path: root/tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php
diff options
authorDaniel Opitz <>2017-08-14 10:34:53 +0200
committerBernhard Posselt <>2017-08-14 10:34:53 +0200
commita97dd58e3b499b60ac8b37786d402d7f2e371a88 (patch)
tree98bb8a6c750fb33fbef38d22407fa29fbf6c7b1e /tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php
parent7d8a85c82c4c13a71b70ddb4ecb8c40ede4c9b70 (diff)
Split binary to booleans (#203)
* replaced old status with 2 flags for unread and starred * add fields to db, replace int(1,0) with booleans in sql queries, removed StatusFlags class + refactor code relying to it * add repair step for migration * again use integer(1,0) instead of bool in sql queries, because of sqlite doesn't support true/false * add/fix unit tests for new boolean status * set unread/starred flags as statements in sql * fixed mysql unknown column items.unread, fixed marking of read items on repair step * remove unnecessary bool casts * add empty checks to Items::is* methods * update migration to use native sql instead of the querybuilder * don't cast the flags manually, let the api do the work
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed74b235e..000000000
--- a/tests/Unit/Db/FeedMapperTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
- * Nextcloud - News
- *
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later. See the COPYING file.
- *
- * @author Alessandro Cosentino <>
- * @author Bernhard Posselt <>
- * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012
- * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014
- */
-namespace OCA\News\Db;
-use OCA\News\Utility\Time;
-class FeedMapperTest extends \OCA\News\Tests\Unit\Db\MapperTestUtility {
- private $mapper;
- private $feeds;
- protected function setUp(){
- parent::setUp();
- $this->mapper = new FeedMapper($this->db, new Time());
- // create mock feeds
- $feed1 = new Feed();
- $feed2 = new Feed();
- $this->feeds = [$feed1, $feed2];
- $this->user = 'herman';
- }
- public function testFind(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $id = 3;
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $params = [$id, $userId];
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->find($id, $userId);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds[0], $result);
- }
- public function testFindNotFound(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $id = 3;
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $params = [$id, $userId];
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params);
- $this->setExpectedException(
- '\OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException'
- );
- $this->mapper->find($id, $userId);
- }
- public function testFindMoreThanOneResultFound(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $id = 3;
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`id` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $params = [$id, $userId];
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $params, $rows);
- $this->setExpectedException(
- '\OCP\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException'
- );
- $this->mapper->find($id, $userId);
- }
- public function testFindAll(){
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` '.
- 'ON `feeds`.`folder_id` = `folders`.`id` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE (`feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
- 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0' .
- ')' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [], $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAll();
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds, $result);
- }
- public function testFindAllFromUser(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT OUTER JOIN `*PREFIX*news_folders` `folders` '.
- 'ON `feeds`.`folder_id` = `folders`.`id` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'AND (`feeds`.`folder_id` = 0 ' .
- 'OR `folders`.`deleted_at` = 0' .
- ')' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`deleted_at` = 0 ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$userId], $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->findAllFromUser($userId);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds, $result);
- }
- public function testFindByUrlHash(){
- $urlHash = md5('hihi');
- $row = [['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()]];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`url_hash` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$urlHash, $this->user], $row);
- $result = $this->mapper->findByUrlHash($urlHash, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds[0], $result);
- }
- public function testFindByUrlHashNotFound(){
- $urlHash = md5('hihi');
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`url_hash` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$urlHash, $this->user]);
- $this->setExpectedException(
- '\OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException'
- );
- $this->mapper->findByUrlHash($urlHash, $this->user);
- }
- public function testFindByUrlHashMoreThanOneResultFound(){
- $urlHash = md5('hihi');
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT `feeds`.*, COUNT(`items`.`id`) AS `unread_count` ' .
- 'FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` `feeds` ' .
- 'LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*news_items` `items` ' .
- 'ON `feeds`.`id` = `items`.`feed_id` ' .
- 'AND (`items`.`status` & ' . StatusFlag::UNREAD . ') = ' .
- StatusFlag::UNREAD . ' ' .
- 'WHERE `feeds`.`url_hash` = ? ' .
- 'AND `feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' .
- 'GROUP BY `feeds`.`id`';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$urlHash, $this->user], $rows);
- $this->setExpectedException(
- '\OCP\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException'
- );
- $this->mapper->findByUrlHash($urlHash, $this->user);
- }
- public function testDelete(){
- $feed = new Feed();
- $feed->setId(3);
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` WHERE `id` = ?';
- $arguments = [$feed->getId()];
- $sql2 = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` WHERE `feed_id` = ?';
- $arguments2 = [$feed->getId()];
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, $arguments);
- $this->setMapperResult($sql2, $arguments2);
- $this->mapper->delete($feed);
- }
- public function testGetPurgeDeleted(){
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $deleteOlderThan = 110;
- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `deleted_at` > 0 ' .
- 'AND `deleted_at` < ? ';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$deleteOlderThan], $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->getToDelete($deleteOlderThan);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds, $result);
- }
- public function testGetPurgeDeletedFromUser(){
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $deleteOlderThan = 110;
- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `deleted_at` > 0 ' .
- 'AND `deleted_at` < ? ' .
- 'AND `user_id` = ?';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$deleteOlderThan, $this->user], $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->getToDelete($deleteOlderThan, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds, $result);
- }
- public function testGetAllPurgeDeletedFromUser(){
- $rows = [
- ['id' => $this->feeds[0]->getId()],
- ['id' => $this->feeds[1]->getId()]
- ];
- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` ' .
- 'WHERE `deleted_at` > 0 ' .
- 'AND `user_id` = ?';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$this->user], $rows);
- $result = $this->mapper->getToDelete(null, $this->user);
- $this->assertEquals($this->feeds, $result);
- }
- public function testDeleteFromUser(){
- $userId = 'john';
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*news_feeds` WHERE `user_id` = ?';
- $this->setMapperResult($sql, [$userId]);
- $this->mapper->deleteUser($userId);
- }