AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-02-27Merge pull request #444 from nextcloud/backport/433/
2019-02-27add default context object, in case cache is empty and website is downMaxence Lange
2019-02-27Generating cache of context documentsMaxence Lange
2019-02-27create object even if it can't be signedMaxence Lange
2019-02-15Merge pull request #422 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/alpha1/handleb...Julius Härtl
2019-02-14[Security] Bump handlebars from 4.0.12 to 4.1.0dependabot[bot]
2019-02-09Merge pull request #402 from nextcloud/version/alpha1/0.1.4v0.1.4Maxence Lange
2019-02-08Merge pull request #407 from nextcloud/backport/403/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-02-08removing js/Maxence Lange
2019-02-070.1.4Maxence Lange
2019-02-06Merge pull request #399 from nextcloud/backport/398/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-02-06Use chunkhash to properly trigger reload of webpack chunks on upgradeJulius Härtl
2019-02-01Merge pull request #389 from nextcloud/backport/388/
2019-02-01getUrlSocial would work on custom apps folderMaxence Lange
2019-02-01Merge pull request #387 from nextcloud/backport/386/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-02-01allow FOLLOWLOCATIONMaxence Lange
2019-01-22Merge pull request #363 from nextcloud/bugfix/noid/branch-makefileMaxence Lange
2019-01-21set branch to alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-21Merge pull request #361 from nextcloud/tests/noid/node-versionv0.1.3Maxence Lange
2019-01-21Use more recent node version for js buildingJulius Härtl
2019-01-21Merge pull request #353 from nextcloud/version/0.1.3/changelogMaxence Lange
2019-01-21Merge pull request #354 from nextcloud/backport/340/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-21Delete tagmention.htmlMaxence Lange
2019-01-20Delete test.jsonMaxence Lange
2019-01-20some fixMaxence Lange
2019-01-20cache Actor on followed/unfollowed + following/unfollowingMaxence Lange
2019-01-20fixing var nameMaxence Lange
2019-01-20changelogMaxence Lange
2019-01-190.1.3Maxence Lange
2019-01-190.1.3Maxence Lange
2019-01-19Merge pull request #350 from nextcloud/backport/344/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-19Merge pull request #351 from nextcloud/backport/335/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-19add w3 @context in actorMaxence Lange
2019-01-18Update CacheActorsRequest.phpEmerson Kfuri
2019-01-18Always use $account as local account (suppress @instance)emersonkfuri
2019-01-18Update CacheActorsRequest.phpEmerson Kfuri
2019-01-17Merge pull request #345 from nextcloud/backport/342/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-17get_class in logMaxence Lange
2019-01-16Merge pull request #337 from nextcloud/backport/334/alpha1Maxence Lange
2019-01-15signature can be 5min oldMaxence Lange
2019-01-11Merge pull request #327 from nextcloud/backport/298/
2019-01-11Properly return promise when creating a new post (fixes #247)Julius Härtl
2019-01-09Merge pull request #313 from nextcloud/bugfix/noid/check-instance-during-webf...Maxence Lange
2019-01-09Also build alpha1 branch on droneJulius Härtl
2019-01-09check address of the accountMaxence Lange
2019-01-04Merge pull request #305 from nextcloud/release/noid/fixing-makefile-package-f...Maxence Lange
2019-01-04exclude .git from friendica/json-ldMaxence Lange
2019-01-04Merge pull request #304 from nextcloud/bugfix/noid/compat-friendicav0.1.2Maxence Lange
2019-01-04Merge pull request #300 from nextcloud/bugfix/noid/verify-onceMaxence Lange
2019-01-04only valid base64Maxence Lange