AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-14fix uil in statsd guideOdysLam-patch-5Odysseas Lamtzidis
2021-04-14Remove RewriteEngine for dedicated vHost (#10873)Steve8291
2021-04-14Spelling web api server (#10921)Josh Soref
2021-04-14web/gui: add systemdunits info to the dashboard_info.js (#10904)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14health: add systemdunits alarms (#10906)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14health: add synchronization.conf to the Makefile (#10907)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14add --recursive to docu (#10932)Timotej S
2021-04-14Spelling collectors (#10912)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling web gui (#10922)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling streaming (#10919)Josh Soref
2021-04-14spelling: bidirectional (#10918)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling database (#10914)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling daemon (#10913)Josh Soref
2021-04-14spelling: backend (#10911)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling aclk (#10910)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling tests (#10920)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling libnetdata (#10917)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling health (#10916)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling exporting (#10915)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Spelling build (#10909)Josh Soref
2021-04-14Update (#10942)Avre
2021-04-14Fix epbf crash when process exit (#10957)thiagoftsm
2021-04-14Add a metric for percpu memory (#10964)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-14health: add Inconsistent state to the mysql_galera_cluster_state alarm (#10945)Ilya Mashchenko
2021-04-14Add a plugin for the system clock synchronization state (#10895)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-14Add new charts for extended disk metrics (#10939)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-14Add a chart for out of memory kills (#10880)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-14Add lists of monitored metrics to the cgroups plugin documentation (#10924)Vladimir Kobal
2021-04-13[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-12[ci skip] release v1.30.1v1.30.1netdatabot
2021-04-12[netdata patch release] v1.30.1Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-09[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-08Don’t use glob expansion in argument to `cd` in updater. (#10936)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-08[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-07Add a CRASH event when the agent fails to properly shutdown (#10893)Stelios Fragkakis
2021-04-07Fix memory corruption issue when executing context queries in RAM/SAVE memory...Stelios Fragkakis
2021-04-07Update CODEOWNERS (#10928)Konstantinos Natsakis
2021-04-07Fix incorrect health log entries (#10822)Stelios Fragkakis
2021-04-07[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-06Update (#10898)Yannis Sliman
2021-04-06Update news and GIF in README, fix typo (#10900)Joel Hans
2021-04-06Add libzstd-dev (#10925)Josh Soref
2021-04-06[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-05Bump version of OpenSSL bundled in static builds to 1.1.1k (#10884)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-05Spelling build (#10428)Josh Soref
2021-04-05Properly handle binary package reuplods. (#10878)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-03[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-04-02Fixed bundling of ACLK-NG components in dist tarballs. (#10894)Austin S. Hemmelgarn
2021-04-01[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelognetdatabot
2021-03-31[ci skip] release v1.30.0v1.30.0netdatabot