AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-09Update openssl.versionbump-openssl-versionTasos Katsoulas
2023-08-09fix claiming via UI for static build (#15774)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-09[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.41.0-318-nightly.netdatabot
2023-08-08Regenerate integrations.js (#15772)Netdata bot
2023-08-08extend the trimming window to avoid empty points at the end of queries (#15773)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-08Fix coverity issues introduced via drm proc module (#15765)Dimitris P
2023-08-08Change FreeBSD / macOS system.swap(io) to mem.swap(io) (#15769)Dimitris P
2023-08-08Fix CID 398318 (#15766)Timotej S
2023-08-08update ui to v6.26.3 (#15767)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-08Regenerate integrations.js (#15764)Netdata bot
2023-08-08meta update proc drm icon (#15763)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-08Regenerate integrations.js (#15760)Netdata bot
2023-08-08[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.41.0-308-nightly.netdatabot
2023-08-07Update metadata.yamlCosta Tsaousis
2023-08-07Update metadata.yaml (#15761)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-07Update metadata.yaml (#15762)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-07Add AMD GPU collector (#15515)Dimitris P
2023-08-07[cloud-blocker] https_client add TLS ext. SNI + support chunked transfer enco...Timotej S
2023-08-07fix nvidia_smi power_readings for new drivers (#15759)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-07update bundled UI to v2.26.2 (#15758)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-06[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.41.0-300-nightly.netdatabot
2023-08-05ci labeler: remove integrations from area/docs (#15750)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-05[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.41.0-298-nightly.netdatabot
2023-08-04Regenerate integrations.js (#15751)Netdata bot
2023-08-04meta: align left metrics, alerts, and config options (#15749)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-04Add netdata-plugin-systemd-journal package. (#15733)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-08-04Add dependencies for systemd journal plugin. (#15747)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-08-04prefer cap over setuid for sysetmd-journal in installer (#15741)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-04ci: add systemd-journal and metdata to labeler (#15746)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-04add systemd-journal.plugin to gitignore (#15743)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-04ci: run "Generate Integrations" only in netdata/netdata (#15731)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-04Don't overwrite my vscode settings! (#15738)Timotej S
2023-08-04faster facets and journal fixes (#15737)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-04Update README.mdCosta Tsaousis
2023-08-04Update README.mdCosta Tsaousis
2023-08-03Adjust namespace used for sd_journal_open (#15736)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-08-03proc.plugin: dont log if pressure/irq does not exist (#15732)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-03Update to latest copy of v2 dashboard. (#15735)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2023-08-03Update README.mdCosta Tsaousis
2023-08-03Regenerate integrations.js (#15728)Netdata bot
2023-08-03Changes to the templates for integrations (#15721)Fotis Voutsas
2023-08-03fix systemd-journal makefile (#15727)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-03systemd-journal plugin (#15363)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-03Fix memory corruption (#15724)Stelios Fragkakis
2023-08-03disable systemdunits alarms (#15726)Ilya Mashchenko
2023-08-03Revert "Refactor RRD code. (#15423)" (#15723)vkalintiris
2023-08-03prefer titles, families, units and priorities from collected charts (#15614)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-03fix the freez pointer of dyncfg (#15719)Costa Tsaousis
2023-08-03[ci skip] Update changelog and version for nightly build: v1.41.0-272-nightly.netdatabot
2023-08-02Update the bundled v2 dashboard to the latest release. (#15718)Austin S. Hemmelgarn