path: root/docs
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authorJoel Hans <>2021-04-29 08:53:02 -0700
committerGitHub <>2021-04-29 08:53:02 -0700
commitbb91989024f8e34056e82be79c02193a6ad94c7f (patch)
treeeecdcb6b3695350b399573bed62e3b1521046c83 /docs
parentdb60f4928d55628d8a88b0fcf7bcaeb8d02069ce (diff)
Improve dashboard documentation (part 1) (#11015)
* Finish initial draft * Finish with draft of installation flow * Change analytics path * Rename file and improve flow * Init new files * Init new dashboard files * Finish initial draft * Finish with draft of installation flow * Change analytics path * Rename file and improve flow * Init new files * Init new dashboard files * Proofreading * Clarify alarm states
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
4 files changed, 240 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx b/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c0e2bdd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+title: "How the dashboard works"
+description: "Learn how to navigate Netdata's preconfigured dashboard to get started exploring, visualizing, and troubleshooting in real time."
+type: explanation
+# How the dashboard works
+Because Netdata is a monitoring and _troubleshooting_ platform, a dashboard with real-time, meaningful, and
+context-aware charts is essential.
+As soon as you [install Netdata](/docs/get-started.mdx), it autodetects hardware, OS, containers, services, and
+applications running on your node and builds a dashboard on a single, scrollable webpage. This page features hundreds of
+charts, which are preconfigured to save you time from learning a query language, all stacked on top of one another. This
+vertical rhythm is designed to encourage exploration and help you visually identify connections between the metrics
+visualized in different charts.
+It's essential to understand the core concepts and features of Netdata's dashboard if you want to maximize your Netdata
+experience right after installation.
+## Open the dashboard
+Access Netdata's dashboard by navigating to `http://NODE:19999` in your browser, replacing `NODE` with either
+`localhost` or the hostname/IP address of a remote node.
+![Animated GIF of navigating to the
+Many features of the internal web server that serves the dashboard are [configurable](/web/server/, including
+the listen port, enforced TLS, and even disabling the dashboard altogether.
+## Sections and menus
+As mentioned in the introduction, Netdata automatically organizes all the metrics it collects from your node, and places
+them into **sections** of closely related charts.
+The first section on any dashboard is the **System Overview**, followed by **CPUs**, **Memory**, and so on.
+These sections populate the **menu**, which is on the right-hand side of the dashboard. Instead of manually scrolling up
+and down to explore the dashboard, it's generally faster to click on the relevant menu item to jump to that position on
+the dashboard.
+Many menu items also contain a **submenu**, with links to additional categories. For example, the **Disks** section is often separated into multiple groups based on the number of disk drives/partitions on your node, which are also known as a family.
+![Animated GIF of using Netdata's menus and
+## Charts
+Every **chart** in the Netdata dashboard is [fully interactive](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx). Netdata
+synchronizes your interactions to help you understand exactly how a node behaved in any timeframe, whether that's
+seconds or days.
+A chart is an individual, interactive, always-updating graphic displaying one or more collected/calculated metrics,
+which are generated by [collectors](/docs/collect/
+![Animated GIF of the standard Netdata dashboard being manipulated and synchronizing
+Hover over any chart to temporarily pause it and see the exact metrics values presented as different dimensions. Click
+or tap to stop the chart from automatically updating with new metrics, thereby locking it to a single timeframe.
+Double-click it to resume auto-updating.
+Let's cover two of the most important ways to interact with charts: panning through time and zooming.
+To pan through time, **click and hold** (or touch and hold) on any chart, then **drag your mouse** (or finger) to the
+left or right. Drag to the right to pan backward through time, or drag to the left to pan forward in time. Think of it
+like pushing the current timeframe off the screen to see what came before or after.
+To zoom, press and hold `Shift`, then use your mouse's scroll wheel, or a two-finger pinch if you're using a touchpad.
+See [interact with charts](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx) for all the possible ways to interact with the charts on
+your dashboard.
+## Alarms
+Many of the preconfigured charts on the Netdata dashboard also come with preconfigured alarms. Netdata sends three
+primary alarm states via alarms: `CLEAR`, `WARNING`, and `CRITICAL`. If an alarm moves from a `CLEAR` state to either
+`WARNING` or `CRITICAL`, Netdata creates a notification to let you know exactly what's going on. There are [other alarm
+states](/health/ as well.
+The easiest way to see alarms is by clicking on the alarm icon ![Alarms
+in the top panel to open the alarms panel, which shows you all the active alarms. The other **All** tab shows every
+active alarm, and the **Log** tab shows a historical record of exactly when alarms triggered and to which state.
+![Animated GIF of looking at raised alarms and the alarm
+Learn more about [viewing active alarms](/docs/monitor/, [configuring
+alarms](/docs/monitor/, or [enabling a new notification
+## What's next?
+Learn more about [interacting with charts](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx) to quickly pan through time, zoom, and
+show/hide dimensions to best understand the state of your node in any timeframe.
+### Further reading & related information
+- [HTTP API](/web/api/
+- [Custom dashboards](/web/gui/custom/
diff --git a/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx b/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0a447bd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+title: "Interact with charts"
+description: "Learn how to pan, zoom, select, and customize Netdata's preconfigured charts to help you troubleshooting with real-time, per-second metrics data."
+type: how-to
+# Interact with charts
+While charts that update every second with new metrics are helpful for understanding the immediate state of a node, deep
+troubleshooting and root cause analysis begins by manipulating the default charts. To help you troubleshoot, Netdata
+synchronizes every chart every time you interact with one of them.
+Here's what synchronization looks like:
+![Animated GIF of the standard Netdata dashboard being manipulated and synchronizing
+Once you understand all the interactions available to you, you'll be able to quickly move around the dashboard, search
+for anomalies, and find root causes using per-second metrics.
+## Pause or stop
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :---------------- | :------------- | :------------------- |
+| **Pause** a chart | `hover` | `n/a` |
+| **Stop** a chart | `click` | `tap` |
+By hovering over any chart, you temporarily pause it so that you can hover over a specific timeframe and see the exact
+values presented as dimensions. Click on the chart to lock it to this timeframe, which is useful if you want to jump to
+a different chart to look for possible correlations.
+![Animated GIF of hovering over a chart to see
+## Pan
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :---------- | :------------- | :------------------- |
+| **Pan** | `click + drag` | `swipe` |
+Drag your mouse/finger to the right to pan backward through time, or drag to the left to pan forward in time. Think of
+it like pushing the current timeframe off the screen to see what came before or after.
+## Zoom
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :------------------------------- | :-------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Zoom** in or out | `Shift + mouse scrollwheel` | `two-finger pinch` <br />`Shift + two-finger scroll` |
+| **Zoom** to a specific timeframe | `Shift + mouse selection` | `n/a` |
+Zooming in helps you see metrics with maximum granularity, which is useful when you're trying to diagnose the root cause
+of an anomaly or outage. Zooming out lets you see metrics within the larger context, such as the last hour, day, or
+week, which is useful in understanding what "normal" looks like, or to identify long-term trends, like a slow creep in
+memory usage.
+## Select
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------- |
+| **Select** a specific timeframe | `Alt + mouse selection` or `⌘ + mouse selection` (macOS) | `n/a` |
+Selecting timeframes is useful when you see an interesting spike or change in a chart and want to investigate further.
+Select a timeframe, then move to different charts/sections of the dashboard. Each chart shows the same selection to help
+you immediately identify the timeframe and look for correlations.
+## Reset a chart to its default state
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :---------------- | :------------- | :------------------- |
+| **Reset** a chart | `double-click` | `n/a` |
+Double-check on a chart to restore it to the default auto-updating state, with a timeframe based on your browser
+## Resize
+Click-and-drag the icon on the bottom-right corner of any chart. To restore the chart to its original height,
+double-click the same icon.
+![Animated GIF of resizing a chart and resetting it to the default
+## Show and hide dimensions
+| Interaction | Keyboard/mouse | Touchpad/touchscreen |
+| :------------------------------------- | :-------------- | :------------------- |
+| **Show one** dimension and hide others | `click` | `tap` |
+| **Toggle (show/hide)** one dimension | `Shift + click` | `n/a` |
+Hiding dimensions simplifies the chart and can help you better discover exactly which aspect of your system might be
+behaving strangely.
+## See the context
+Hover your mouse over the date that appears just beneath the chart itself. A tooltip will tell you the context for that
+chart. Below, the context is `apps.cpu`.
+![See a chart's
+## See the resolution and update frequency
+Hover your mouse over the timestamp just to the right of the date. `resolution` is the number of seconds between each
+"tick" in the chart. `collection every` is how often Netdata collects and stores that metric.
+If the `resolution` value is higher than `collection every`, such as `resolution 5 secs, collected every 1 sec`, this
+means that each tick is calculating represents the average values across a 5-second period. You can zoom in to increase
+the resolution to `resolution 1 sec` to see the exact values.
+## Chart controls
+Many of the above interactions can also be triggered using the icons on the bottom-right corner of every chart. They
+are, respectively, `Pan Left`, `Reset`, `Pan Right`, `Zoom In`, and `Zoom Out`.
+## What's next?
+<!-- We recommend you read up on the differences between [charts, contexts, dimensions, and
+families](/docs/dashboards/chart-dimensions-contexts-families.mdx) to complete your understanding of how Netdata's
+dashboards are organized. -->
+If you feel comfortable with the [dashboard](/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx) and interacting with charts, we
+recommend moving on to learning about [configuration](/docs/configure/ While Netdata doesn't _require_ a
+complicated setup process or a query language to create charts, there are a lot of ways to tweak the experience to match
+your needs.
diff --git a/docs/get-started.mdx b/docs/get-started.mdx
index ccd39d922d..ef1d3f9a66 100644
--- a/docs/get-started.mdx
+++ b/docs/get-started.mdx
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ Copy the script, paste it into your node's terminal, and hit `Enter` to begin th
<OneLineInstall />
-Next, [open and explore the dashboard](#open-and-explore-the-dashboard).
+Jump down to [what's next](#whats-next) to learn how to view your new dashboard and take your next steps monitoring and
+troubleshooting with Netdata.
## Run Netdata with Docker
@@ -94,47 +95,17 @@ docker run -d --name=netdata \
-Next, [open and explore the dashboard](#open-and-explore-the-dashboard).
-## Open and explore the dashboard
+## What's next?
To start using Netdata, open a browser and navigate to `http://NODE:19999`, replacing `NODE` with either `localhost` or
the hostname/IP address of a remote node.
-![Animated GIF of navigating to the
-Netdata's dashboard is a single page with hundreds of preconfigured charts and thousands of metrics that update every
-second. Everything you see is autodetected and organized with zero configuration required.
-To see more charts, scroll down or use the **menu** on the right-hand side of the dashboard to navigate between
-**sections**, which are groups of closely related charts.
-![Animated GIF of using the menus and
-## Interact with charts
-Every chart in the Netdata dashboard is fully interactive, and Netdata synchronizes your interactions to help you
-understand exactly how a node behaved in any timeframe, whether that's seconds or days.
-![Animated GIF of the standard Netdata dashboard being manipulated and synchronizing
-Let's cover two of the most important ways to interact with charts: panning through time and zooming.
-To pan through time, **click and hold** (or touch and hold) on any chart, then **drag your mouse** (or finger) to the
-left or right. Dragging to the right pans backward through time, while dragging to the left pans forward in time. Think
-of it like pushing the current timeframe off the screen so you can see what came before or after.
-To zoom, press and hold `Shift`, then use your mouse's scroll wheel, or a two-finger pinch if you're using a touchpad.
+Where you go from here is based on your use case, immediate needs, and experience with monitoring and troubleshooting.
-## What's next?
+### Dashboard
-You've now installed Netdata, visited the dashboard at `http://NODE:19999`, learned the basics of getting around, and
-learned how to interact with charts by zooming and panning through time.
-Where you go from here is based on your use case, immediate needs, and experience with monitoring and troubleshooting.
+Learn more about [how the dashboard works](/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx), or dive directly into the many ways
+to [interact with charts](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx).
### Configuration
@@ -142,11 +113,6 @@ Discover the recommended way to [configure Netdata's settings or behavior](/docs
`edit-config` script, then apply that knowledge to mission-critical tweaks, such as [changing how long Netdata stores
-### Dashboard
-Learn even more about [navigating Netdata's dashboard and interacting with
### Data collection
If Netdata didn't autodetect all the hardware, containers, services, or applications running on your node, you should
diff --git a/docs/monitor/ b/docs/monitor/
index 63ddfdde14..b23e2d7212 100644
--- a/docs/monitor/
+++ b/docs/monitor/
@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ Cloud](
## Local Netdata Agent dashboard
-Find the bell 🔔 icon in the top navigation to bring up a modal that shows currently raised alarms, all running alarms,
-and the alarms log. Here is an example of a raised `system.cpu` alarm, followed by the full list and alarm log:
+Find the alarms icon ![Alarms
+in the top navigation to bring up a modal that shows currently raised alarms, all running alarms, and the alarms log.
+Here is an example of a raised `system.cpu` alarm, followed by the full list and alarm log:
![Animated GIF of looking at raised alarms and the alarm