path: root/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/
diff options
authorBernhard Posselt <>2015-08-15 13:52:32 +0200
committerBernhard Posselt <>2015-08-15 13:57:23 +0200
commit94575cc761c016b68135b398445d554bc984b1d5 (patch)
tree35f2decbb4cfed12e65f420228e5e1e150f36068 /vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/
parent44733bc8b4f5f1a6fb26dea01b9d33c7b0321d67 (diff)
swap out unlicensed lib
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/ b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b436bc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Path joiner and normalizer #
+*PathJoin* is PHP library for normalizing and joining file system paths. The
+purpose of this library is to make easier to work with file system paths
+irregardless of the platform and the system directory separator.
+The purpose of file path normalization is to provide a single consistent file
+path representation. In other words, the normalization in this library will
+resolve `.` and `..` directory references and also condense multiple directory
+separators into one. This makes it much easier to avoid common problems when
+comparing paths against each other.
+While PHP provides a built in function `realpath()`, it is not usable in every
+case since it works by using the file system. This library simply combines and
+normalizes the paths using string handling. There is no requirement for the
+files or directories to be readable or even exist.
+The API documentation, which can be generated using Apigen, can be read online
+[![Build Status](](
+[![Code Coverage](](
+[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](
+## Requirements ##
+In order to use this library, the following requirements must be met:
+ * PHP version 5.4
+## Installation ##
+This library can be installed by using [Composer]( In
+order to do this, you must download the latest Composer version and run the
+`require` command to add this library as a dependency to your project. The
+easiest way to complete these two tasks is to run the following two commands
+in your terminal:
+php -r "readfile('');" | php
+php composer.phar require "riimu/kit-pathjoin:1.*"
+If you already have Composer installed on your system and you know how to use
+it, you can also install this library by adding it as a dependency to your
+`composer.json` file and running the `composer install` command. Here is an
+example of what your `composer.json` file could look like:
+ "require": {
+ "riimu/kit-pathjoin": "1.*"
+ }
+After installing this library via Composer, you can load the library by
+including the `vendor/autoload.php` file that was generated by Composer during
+the installation.
+### Manual installation ###
+You can also install this library manually without using Composer. In order to
+do this, you must download the [latest release](
+and extract the `src` folder from the archive to your project folder. To load
+the library, you can simply include the `src/autoload.php` file that was
+provided in the archive.
+## Usage ##
+This library provides two convenient methods, `Path::normalize()` and
+`Path::join()`. Both of these methods work in a very similar fashion. The main
+difference is that while the `join()` method can accept multiple paths to join,
+the `normalize()` will only accept a single path. Both of the methods will
+return a normalized path as the result.
+The following example will contain numerous different use cases of the library:
+require 'vendor/autoload.php';
+use Riimu\Kit\PathJoin\Path;
+// Both of the following will output 'foo/bar' on Unix and 'foo\bar' on Windows
+echo Path::normalize('foo/bar') . PHP_EOL;
+echo Path::join('foo', 'bar') . PHP_EOL;
+// The join method accepts multiple arguments or a single array
+echo Path::join('foo', 'bar', 'baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'foo/bar/baz'
+echo Path::join(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'foo/bar/baz'
+// The '.' and '..' directory references will be resolved in the paths
+echo Path::normalize('foo/./bar/../baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'foo/baz'
+echo Path::join(['foo/./', 'bar', '../baz']) . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'foo/baz'
+// Only the first path can denote an absolute path in the join method
+echo Path::join('/foo', '/bar/baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs '/foo/bar/baz'
+echo Path::join('foo', '/bar') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'foo/bar'
+echo Path::join('foo', '../bar', 'baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'bar/baz'
+echo Path::join('', '/bar', 'baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'bar/baz'
+// Relative paths can start with a '..', but absolute paths cannot
+echo Path::join('/foo', '../../bar', 'baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs '/bar/baz'
+echo Path::join('foo', '../../bar', 'baz') . PHP_EOL; // outputs '../bar/baz'
+// Empty paths will result in a '.'
+echo Path::normalize('foo/..') . PHP_EOL;
+echo Path::join('foo', 'bar', '../..') . PHP_EOL;
+The `Path::normalize()` also accepts a second parameter `$prependDrive` that
+takes a boolean value and defaults to true. On Windows platforms, the drive
+letter is important part of the absolute path. Thus, when the parameter is set
+to true, the method will prepend the drive letter of the current working
+directory to absolute paths if the absolute path does not provide one itself.
+The following example is true for Windows systems, if the working directory is
+located on the C: drive:
+require 'vendor/autoload.php';
+use Riimu\Kit\PathJoin\Path;
+echo Path::normalize('/foo/bar') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'C:\foo\Bar'
+echo Path::normalize('D:/foo/bar') . PHP_EOL; // outputs 'D:\foo\Bar'
+echo Path::normalize('/foo/bar', false) . PHP_EOL; // outputs '\foo\Bar'
+## Credits ##
+This library is copyright 2014 - 2015 to Riikka Kalliomäki.
+See LICENSE for license and copying information.