diff options
authorEelco Dolstra <>2020-12-23 13:19:53 +0100
committerEelco Dolstra <>2020-12-23 18:26:40 +0100
commitc9279b831e91a762851464826eaa8a8e30979578 (patch)
parent16e34085e8f45758b97c41cfcd720552c68a3c98 (diff)
Add 'nix flake' manpages
11 files changed, 1048 insertions, 32 deletions
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+# Examples
+* Copy the `dwarffs` flake and its dependencies to a binary cache:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake archive --to file:///tmp/my-cache dwarffs
+ ```
+* Fetch the `dwarffs` flake and its dependencies to the local Nix
+ store:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake archive dwarffs
+ ```
+* Print the store paths of the flake sources of NixOps without
+ fetching them:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake archive --json --dry-run nixops
+ ```
+# Description
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+# Examples
+* Evaluate the flake in the current directory, and build its checks:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake check
+ ```
+* Verify that the `patchelf` flake evaluates, but don't build its
+ checks:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake check --no-build github:NixOS/patchelf
+ ```
+# Description
+This command verifies that the flake specified by flake reference
+*flake-url* can be evaluated successfully (as detailed below), and
+that the derivations specified by the flake's `checks` output can be
+built successfully.
+# Evaluation checks
+This following flake output attributes must be derivations:
+* `checks.`*system*`.`*name*
+* `defaultPackage.`*system*`
+* `devShell.`*system*`
+* `nixosConfigurations.`*name*`
+* `packages.`*system*`.`*name*
+The following flake output attributes must be [app
+* `apps.`*system*`.`*name*
+* `defaultApp.`*system*`
+The following flake output attributes must be [template
+* `defaultTemplate`
+* `templates`.`*name*
+The following flake output attributes must be *Nixpkgs overlays*:
+* `overlay`
+* `overlays`.`*name*
+The following flake output attributes must be *NixOS modules*:
+* `nixosModule`
+* `nixosModules`.`*name*
+The following flake output attributes must be
+* `bundlers`.`*name*
+* `defaultBundler`
+In addition, the `hydraJobs` output is evaluated in the same way as
+Hydra's `hydra-eval-jobs` (i.e. as a arbitrarily deeply nested
+attribute set of derivations). Similarly, the
+`legacyPackages`.*system* output is evaluated like `nix-env -qa`.
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+# Examples
+* Check out the source code of the `dwarffs` flake and build it:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake clone dwarffs --dest dwarffs
+ # cd dwarffs
+ # nix build
+ ```
+# Description
+This command performs a Git or Mercurial clone of the repository
+containing the source code of the flake *flake-url*.
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+# Examples
+* Show what `nixpkgs` resolves to:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake info nixpkgs
+ Resolved URL: github:NixOS/nixpkgs
+ Locked URL: github:NixOS/nixpkgs/b67ba0bfcc714453cdeb8d713e35751eb8b4c8f4
+ Description: A collection of packages for the Nix package manager
+ Path: /nix/store/23qapccs6cfmwwrlq8kr41vz5vdmns3r-source
+ Revision: b67ba0bfcc714453cdeb8d713e35751eb8b4c8f4
+ Last modified: 2020-12-23 12:36:12
+ ```
+* Show information about `dwarffs` in JSON format:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake info dwarffs --json | jq .
+ {
+ "description": "A filesystem that fetches DWARF debug info from the Internet on demand",
+ "lastModified": 1597153508,
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1597153508,
+ "narHash": "sha256-VHg3MYVgQ12LeRSU2PSoDeKlSPD8PYYEFxxwkVVDRd0=",
+ "owner": "edolstra",
+ "repo": "dwarffs",
+ "rev": "d181d714fd36eb06f4992a1997cd5601e26db8f5",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "id": "dwarffs",
+ "type": "indirect"
+ },
+ "originalUrl": "flake:dwarffs",
+ "path": "/nix/store/hang3792qwdmm2n0d9nsrs5n6bsws6kv-source",
+ "resolved": {
+ "owner": "edolstra",
+ "repo": "dwarffs",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "resolvedUrl": "github:edolstra/dwarffs",
+ "revision": "d181d714fd36eb06f4992a1997cd5601e26db8f5",
+ "url": "github:edolstra/dwarffs/d181d714fd36eb06f4992a1997cd5601e26db8f5"
+ }
+ ```
+# Description
+This command shows information about the flake specified by the flake
+reference *flake-url*. It resolves the flake reference using the
+[flake registry](./, fetches it, and prints some meta
+data. This includes:
+* `Resolved URL`: If *flake-url* is a flake identifier, then this is
+ the flake reference that specifies its actual location, looked up in
+ the flake registry.
+* `Locked URL`: A flake reference that contains a commit or content
+ hash and thus uniquely identifies a specific flake version.
+* `Description`: A one-line description of the flake, taken from the
+ `description` field in `flake.nix`.
+* `Path`: The store path containing the source code of the flake.
+* `Revision`: The Git or Mercurial commit hash of the locked flake.
+* `Revisions`: The number of ancestors of the Git or Mercurial commit
+ of the locked flake. Note that this is not available for `github`
+ flakes.
+* `Last modified`: For Git or Mercurial flakes, this is the commit
+ time of the commit of the locked flake; for tarball flakes, it's the
+ most recent timestamp of any file inside the tarball.
+With `--json`, the output is a JSON object with the following fields:
+* `original` and `originalUrl`: The flake reference specified by the
+ user (*flake-url*) in attribute set and URL representation.
+* `resolved` and `resolvedUrl`: The resolved flake reference (see
+ above) in attribute set and URL representation.
+* `locked` and `lockedUrl`: The locked flake reference (see above) in
+ attribute set and URL representation.
+* `description`: See `Description` above.
+* `path`: See `Path` above.
+* `revision`: See `Revision` above.
+* `revCount`: See `Revisions` above.
+* `lastModified`: See `Last modified` above.
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+# Examples
+* Create a flake using the default template:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake init
+ ```
+* List available templates:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake show templates
+ ```
+* Create a flake from a specific template:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake init -t templates#simpleContainer
+ ```
+# Description
+This command creates a flake in the current directory by copying the
+files of a template. It will not overwrite existing files. The default
+template is `templates#defaultTemplate`, but this can be overriden
+using `-t`.
+# Template definitions
+A flake can declare templates through its `templates` and
+`defaultTemplate` output attributes. A template has two attributes:
+* `description`: A one-line description of the template, in CommonMark
+ syntax.
+* `path`: The path of the directory to be copied.
+Here is an example:
+outputs = { self }: {
+ templates.rust = {
+ path = ./rust;
+ description = "A simple Rust/Cargo project";
+ };
+ templates.defaultTemplate = self.templates.rust;
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+# Examples
+* Show the inputs of the `hydra` flake:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake list-inputs github:NixOS/hydra
+ github:NixOS/hydra/bde8d81876dfc02143e5070e42c78d8f0d83d6f7
+ ├───nix: github:NixOS/nix/79aa7d95183cbe6c0d786965f0dbff414fd1aa67
+ │ ├───lowdown-src: github:kristapsdz/lowdown/1705b4a26fbf065d9574dce47a94e8c7c79e052f
+ │ └───nixpkgs: github:NixOS/nixpkgs/ad0d20345219790533ebe06571f82ed6b034db31
+ └───nixpkgs follows input 'nix/nixpkgs'
+ ```
+# Description
+This command shows the inputs of the flake specified by the flake
+referenced *flake-url*. Since it prints the locked inputs that result
+from generating or updating the lock file, this command essentially
+displays the contents of the flake's lock file in human-readable form.
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+# Examples
+* Create a flake using the default template in the directory `hello`:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake new hello
+ ```
+* List available templates:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake show templates
+ ```
+* Create a flake from a specific template in the directory `hello`:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake new hello -t templates#trivial
+ ```
+# Description
+This command creates a flake in the directory `dest-dir`, which must
+not already exist. It's equivalent to:
+# mkdir dest-dir
+# cd dest-dir
+# nix flake init
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+# Examples
+* Show the output attributes provided by the `patchelf` flake:
+ ```console
+ github:NixOS/patchelf/f34751b88bd07d7f44f5cd3200fb4122bf916c7e
+ ├───checks
+ │ ├───aarch64-linux
+ │ │ └───build: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ ├───i686-linux
+ │ │ └───build: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ └───x86_64-linux
+ │ └───build: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ ├───defaultPackage
+ │ ├───aarch64-linux: package 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ ├───i686-linux: package 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ └───x86_64-linux: package 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ ├───hydraJobs
+ │ ├───build
+ │ │ ├───aarch64-linux: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ │ ├───i686-linux: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ │ └───x86_64-linux: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ ├───coverage: derivation 'patchelf-coverage-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ ├───release: derivation 'patchelf-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ │ └───tarball: derivation 'patchelf-tarball-0.12.20201207.f34751b'
+ └───overlay: Nixpkgs overlay
+ ```
+# Description
+This command shows the output attributes provided by the flake
+specified by flake reference *flake-url*. These are the top-level
+attributes in the `outputs` of the flake, as well as lower-level
+attributes for some standard outputs (e.g. `packages` or `checks`).
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+# Examples
+* Update the `nixpkgs` and `nix` inputs of the flake in the current
+ directory:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake update --update-input nixpkgs --update-input nix
+ * Updated 'nix': 'github:NixOS/nix/9fab14adbc3810d5cc1f88672fde1eee4358405c' -> 'github:NixOS/nix/8927cba62f5afb33b01016d5c4f7f8b7d0adde3c'
+ * Updated 'nixpkgs': 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/3d2d8f281a27d466fa54b469b5993f7dde198375' -> 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/a3a3dda3bacf61e8a39258a0ed9c924eeca8e293'
+ ```
+* Recreate the lock file (i.e. update all inputs) and commit the new
+ lock file:
+ ```console
+ # nix flake update --recreate-lock-file --commit-lock-file
+ …
+ warning: committed new revision '158bcbd9d6cc08ab859c0810186c1beebc982aad'
+ ```
+# Description
+This command updates the lock file of a flake (`flake.lock`) so that
+it contains a lock for every flake input specified in
+`flake.nix`. Note that every command that operates on a flake will
+also update the lock file if needed, and supports the same
+flags. Therefore,
+# nix flake update --update-input nixpkgs
+# nix build
+is equivalent to:
+# nix build --update-input nixpkgs
+Thus, this command is only useful if you want to update the lock file
+separately from any other action such as building.
+> **Note**
+> This command does *not* update locks that are already present unless
+> you explicitly ask for it using `--update-input` or
+> `--recreate-lock-file`. Thus, if the lock file already has locks for
+> every input, then `nix flake update` (without arguments) does
+> nothing.
diff --git a/src/nix/ b/src/nix/
index 066430c5d..2b91faa64 100644
--- a/src/nix/
+++ b/src/nix/
@@ -104,6 +104,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeUpdate : FlakeCommand
return "update flake lock file";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
/* Use --refresh by default for 'nix flake update'. */
@@ -134,6 +141,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON
return "list info about a given flake";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto flake = getFlake();
@@ -153,6 +167,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeListInputs : FlakeCommand, MixJSON
return "list flake inputs";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto flake = lockFlake();
@@ -211,6 +232,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeCheck : FlakeCommand
return "check whether the flake evaluates and run its tests";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
settings.readOnlyMode = !build;
@@ -631,22 +659,11 @@ struct CmdFlakeInit : CmdFlakeInitCommon
return "create a flake in the current directory from a template";
- Examples examples() override
- {
- return {
- Example{
- "To create a flake using the default template:",
- "nix flake init"
- },
- Example{
- "To see available templates:",
- "nix flake show templates"
- },
- Example{
- "To create a flake from a specific template:",
- "nix flake init -t templates#nixos-container"
- },
- };
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
@@ -662,6 +679,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeNew : CmdFlakeInitCommon
return "create a flake in the specified directory from a template";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
@@ -681,6 +705,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand
return "clone flake repository";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
@@ -720,22 +751,11 @@ struct CmdFlakeArchive : FlakeCommand, MixJSON, MixDryRun
return "copy a flake and all its inputs to a store";
- Examples examples() override
- {
- return {
- Example{
- "To copy the dwarffs flake and its dependencies to a binary cache:",
- "nix flake archive --to file:///tmp/my-cache dwarffs"
- },
- Example{
- "To fetch the dwarffs flake and its dependencies to the local Nix store:",
- "nix flake archive dwarffs"
- },
- Example{
- "To print the store paths of the flake sources of NixOps without fetching them:",
- "nix flake archive --json --dry-run nixops"
- },
- };
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
@@ -797,6 +817,13 @@ struct CmdFlakeShow : FlakeCommand
return "show the outputs provided by a flake";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto state = getEvalState();
@@ -955,6 +982,13 @@ struct CmdFlake : NixMultiCommand
return "manage Nix flakes";
+ std::string doc() override
+ {
+ return
+ #include ""
+ ;
+ }
void run() override
if (!command)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..440c45dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/
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+# Description
+`nix flake` provides subcommands for creating, modifying and querying
+*Nix flakes*. Flakes are the unit for packaging Nix code in a
+reproducible and discoverable way. They can have dependencies on other
+flakes, making it possible to have multi-repository Nix projects.
+A flake is a filesystem tree (typically fetched from a Git repository
+or a tarball) that contains a file named `flake.nix` in the root
+directory. `flake.nix` specifies some metadata about the flake such as
+dependencies (called *inputs*), as well as its *outputs* (the Nix
+values such as packages or NixOS modules provided by the flake).
+# Flake references
+Flake references (*flakerefs*) are a way to specify the location of a
+flake. These have two different forms:
+* An attribute set representation, e.g.
+ ```nix
+ {
+ type = "github";
+ owner = "NixOS";
+ repo = "nixpkgs";
+ }
+ ```
+ The only required attribute is `type`. The supported types are
+ listed below.
+* A URL-like syntax, e.g.
+ ```
+ github:NixOS/nixpkgs
+ ```
+ These are used on the command line as a more convenient alternative
+ to the attribute set representation. For instance, in the command
+ ```console
+ # nix build github:NixOS/nixpkgs#hello
+ ```
+ `github:NixOS/nixpkgs` is a flake reference (while `hello` is an
+ output attribute). They are also allowed in the `inputs` attribute
+ of a flake, e.g.
+ ```nix
+ inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs;
+ ```
+ is equivalent to
+ ```nix
+ inputs.nixpkgs = {
+ type = "github";
+ owner = "NixOS";
+ repo = "nixpkgs";
+ };
+ ```
+## Examples
+Here are some examples of flake references in their URL-like representation:
+* `.`: The flake in the current directory.
+* `/home/alice/src/patchelf`: A flake in some other directory.
+* `nixpkgs`: The `nixpkgs` entry in the flake registry.
+* `nixpkgs/a3a3dda3bacf61e8a39258a0ed9c924eeca8e293`: The `nixpkgs`
+ entry in the flake registry, with its Git revision overriden to a
+ specific value.
+* `github:NixOS/nixpkgs`: The `master` branch of the `NixOS/nixpkgs`
+ repository on GitHub.
+* `github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-20.09`: The `nixos-20.09` branch of the
+ `nixpkgs` repository.
+* `github:NixOS/nixpkgs/a3a3dda3bacf61e8a39258a0ed9c924eeca8e293`: A
+ specific revision of the `nixpkgs` repository.
+* `github:edolstra/nix-warez?dir=blender`: A flake in a subdirectory
+ of a GitHub repository.
+* `git+`: A Git repository.
+* `git+`: A specific
+ branch of a Git repository.
+* `git+`:
+ A specific branch *and* revision of a Git repository.
+* ``: A tarball
+ flake.
+## Flake reference attributes
+The following generic flake reference attributes are supported:
+* `dir`: The subdirectory of the flake in which `flake.nix` is
+ located. This parameter enables having multiple flakes in a
+ repository or tarball. The default is the root directory of the
+ flake.
+* `narHash`: The hash of the NAR serialisation (in SRI format) of the
+ contents of the flake. This is useful for flake types such as
+ tarballs that lack a unique content identifier such as a Git commit
+ hash.
+In addition, the following attributes are common to several flake
+reference types:
+* `rev`: A Git or Mercurial commit hash.
+* `ref`: A Git or Mercurial branch or tag name.
+Finally, some attribute are typically not specified by the user, but
+can occur in *locked* flake references and are available to Nix code:
+* `revCount`: The number of ancestors of the commit `rev`.
+* `lastModified`: The timestamp (in seconds since the Unix epoch) of
+ the last modification of this version of the flake. For
+ Git/Mercurial flakes, this is the commit time of commit *rev*, while
+ for tarball flakes, it's the most recent timestamp of any file
+ inside the tarball.
+## Types
+Currently the `type` attribute can be one of the following:
+* `path`: arbitrary local directories, or local Git trees. The
+ required attribute `path` specifies the path of the flake. The URL
+ form is
+ ```
+ [path:]<path>(\?<params)?
+ ```
+ where *path* is an absolute path.
+ *path* must be a directory in the file system containing a file
+ named `flake.nix`.
+ If the directory or any of its parents is a Git repository, then
+ this is essentially equivalent to `git+file://<path>` (see below),
+ except that the `dir` parameter is derived automatically. For
+ example, if `/foo/bar` is a Git repository, then the flake reference
+ `/foo/bar/flake` is equivalent to `/foo/bar?dir=flake`.
+ If the directory is not inside a Git repository, then the flake
+ contents is the entire contents of *path*.
+ *path* generally must be an absolute path. However, on the command
+ line, it can be a relative path (e.g. `.` or `./foo`) which is
+ interpreted as relative to the current directory. In this case, it
+ must start with `.` to avoid ambiguity with registry lookups
+ (e.g. `nixpkgs` is a registry lookup; `./nixpkgs` is a relative
+ path).
+* `git`: Git repositories. The location of the repository is specified
+ by the attribute `url`.
+ They have the URL form
+ ```
+ git(+http|+https|+ssh|+git|+file|):(//<server>)?<path>(\?<params>)?
+ ```
+ The `ref` attribute defaults to `master`.
+ The `rev` attribute must denote a commit that exists in the branch
+ or tag specified by the `ref` attribute, since Nix doesn't do a full
+ clone of the remote repository by default (and the Git protocol
+ doesn't allow fetching a `rev` without a known `ref`). The default
+ is the commit currently pointed to by `ref`.
+ For example, the following are valid Git flake references:
+ * `git+`
+ * `git+`
+ * `git+ssh://`
+ * `git://`
+ * `git+file:///home/my-user/some-repo/some-repo`
+* `mercurial`: Mercurial repositories. The URL form is similar to the
+ `git` type, except that the URL schema must be one of `hg+http`,
+ `hg+https`, `hg+ssh` or `hg+file`.
+* `tarball`: Tarballs. The location of the tarball is specified by the
+ attribute `url`.
+ In URL form, the schema must be `http://`, `https://` or `file://`
+ URLs and the extension must be `.zip`, `.tar`, `.tar.gz`, `.tar.xz`
+ or `.tar.bz2`.
+* `github`: A more efficient way to fetch repositories from
+ GitHub. The following attributes are required:
+ * `owner`: The owner of the repository.
+ * `repo`: The name of the repository.
+ These are downloaded as tarball archives, rather than
+ through Git. This is often much faster and uses less disk space
+ since it doesn't require fetching the entire history of the
+ repository. On the other hand, it doesn't allow incremental fetching
+ (but full downloads are often faster than incremental fetches!).
+ The URL syntax for `github` flakes is:
+ ```
+ github:<owner>/<repo>(/<rev-or-ref>)?(\?<params>)?
+ ```
+ `<rev-or-ref>` specifies the name of a branch or tag (`ref`), or a
+ commit hash (`rev`). Note that unlike Git, GitHub allows fetching by
+ commit hash without specifying a branch or tag.
+ Some examples:
+ * `github:edolstra/dwarffs`
+ * `github:edolstra/dwarffs/unstable`
+ * `github:edolstra/dwarffs/d3f2baba8f425779026c6ec04021b2e927f61e31`
+* `indirect`: Indirections through the flake registry. These have the
+ form
+ ```
+ [flake:]<flake-id>(/<rev-or-ref>(/rev)?)?
+ ```
+ These perform a lookup of `<flake-id>` in the flake registry. or
+ example, `nixpkgs` and `nixpkgs/release-20.09` are indirect flake
+ references. The specified `rev` and/or `ref` are merged with the
+ entry in the registry; see [nix registry](./ for
+ details.
+# Flake format
+As an example, here is a simple `flake.nix` that depends on the
+Nixpkgs flake and provides a single package (i.e. an installable
+ description = "A flake for building Hello World";
+ inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-20.03;
+ outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
+ defaultPackage.x86_64-linux =
+ # Notice the reference to nixpkgs here.
+ with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
+ stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "hello";
+ src = self;
+ buildPhase = "gcc -o hello ./hello.c";
+ installPhase = "mkdir -p $out/bin; install -t $out/bin hello";
+ };
+ };
+The following attributes are supported in `flake.nix`:
+* `description`: A short, one-line description of the flake.
+* `inputs`: An attrset specifying the dependencies of the flake
+ (described below).
+* `outputs`: A function that, given an attribute set containing the
+ outputs of each of the input flakes keyed by their identifier,
+ yields the Nix values provided by this flake. Thus, in the example
+ above, `inputs.nixpkgs` contains the result of the call to the
+ `outputs` function of the `nixpkgs` flake.
+ In addition to the outputs of each input, each input in `inputs`
+ also contains some metadata about the inputs. These are:
+ * `outPath`: The path in the Nix store of the flake's source tree.
+ * `rev`: The commit hash of the flake's repository, if applicable.
+ * `revCount`: The number of ancestors of the revision `rev`. This is
+ not available for `github` repositories, since they're fetched as
+ tarballs rather than as Git repositories.
+ * `lastModifiedDate`: The commit time of the revision `rev`, in the
+ format `%Y%m%d%H%M%S` (e.g. `20181231100934`). Unlike `revCount`,
+ this is available for both Git and GitHub repositories, so it's
+ useful for generating (hopefully) monotonically increasing version
+ strings.
+ * `lastModified`: The commit time of the revision `rev` as an integer
+ denoting the number of seconds since 1970.
+ * `narHash`: The SHA-256 (in SRI format) of the NAR serialization of
+ the flake's source tree.
+ The value returned by the `outputs` function must be an attribute
+ set. The attributes can have arbitrary values; however, various
+ `nix` subcommands require specific attributes to have a specific
+ value (e.g. `packages.x86_64-linux` must be an attribute set of
+ derivations built for the `x86_64-linux` platform).
+## Flake inputs
+The attribute `inputs` specifies the dependencies of a flake, as an
+attrset mapping input names to flake references. For example, the
+following specifies a dependency on the `nixpkgs` and `import-cargo`
+# A GitHub repository.
+inputs.import-cargo = {
+ type = "github";
+ owner = "edolstra";
+ repo = "import-cargo";
+# An indirection through the flake registry.
+inputs.nixpkgs = {
+ type = "indirect";
+ id = "nixpkgs";
+Alternatively, you can use the URL-like syntax:
+inputs.import-cargo.url = github:edolstra/import-cargo;
+inputs.nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs";
+Each input is fetched, evaluated and passed to the `outputs` function
+as a set of attributes with the same name as the corresponding
+input. The special input named `self` refers to the outputs and source
+tree of *this* flake. Thus, a typical `outputs` function looks like
+outputs = { self, nixpkgs, import-cargo }: {
+ ... outputs ...
+It is also possible to omit an input entirely and *only* list it as
+expected function argument to `outputs`. Thus,
+outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: ...;
+without an `inputs.nixpkgs` attribute is equivalent to
+inputs.nixpkgs = {
+ type = "indirect";
+ id = "nixpkgs";
+Repositories that don't contain a `flake.nix` can also be used as
+inputs, by setting the input's `flake` attribute to `false`:
+inputs.grcov = {
+ type = "github";
+ owner = "mozilla";
+ repo = "grcov";
+ flake = false;
+outputs = { self, nixpkgs, grcov }: {
+ packages.x86_64-linux.grcov = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ src = grcov;
+ ...
+ };
+Transitive inputs can be overriden from a `flake.nix` file. For
+example, the following overrides the `nixpkgs` input of the `nixops`
+inputs.nixops.inputs.nixpkgs = {
+ type = "github";
+ owner = "my-org";
+ repo = "nixpkgs";
+It is also possible to "inherit" an input from another input. This is
+useful to minimize flake dependencies. For example, the following sets
+the `nixpkgs` input of the top-level flake to be equal to the
+`nixpkgs` input of the `dwarffs` input of the top-level flake:
+inputs.nixops.follows = "dwarffs/nixpkgs";
+The value of the `follows` attribute is a `/`-separated sequence of
+input names denoting the path of inputs to be followed from the root
+Overrides and `follows` can be combined, e.g.
+inputs.nixops.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "dwarffs/nixpkgs";
+sets the `nixpkgs` input of `nixops` to be the same as the `nixpkgs`
+input of `dwarffs`. It is worth noting, however, that it is generally
+not useful to eliminate transitive `nixpkgs` flake inputs in this
+way. Most flakes provide their functionality through Nixpkgs overlays
+or NixOS modules, which are composed into the top-level flake's
+`nixpkgs` input; so their own `nixpkgs` input is usually irrelevant.
+# Lock files
+Inputs specified in `flake.nix` are typically "unlocked" in the sense
+that they don't specify an exact revision. To ensure reproducibility,
+Nix will automatically generate and use a *lock file* called
+`flake.lock` in the flake's directory. The lock file contains a graph
+structure isomorphic to the graph of dependencies of the root
+flake. Each node in the graph (except the root node) maps the
+(usually) unlocked input specifications in `flake.nix` to locked input
+specifications. Each node also contains some metadata, such as the