AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-17Update health/ alarms-docs-new-attributesEmmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Update health/ Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Update health/ Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Update health/ Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Update REFERENCE.mdEmmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Update REFERENCE.mdEmmanuel Vasilakis
2021-05-17Add notes for default value UnknownEmmanuel Vasilakis
2021-04-21Update REFERENCE.mdEmmanuel Vasilakis
2021-04-16Add sections for class, component and type.Emmanuel Vasilakis
2021-04-16[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-15Bring flexible adjust for eBPF hash tables (#10962)thiagoftsm
2021-04-15Update eBPF documentation (#10982)thiagoftsm
2021-04-15Assorted fixes for Travis CI code. (#10981)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-15Remove condition that was creating gaps on cachestat (#10972)thiagoftsm
2021-04-15Contributing revamp, take 2 (#10956)Odysseas Lamtzidis
2021-04-15Remove error message on netdata restart (#8685)Steve8291
2021-04-15Improvements to dash-example.html (#10870)Thomas Anderson
2021-04-15Upgrade OKay repository RPM for RHEL8 (#10973)BastienBalaud
2021-04-15Fine tune clang-format (#7271)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-15Update fping version (#10977)Habetdin
2021-04-15collectors/charts.d/opensips: fix detection of `opensipsctl` executable (#10978)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14Replace references to Google Analytics with Posthog where relevant (#10868)Andrew Maguire
2021-04-14python.d(smartd_log): collect attribute 249 -- NAND Writes 1GiB (#10872)Ryan Lahfa
2021-04-14Add docs on Nginx with IPv6 listen for certbot to work (#10473)kalle (jag)
2021-04-14nvidia-smi: update (#10214)vincentkersten
2021-04-14fix uil in statsd guide (#10975)Odysseas Lamtzidis
2021-04-14Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3 (#10959)dependabot[bot]
2021-04-14health: fix alarm line options syntax in the docs (#10974)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14Fix formatting and wording in the Running-behind-apache guide (#8706)Ioannis Cherouvim
2021-04-14Remove RewriteEngine for dedicated vHost (#10873)Steve8291
2021-04-14Spelling web api server (#10921)Josh Soref
2021-04-14web/gui: add systemdunits info to the dashboard_info.js (#10904)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14health: add systemdunits alarms (#10906)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14health: add synchronization.conf to the Makefile (#10907)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14add --recursive to docu (#10932)Timotej S
2021-04-14Spelling collectors (#10912)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling web gui (#10922)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling streaming (#10919)Josh Soref
2021-04-14spelling: bidirectional (#10918)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling database (#10914)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling daemon (#10913)Josh Soref
2021-04-14spelling: backend (#10911)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling aclk (#10910)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling tests (#10920)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling libnetdata (#10917)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling health (#10916)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling exporting (#10915)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling build (#10909)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Update (#10942)Avre
2021-04-14Fix epbf crash when process exit (#10957)thiagoftsm