path: root/src/waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.cpp')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.cpp b/src/waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83502732ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "waveform/renderers/allshader/waveformrenderersimple.h"
+#include "track/track.h"
+#include "util/math.h"
+#include "waveform/renderers/allshader/matrixforwidgetgeometry.h"
+#include "waveform/waveform.h"
+#include "waveform/waveformwidgetfactory.h"
+#include "waveform/widgets/allshader/waveformwidget.h"
+#include "widget/wskincolor.h"
+#include "widget/wwidget.h"
+using namespace allshader;
+ WaveformWidgetRenderer* waveformWidget)
+ : WaveformRendererSignalBase(waveformWidget) {
+WaveformRendererSimple::~WaveformRendererSimple() {
+void WaveformRendererSimple::onSetup(const QDomNode& node) {
+ Q_UNUSED(node);
+void WaveformRendererSimple::initializeGL() {
+ WaveformRendererSignalBase::initializeGL();
+ m_shader.init();
+void WaveformRendererSimple::paintGL() {
+ TrackPointer pTrack = m_waveformRenderer->getTrackInfo();
+ if (!pTrack) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ConstWaveformPointer waveform = pTrack->getWaveform();
+ if (waveform.isNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const int dataSize = waveform->getDataSize();
+ if (dataSize <= 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const WaveformData* data = waveform->data();
+ if (data == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const float devicePixelRatio = m_waveformRenderer->getDevicePixelRatio();
+ const int length = static_cast<int>(m_waveformRenderer->getLength() * devicePixelRatio);
+ // Not multiplying with devicePixelRatio will also work. In that case, on
+ // High-DPI-Display the lines will be devicePixelRatio pixels wide (which is
+ // also what is used for the beat grid and the markers), or in other words
+ // each block of samples is represented by devicePixelRatio pixels (width).
+ const double firstVisualIndex = m_waveformRenderer->getFirstDisplayedPosition() * dataSize;
+ const double lastVisualIndex = m_waveformRenderer->getLastDisplayedPosition() * dataSize;
+ // Represents the # of waveform data points per horizontal pixel.
+ const double visualIncrementPerPixel =
+ (lastVisualIndex - firstVisualIndex) / static_cast<double>(length);
+ // Per-band gain from the EQ knobs.
+ float allGain{1.0};
+ float bandGain[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
+ getGains(&allGain, &bandGain[0], &bandGain[1], &bandGain[2]);
+ const float breadth = static_cast<float>(m_waveformRenderer->getBreadth()) * devicePixelRatio;
+ const float halfBreadth = breadth / 2.0f;
+ const float heightFactor = allGain * halfBreadth / 255.f;
+ // Effective visual index of x
+ double xVisualSampleIndex = firstVisualIndex;
+ const int numVerticesPerLine = 6; // 2 triangles
+ int reserved[2];
+ reserved[0] = numVerticesPerLine * length;
+ m_vertices[0].clear();
+ m_vertices[0].reserve(reserved[0]);
+ // the horizontal line
+ reserved[1] = numVerticesPerLine;
+ m_vertices[1].clear();
+ m_vertices[1].reserve(reserved[1]);
+ m_vertices[1].addRectangle(
+ 0.f,
+ halfBreadth - 0.5f * devicePixelRatio,
+ static_cast<float>(length),
+ halfBreadth + 0.5f * devicePixelRatio);
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < length; ++pos) {
+ // Our current pixel (x) corresponds to a number of visual samples
+ // (visualSamplerPerPixel) in our waveform object. We take the max of
+ // all the data points on either side of xVisualSampleIndex within a
+ // window of 'maxSamplingRange' visual samples to measure the maximum
+ // data point contained by this pixel.
+ double maxSamplingRange = visualIncrementPerPixel / 2.0;
+ // Since xVisualSampleIndex is in visual-samples (e.g. R,L,R,L) we want
+ // to check +/- maxSamplingRange frames, not samples. To do this, divide
+ // xVisualSampleIndex by 2. Since frames indices are integers, we round
+ // to the nearest integer by adding 0.5 before casting to int.
+ int visualFrameStart = int(xVisualSampleIndex / 2.0 - maxSamplingRange + 0.5);
+ int visualFrameStop = int(xVisualSampleIndex / 2.0 + maxSamplingRange + 0.5);
+ const int lastVisualFrame = dataSize / 2 - 1;
+ // We now know that some subset of [visualFrameStart, visualFrameStop]
+ // lies within the valid range of visual frames. Clamp
+ // visualFrameStart/Stop to within [0, lastVisualFrame].
+ visualFrameStart = math_clamp(visualFrameStart, 0, lastVisualFrame);
+ visualFrameStop = math_clamp(visualFrameStop, 0, lastVisualFrame);
+ int visualIndexStart = visualFrameStart * 2;
+ int visualIndexStop = visualFrameStop * 2;
+ visualIndexStart = std::max(visualIndexStart, 0);
+ visualIndexStop = std::min(visualIndexStop, dataSize);
+ // 2 channels
+ float max[2]{};
+ for (int i = visualIndexStart; i < visualIndexStop; i += 2) {
+ for (int chn = 0; chn < 2; chn++) {
+ const WaveformData& waveformData = data[i + chn];
+ const float filteredAll = static_cast<float>(waveformData.filtered.all);
+ max[chn] = math_max(max[chn], filteredAll);
+ }
+ }
+ const float fpos = static_cast<float>(pos);
+ // lines are thin rectangles
+ m_vertices[0].addRectangle(
+ fpos - 0.5f,
+ halfBreadth - heightFactor * max[0],
+ fpos + 0.5f,
+ halfBreadth + heightFactor * max[1]);
+ xVisualSampleIndex += visualIncrementPerPixel;
+ }
+ const QMatrix4x4 matrix = matrixForWidgetGeometry(m_waveformRenderer, true);
+ const int matrixLocation = m_shader.uniformLocation("matrix");
+ const int colorLocation = m_shader.uniformLocation("color");
+ const int positionLocation = m_shader.attributeLocation("position");
+ m_shader.bind();
+ m_shader.enableAttributeArray(positionLocation);
+ m_shader.setUniformValue(matrixLocation, matrix);
+ QColor colors[2];
+ colors[0].setRgbF(static_cast<float>(m_signalColor_r),
+ static_cast<float>(m_signalColor_g),
+ static_cast<float>(m_signalColor_b));
+ colors[1].setRgbF(static_cast<float>(m_axesColor_r),
+ static_cast<float>(m_axesColor_g),
+ static_cast<float>(m_axesColor_b),
+ static_cast<float>(m_axesColor_a));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(reserved[i] == m_vertices[i].size());
+ m_shader.setUniformValue(colorLocation, colors[i]);
+ m_shader.setAttributeArray(
+ positionLocation, GL_FLOAT, m_vertices[i].constData(), 2);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_vertices[i].size());
+ }
+ m_shader.disableAttributeArray(positionLocation);
+ m_shader.release();