path: root/tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php
diff options
authorBernhard Posselt <>2014-10-21 16:45:36 +0200
committerBernhard Posselt <>2014-10-21 16:45:36 +0200
commit42d69a95f3276a2d6089ca68f635c4e2f6aa7a23 (patch)
tree6a17fd7998f291e6dec1d996c1e7c724b92b8e58 /tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php
parent0e6598b0734fb927109f745d9c0f3a8605a30ca5 (diff)
convert tabs indention to indention with 4 spaces because of mixing of both variants in code and better readability on github and websites because you cant set the indention width there and 8 spaces will be used for a tab
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php b/tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php
index daff20822..46ab2165a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/unit/db/ItemMapperTest.php
@@ -16,443 +16,443 @@ namespace OCA\News\Db;
class ItemMapperTest extends \Test\AppFramework\Db\MapperTestUtility {
- private $mapper;
- private $items;
- private $newestItemId;
- private $limit;
- private $user;
- private $offset;
- private $updatedSince;
- private $status;
- public function setUp() {
- parent::setup();
- $this->mapper = new ItemMapper($this->db);
- // create mock items
- $item1 = new Item();
- $item2 = new Item();
- $this->items = array(
- $item1,
- $item2
- );
- $this->userId = 'john';
- $this->id = 3;
- $this->folderId = 2;
- $this->row = array(
- array('id' => $this->items[0]->getId()),
- );
- $this->rows = array(
- array('id' => $this->items[0]->getId()),
- array('id' => $this->items[1]->getId())
- );
- $this->user = 'john';
- $this->limit = 10;
- $this->offset = 3;
- $this->id = 11;
- $this->status = 333;
- $this->updatedSince = 323;
- $this->newestItemId = 2;
- }
- private function makeSelectQuery($prependTo, $oldestFirst=false){
- if ($oldestFirst) {
- $ordering = 'ASC';
- } else {
- $ordering = 'DESC';
- }
- return 'SELECT `items`.* FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
- 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- $prependTo .
- 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
- 'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
- 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
- 'ORDER BY `items`.`id` ' . $ordering;
- }
- private function makeSelectQueryStatus($prependTo, $status,
- $oldestFirst=false) {
- $status = (int) $status;
- return $this->makeSelectQuery(
- 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . $status . ') = ' . $status . ') ' .
- $prependTo, $oldestFirst
- );
- }
- public function testFind(){
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery('AND `items`.`id` = ? ');
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($this->userId, $this->id), $this->row);
- $result = $this->mapper->find($this->id, $this->userId);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items[0], $result);
- }
- public function testGetStarredCount(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $row = array(
- array('size' => 9)
- );
- $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS size FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
- 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::STARRED . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::STARRED . ')' .
- 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
- 'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
- 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($userId), $row);
- $result = $this->mapper->starredCount($userId);
- $this->assertEquals($row[0]['size'], $result);
- }
- public function testReadAll(){
- $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
- 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
- ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
- 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
- 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
- ') '.
- 'AND `id` <= ?';
- $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, $this->user, 3);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
- $this->mapper->readAll(3, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
- }
- public function testReadFolder(){
- $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
- 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
- ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
- 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
- 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `folder_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `user_id` = ? ' .
- ') '.
- 'AND `id` <= ?';
- $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, 3, $this->user, 6);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
- $this->mapper->readFolder(3, 6, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
- }
- public function testReadFeed(){
- $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
- 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
- ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
- 'WHERE `feed_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `id` <= ? ' .
- 'AND EXISTS (' .
- 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `id` = ? ) ';
- $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, 3, 6,
- $this->user, 3);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
- $this->mapper->readFeed(3, 6, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
- }
- public function testFindAllNew(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->updatedSince);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllNew($this->updatedSince,
- $this->status, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllNewFolder(){
- $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->updatedSince);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllNewFolder($this->id, $this->updatedSince,
- $this->status, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllNewFeed(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->updatedSince);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllNewFeed($this->id, $this->updatedSince,
- $this->status, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllUnreadOrStarred(){
- $status = StatusFlag::UNREAD | StatusFlag::STARRED;
- $sql = 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . $status . ') > 0) ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
- $params = array($this->user);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllUnreadOrStarred($this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllFeed(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllFeedOldestFirst(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ private $mapper;
+ private $items;
+ private $newestItemId;
+ private $limit;
+ private $user;
+ private $offset;
+ private $updatedSince;
+ private $status;
+ public function setUp() {
+ parent::setup();
+ $this->mapper = new ItemMapper($this->db);
+ // create mock items
+ $item1 = new Item();
+ $item2 = new Item();
+ $this->items = array(
+ $item1,
+ $item2
+ );
+ $this->userId = 'john';
+ $this->id = 3;
+ $this->folderId = 2;
+ $this->row = array(
+ array('id' => $this->items[0]->getId()),
+ );
+ $this->rows = array(
+ array('id' => $this->items[0]->getId()),
+ array('id' => $this->items[1]->getId())
+ );
+ $this->user = 'john';
+ $this->limit = 10;
+ $this->offset = 3;
+ $this->id = 11;
+ $this->status = 333;
+ $this->updatedSince = 323;
+ $this->newestItemId = 2;
+ }
+ private function makeSelectQuery($prependTo, $oldestFirst=false){
+ if ($oldestFirst) {
+ $ordering = 'ASC';
+ } else {
+ $ordering = 'DESC';
+ }
+ return 'SELECT `items`.* FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
+ 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
+ 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
+ $prependTo .
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
+ 'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
+ 'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
+ 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
+ 'ORDER BY `items`.`id` ' . $ordering;
+ }
+ private function makeSelectQueryStatus($prependTo, $status,
+ $oldestFirst=false) {
+ $status = (int) $status;
+ return $this->makeSelectQuery(
+ 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . $status . ') = ' . $status . ') ' .
+ $prependTo, $oldestFirst
+ );
+ }
+ public function testFind(){
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery('AND `items`.`id` = ? ');
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($this->userId, $this->id), $this->row);
+ $result = $this->mapper->find($this->id, $this->userId);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items[0], $result);
+ }
+ public function testGetStarredCount(){
+ $userId = 'john';
+ $row = array(
+ array('size' => 9)
+ );
+ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS size FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
+ 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
+ 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::STARRED . ') = ' .
+ StatusFlag::STARRED . ')' .
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` ' .
+ 'ON `folders`.`id` = `feeds`.`folder_id` ' .
+ 'WHERE `feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
+ 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0';
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($userId), $row);
+ $result = $this->mapper->starredCount($userId);
+ $this->assertEquals($row[0]['size'], $result);
+ }
+ public function testReadAll(){
+ $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
+ 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
+ ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
+ 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
+ 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
+ 'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
+ ') '.
+ 'AND `id` <= ?';
+ $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, $this->user, 3);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
+ $this->mapper->readAll(3, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
+ }
+ public function testReadFolder(){
+ $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
+ 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
+ ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
+ 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
+ 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
+ 'WHERE `folder_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `user_id` = ? ' .
+ ') '.
+ 'AND `id` <= ?';
+ $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, 3, $this->user, 6);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
+ $this->mapper->readFolder(3, 6, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
+ }
+ public function testReadFeed(){
+ $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
+ 'SET `status` = `status` & ? ' .
+ ', `last_modified` = ? ' .
+ 'WHERE `feed_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `id` <= ? ' .
+ 'AND EXISTS (' .
+ 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
+ 'WHERE `user_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `id` = ? ) ';
+ $params = array(~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $this->updatedSince, 3, 6,
+ $this->user, 3);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
+ $this->mapper->readFeed(3, 6, $this->updatedSince, $this->user);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllNew(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->updatedSince);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllNew($this->updatedSince,
+ $this->status, $this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllNewFolder(){
+ $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->updatedSince);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllNewFolder($this->id, $this->updatedSince,
+ $this->status, $this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllNewFeed(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`last_modified` >= ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->updatedSince);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllNewFeed($this->id, $this->updatedSince,
+ $this->status, $this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllUnreadOrStarred(){
+ $status = StatusFlag::UNREAD | StatusFlag::STARRED;
+ $sql = 'AND ((`items`.`status` & ' . $status . ') > 0) ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery($sql);
+ $params = array($this->user);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllUnreadOrStarred($this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllFeed(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
+ public function testFindAllFeedOldestFirst(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id, $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllFeedOffsetZero(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
- 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllFeedOffsetZero(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`feed_id` = ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFeed($this->id, $this->limit,
+ 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllFolder(){
- $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id,
- $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllFolder(){
+ $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id,
+ $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllFolderOldestFirst(){
- $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id,
- $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllFolderOldestFirst(){
+ $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id,
+ $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllFolderOffsetZero(){
- $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->id);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
- 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllFolderOffsetZero(){
+ $sql = 'AND `feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->id);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAllFolder($this->id, $this->limit,
+ 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAll(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAll(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`id` < ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllOldestFirst(){
- $sql = 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
- $params = array($this->user, $this->offset);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
- $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllOldestFirst(){
+ $sql = 'AND `items`.`id` > ? ';
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus($sql, $this->status, true);
+ $params = array($this->user, $this->offset);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
+ $this->offset, $this->status, true, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindAllOffsetZero(){
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus('', $this->status);
- $params = array($this->user);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
- 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
+ public function testFindAllOffsetZero(){
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQueryStatus('', $this->status);
+ $params = array($this->user);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $this->rows);
+ $result = $this->mapper->findAll($this->limit,
+ 0, $this->status, false, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
- }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items, $result);
+ }
- public function testFindByGuidHash(){
- $hash = md5('test');
- $feedId = 3;
- $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery(
- 'AND `items`.`guid_hash` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`id` = ? ');
+ public function testFindByGuidHash(){
+ $hash = md5('test');
+ $feedId = 3;
+ $sql = $this->makeSelectQuery(
+ 'AND `items`.`guid_hash` = ? ' .
+ 'AND `feeds`.`id` = ? ');
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($this->userId, $hash, $feedId), $this->row);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($this->userId, $hash, $feedId), $this->row);
- $result = $this->mapper->findByGuidHash($hash, $feedId, $this->userId);
- $this->assertEquals($this->items[0], $result);
- }
+ $result = $this->mapper->findByGuidHash($hash, $feedId, $this->userId);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->items[0], $result);
+ }
- public function testDeleteReadOlderThanThresholdDoesNotDeleteBelowThreshold(){
- $status = StatusFlag::STARRED | StatusFlag::UNREAD;
- $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) - `feeds`.`articles_per_update` AS `size`, ' .
- '`items`.`feed_id` AS `feed_id` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'WHERE NOT ((`items`.`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
- 'GROUP BY `items`.`feed_id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
- 'HAVING COUNT(*) > ?';
+ public function testDeleteReadOlderThanThresholdDoesNotDeleteBelowThreshold(){
+ $status = StatusFlag::STARRED | StatusFlag::UNREAD;
+ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) - `feeds`.`articles_per_update` AS `size`, ' .
+ '`items`.`feed_id` AS `feed_id` ' .
+ 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
+ 'WHERE NOT ((`items`.`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
+ 'GROUP BY `items`.`feed_id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
+ 'HAVING COUNT(*) > ?';
- $threshold = 10;
- $rows = array(array('feed_id' => 30, 'size' => 9));
- $params = array($status, $threshold);
+ $threshold = 10;
+ $rows = array(array('feed_id' => 30, 'size' => 9));
+ $params = array($status, $threshold);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
- $this->mapper->deleteReadOlderThanThreshold($threshold);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
+ $this->mapper->deleteReadOlderThanThreshold($threshold);
- }
+ }
- public function testDeleteReadOlderThanThreshold(){
- $threshold = 10;
- $status = StatusFlag::STARRED | StatusFlag::UNREAD;
+ public function testDeleteReadOlderThanThreshold(){
+ $threshold = 10;
+ $status = StatusFlag::STARRED | StatusFlag::UNREAD;
- $sql1 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) - `feeds`.`articles_per_update` AS `size`, ' .
- '`items`.`feed_id` AS `feed_id` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'WHERE NOT ((`items`.`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
- 'GROUP BY `items`.`feed_id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
- 'HAVING COUNT(*) > ?';
- $params1 = array($status, $threshold);
+ $sql1 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) - `feeds`.`articles_per_update` AS `size`, ' .
+ '`items`.`feed_id` AS `feed_id` ' .
+ 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
+ 'WHERE NOT ((`items`.`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
+ 'GROUP BY `items`.`feed_id`, `feeds`.`articles_per_update` ' .
+ 'HAVING COUNT(*) > ?';
+ $params1 = array($status, $threshold);
- $row = array('feed_id' => 30, 'size' => 11);
+ $row = array('feed_id' => 30, 'size' => 11);
- $sql2 = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
- 'WHERE NOT ((`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
- 'AND `feed_id` = ? ' .
- 'ORDER BY `id` ASC';
- $params2 = array($status, 30);
+ $sql2 = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
+ 'WHERE NOT ((`status` & ?) > 0) ' .
+ 'AND `feed_id` = ? ' .
+ 'ORDER BY `id` ASC';
+ $params2 = array($status, 30);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql1, $params1, array($row));
- $this->setMapperResult($sql2, $params2);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql1, $params1, array($row));
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql2, $params2);
- $this->mapper->deleteReadOlderThanThreshold($threshold);
- }
+ $this->mapper->deleteReadOlderThanThreshold($threshold);
+ }
- public function testGetNewestItem() {
- $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`items`.`id`) AS `max_id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ?';
- $params = array($this->user);
- $rows = array(array('max_id' => 3));
+ public function testGetNewestItem() {
+ $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`items`.`id`) AS `max_id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
+ 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ?';
+ $params = array($this->user);
+ $rows = array(array('max_id' => 3));
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->getNewestItemId($this->user);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $result);
- }
+ $result = $this->mapper->getNewestItemId($this->user);
+ $this->assertEquals(3, $result);
+ }
- public function testGetNewestItemIdNotFound() {
- $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`items`.`id`) AS `max_id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
- 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ?';
- $params = array($this->user);
- $rows = array();
+ public function testGetNewestItemIdNotFound() {
+ $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`items`.`id`) AS `max_id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` '.
+ 'JOIN `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` '.
+ 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ?';
+ $params = array($this->user);
+ $rows = array();
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
- $this->setExpectedException('\OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException');
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
+ $this->setExpectedException('\OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException');
- $this->mapper->getNewestItemId($this->user);
- }
+ $this->mapper->getNewestItemId($this->user);
+ }
- public function testDeleteFromUser(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
- 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
- 'SELECT `feeds`.`id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`user_id` = ?' .
- ')';
+ public function testDeleteFromUser(){
+ $userId = 'john';
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' .
+ 'WHERE `feed_id` IN (' .
+ 'SELECT `feeds`.`id` FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
+ 'WHERE `feeds`.`user_id` = ?' .
+ ')';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($userId));
+ $this->setMapperResult($sql, array($userId));
- $this->mapper->deleteUser($userId);
- }
+ $this->mapper->deleteUser($userId);
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file