local newPath=$(type -P $(basename $oldPath) || true)
- if test -n "$newPath" -a "$newPath" != "$oldPath"; then
- echo "$f: interpreter changed from $oldPath to $newPath"
- sed -i "1 s,$oldPath,$newPath," "$f"
- else
- echo "$f: not changing interpreter from $oldPath"
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- patchShebangFun;
- '') ["minInit"];
- createPythonInstallationTarget = fullDepEntry (''
- mkdir -p $(toPythonPath $out)
- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH''${PYTHONPATH:+:}$(toPythonPath $out)
- '') ["minInit" "addInputs" "defEnsureDir"];
- fetchUrlFromSrcInfo = srcInfo: fetchurl ({
- url = srcInfo.url;
- sha256 = srcInfo.hash;
- } //
- (if srcInfo ? downloadName then {name = srcInfo.downloadName;} else {}));
- fetchGitFromSrcInfo = srcInfo: fetchgit {
- url = srcInfo.url;
- rev = srcInfo.rev;
- sha256 = srcInfo.hash;
- };
-}) // args
-# [1]: rewrite using '' instead of " so that indentation gets stripped. It's
-# only about some spaces but in the end they will sum up
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-auto-callable.nix b/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-auto-callable.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a94a96fe5388..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-auto-callable.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- (abort "Specify dependencies")
- , ...}:
-(a :
- helperArgNames = ["stdenv" "fetchurl" "builderDefsPackage"] ++
- [(abort "Specify helper argument names")];
- buildInputs = map (n: builtins.getAttr n x)
- (builtins.attrNames (builtins.removeAttrs x helperArgNames));
- sourceInfo = rec {
- baseName="${abort ''Specify package name''}";
- version="";
- name="${baseName}-${version}";
- url="${name}";
- hash="";
- };
-rec {
- src = a.fetchurl {
- url = sourceInfo.url;
- sha256 = sourceInfo.hash;
- };
- inherit (sourceInfo) name version;
- inherit buildInputs;
- /* doConfigure should be removed if not needed */
- phaseNames = ["doConfigure" "doMakeInstall"];
- meta = {
- description = "${abort ''Specify description''}";
- maintainers = with a.lib.maintainers;
- [
- (abort "Specify maintainers")
- ];
- platforms = with a.lib.platforms;
- (abort "Specify platforms");
- license = a.lib.licenses.(abort "Specify license");
- };
- passthru = {
- updateInfo = {
- downloadPage = "${abort ''Specify download page''}";
- };
- };
-}) x
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-bdp-uud.nix b/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-bdp-uud.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2af257d37a..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-bdp-uud.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-a :
- s = import ./src-for-default.nix;
- buildInputs = with a; [
- ];
-rec {
- src = a.fetchUrlFromSrcInfo s;
- inherit (s) name;
- inherit buildInputs;
- configureFlags = [];
- /* doConfigure should be removed if not needed */
- phaseNames = ["doConfigure" "doMakeInstall"];
- meta = {
- description = "${abort "Specify description"}";
- maintainers = [
- a.lib.maintainers.(abort "Specify maintainer")
- ];
- platforms = with a.lib.platforms;
- (abort "Specify supported platforms");
- };
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-composing+config.nix b/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-composing+config.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a774d421efab..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/build-support/builder-defs/template-composing+config.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-args : with args; let localDefs = builderDefs (args // rec {
- src = /* put a fetchurl here */
- (abort "Specify source");
- useConfig = true;
- reqsList = [
- ["true" ]
- ["false"]
- ];
- /* List consisiting of an even number