path: root/web/dashboard.html
diff options
authorCosta Tsaousis (ktsaou) <>2015-12-02 08:37:41 +0200
committerCosta Tsaousis (ktsaou) <>2015-12-02 08:37:41 +0200
commit3795a491a28d7b686ae16ba703aa8c8d45019a5f (patch)
tree6cbc73b5aaf6da0d8cdde4c16fa85d419e2973b7 /web/dashboard.html
parent236150e1c9beaf153cbd06a50d354453c632469f (diff)
added delayed loading of charting libraries; now chart libraries are loaded only if and when are needed
Diffstat (limited to 'web/dashboard.html')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/web/dashboard.html b/web/dashboard.html
index 023292b9ac..8ed622d00c 100755
--- a/web/dashboard.html
+++ b/web/dashboard.html
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ This is a template for building custom dashboards. To build a dashboard you just
<li>You can host your dashboard anywhere.</li>
<li>You can add as many charts as you like.</li>
<li>You can have charts from many different netdata servers (add <pre>data-host="http://another.netdata.server:19999/"</pre> to each chart).</li>
- <li>You can use different chart libraries on the same page: <b>peity</b>, <b>sparkline</b>, <b>dygraph</b>, <b>google</b> (requires some more lines in your html page - view source this one), <b>morris</b></li>
+ <li>You can use different chart libraries on the same page: <b>peity</b>, <b>sparkline</b>, <b>dygraph</b>, <b>google</b>, <b>morris</b></li>
<li>You can customize each chart to your preferences. For each chart library most of their attributes can be given in <b>data-</b> attributes.</li>
<li>Each chart can have each own duration - it is controlled with the <b>data-after</b> attribute to give that many seconds of data.</li>
<li>Depending on the width of the chart and <b>data-after</b> attribute, netdata will automatically refresh the chart when it needs to be updated. For example giving 600 pixels for width for -600 seconds of data, using a chart library that needs 3 pixels per point, will yeld in a chart updated once every 3 seconds.</li>
@@ -295,10 +295,6 @@ Unfortunatelly, Morris Charts are veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow! We force them to low
- <!-- You can disable Google Visualization by commenting the following two lines -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <script type='text/javascript'>google.load('visualization', '1.1', {'packages':['corechart', 'controls']});</script>
<!-- you can set your netdata server globally, by ucommenting this -->
<!-- you can also give a different server per chart, with the attribute: data-host="http://netdata.server:19999" -->
<!-- <script> netdataServer = "http://box:19999"; </script> -->