path: root/res/controllers/Numark-DJ2Go-scripts.js
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1 files changed, 691 insertions, 691 deletions
diff --git a/res/controllers/Numark-DJ2Go-scripts.js b/res/controllers/Numark-DJ2Go-scripts.js
index 9ba6bcf1d2..dcd19f5cd3 100644
--- a/res/controllers/Numark-DJ2Go-scripts.js
+++ b/res/controllers/Numark-DJ2Go-scripts.js
@@ -1,691 +1,691 @@
-//Written by Alimantado, modified by Coval 11 Sep 2012. Thanks to authors of other scripts, especially the Vestax ones.
-//Made to be close as possible to how DJ2Go works with VDJ.
-NumarkDJ2Go = new function() {
- this.decks = [];
- this.playlist = [];
- this.master = [];
-var shiftUsed=0;
-var shiftA=0;
-var shiftB=0;
-var shiftBck=0;
-var shiftEnt=0;
-NumarkDJ2Go.shiftA = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
-shiftA = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
-NumarkDJ2Go.shiftB = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
-shiftB = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
-NumarkDJ2Go.shiftBck = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
-shiftBck = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
-NumarkDJ2Go.shiftEnt = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
-shiftEnt = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
-NumarkDJ2Go.flip = function(group, key) {
- var flip=engine.getValue(group, key);
- flip = (flip != true);
- engine.setValue(group, key, flip);
- }
-//Initialise and shutdown stuff.
-NumarkDJ2Go.init = function(id) {
-//Connect button lights to equivalent controls. The track_samples control
-//is being used to tell if a track has successfully loaded (whereupon lights
-//flash twice. Best way I could think of in the absence of a proper control
-//for checking whether a track is loaded.
-NumarkDJ2Go.manualLooping = [false, false];
-NumarkDJ2Go.shutdown = function(id) {
-//Turn off all controller lights at shutdown.
-//Setting up classes for objects
-//The deck class holds functions for checking attributes about the deck (e.g.
-//whether track loaded, holds the functions for scratching/pitch bending on the
-//jog wheel, and has a 'control' array, which holds all the controls (buttons etc)
-//associated with the deck. The jog wheels haven't been treated like the other controls
-//because there is only one per deck. Obviously two deck objects are created: D1 and D2.
-NumarkDJ2Go.deck = function(deckNum) {
- this.deckNum = deckNum;
- = "[Channel" + deckNum + "]";
- this.loadedCheck = function() {
- var yesno = (engine.getValue(, "track_samples") > 0)?true:false;
- return yesno;
- };
- //Brake effect introduced in Mixxx 1.11
- this.brakeOn = function(factor) {
- engine.brake(this.deckNum, true, factor);
- this.braked= true;
- };
- //Turns brake off. Needed because brake stays on after track has stopped, and play/pause etc
- //can't be used until brake turned off again.
- this.brakeOff = function() {
- engine.brake(this.deckNum, false); // disable brake effect
- this.braked= false;
- };
- //Attribute for whether brake is applied to deck.
- this.braked= false;
- //Timer used to turn off scratch mode.
- this.scratchTimer = 0;
- //Enables scratching. While is on, playing/pausing not possible, so scratchOff function (below) also needed.
- this.scratchOn = function() {
- var intervalsPerRev = 60; //DJ2Go jog wheel is 60 intervals per revolution.
- var rpm = 85; //Adjust to suit.
- var alpha = (0.1); //Adjust to suit.
- var beta = (alpha/30); //Adjust to suit.
- engine.scratchEnable(this.deckNum, intervalsPerRev, rpm, alpha, beta);
- };
- this.scratchOff = function() {
- engine.scratchDisable(this.deckNum);
- this.scratchTimer= 0;
- };
- //Function that actually does the scratching in response to moving the jog wheel. The timer is
- //used to automatically turn the scratch mode off when the jog wheel stops moving for a period.
- //This allows play to resume when scratching finished.
- this.scratch = function(forwards) {
- if (this.scratchTimer !== 0)
- {
- engine.stopTimer(this.scratchTimer);
- };
- var playDelay = 40; //Adjust to suit.
- var scrConst = 1; //Adjust to suit.
- var scrVal = (forwards)?scrConst:-scrConst;
- engine.scratchTick(this.deckNum, scrVal);
- this.scratchTimer = engine.beginTimer(playDelay,"NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D" + this.deckNum + ".scratchOff()", true);
- };
- //Pitchbend attribute. Required for pitchbend to be ramping (i.e speeds up/slows down the more the wheel is moved).
- this.bendVal= 0;
- //Timer used to turn of pitch bend.
- this.pitchTimer= 0;
- //The alternative mode to scratching for the jog wheel.
- this.pitchBend = function(forwards) {
- //For some reason the ramping pitchbend option in Mixx menu together with temp_rate_up/down doesn't seem
- //to work for the jog wheel. So this function allows the pitch bend to ramp the faster/more
- //revolutions of the wheel.
- if (this.pitchTimer !== 0)
- {
- engine.stopTimer(this.pitchTimer);
- };
- var bendConst = 0.002; //Adjust to suit.
- var nVal = (Math.abs(this.bendVal) + bendConst); //Turn bendVal to absolute value and add.
- nVal = (nVal > 3.0)?3.0:nVal; //If gone over 3, keep at 3.
- this.bendVal = (forwards)?nVal:-nVal; //Return to positive or minus number.
- engine.setValue(, "jog", this.bendVal);
- this.pitchTimer = engine.beginTimer(20,"NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D" + this.deckNum + ".pitchBendOff()", true);
- };
- //Used by function above. Turns pitchbend off.
- this.pitchBendOff = function() {
- this.bendVal = 0;
- this.pitchTimer= 0;
- };
- //Controls for the deck--buttons, sliders, etc--are associated with the deck using this array.
- this.control = [];
- this.beatActive = function(){
- if (engine.getValue(, "beat_active")) {
- this.beatLed = true
- }
- else {
- this.beatLed= false;
- }
- }
- this.jump2begin = function (){
- engine.setValue(,"playposition",0);
- };
-//Control class for control objects, e.g. play button. Objects for the two jog wheels are not created this way, instead they are
-//represented directly by the deck objects. This was just an easier way to do it, and there will only ever be one jog wheel
-//per deck anyway.
-NumarkDJ2Go.control = function(key, midino, group) {
- this.key = key;
- this.midino = midino;
- = group;
- this.onOff = function(value) {
- engine.setValue(, this.key, value);
- };
- this.checkOn = function() {
- var checkOn = engine.getValue(, this.key);
- return checkOn;
- };
-//Has on/off and flashing modes for all button lights. Light objects are only created for buttons that can
-//actually illuminate.
-NumarkDJ2Go.light = function(group, midino, deckID, controlID) {
- this.midino = midino;
- this.objStr= "NumarkDJ2Go.decks." + deckID + ".control." + controlID + ".light"
- this.lit = false;
- this.flashTimer= 0;
- this.flashOnceTimer= 0;
- this.onOff = function(value) {
- midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, this.midino, value);
- this.lit = value;
- };
- this.flashOnceOn = function() {
- midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, this.midino,1);
- this.flashOnceTimer = engine.beginTimer(150, this.objStr + ".flashOnceOff()", true);
- };
- this.flashOnceOff = function() {
- midi.sendShortMsg(0x80, this.midino,1);
- this.flashOnceTimer = 0;
- };
- this.flashOff = function(relight) {
- if (this.flashTimer !== 0)
- {
- engine.stopTimer(this.flashTimer);
- this.flashTimer= 0;
- };
- if (this.flashOnceTimer !== 0)
- {
- engine.stopTimer(this.flashOnceTimer);
- this.flashOnceTimer= 0;
- };
- if (relight)
- {
- this.onOff(1);
- }
- else
- {
- this.onOff(0);
- };
- };
- this.flashOn = function(flashNo) {
- var relight = this.lit;
- this.flashOff();
- this.flashOnceOn(); //This is because the timer take 600 milisecs before first flash.
- this.flashTimer = engine.beginTimer(600, this.objStr + ".flashOnceOn()");
- if (flashNo)
- {
- engine.beginTimer((flashNo * 600) -50, this.objStr + ".flashOff(" + relight + ")", true);
- };
- };
-//Constructor for creating control objects
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl = function(arrID, ID, controlObj, addLight) {
- var arrAdd = this[arrID];
- if (addLight)
- {
- //If the button can illuminate, a light object is created for it (see above).
- controlObj.light = new NumarkDJ2Go.light(, controlObj.midino, "D" + this.deckNum,ID);
- };
- arrAdd[ID] = controlObj;
-//This creates an 'addControl' constructor function to the deck class, using the above function as a template.
-NumarkDJ2Go.deck.prototype.addControl = NumarkDJ2Go.addControl;
-//Creating the actual deck/control objects and adding them to the appropriate arrays.
-//The only object that goes into the playlist array.
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "selectKnob", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("", 0x1A, "[Playlist]"));
-//Creating the two deck objects.
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("decks", "D1", new NumarkDJ2Go.deck("1"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("decks", "D2", new NumarkDJ2Go.deck("2"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "enterBut", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedIntoFirstStopped", 0x5A, "[Playlist]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "backBut", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("ToggleSelectedSidebarItem", 0x59, "[Playlist]"));
-//All controls below associated with left or right deck.
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "load", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedTrack", 0x4B, "[Channel1]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "load", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedTrack", 0x34, "[Channel2]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "sync", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beatsync", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "sync", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beatsync", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "beatTapCurPos", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beats_translate_curpos", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "beatTapCurPos", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beats_translate_curpos", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "bpmTap", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("bpm_tap", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "bpmTap", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("bpm_tap", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "pfl", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("pfl", 0x65, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "pfl", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("pfl", 0x66, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "cue", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("cue_default", 0x33, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "cue", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("cue_default", 0x3C, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "play", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("play", 0x3B, "[Channel1]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "play", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("play", 0x42, "[Channel2]"), true);
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "bendMinus", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("rate_temp_down", 0x44, "[Channel1]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "bendMinus", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("rate_temp_down", 0x46, "[Channel2]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "bendPlus", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("rate_temp_up", 0x43, "[Channel1]"));
-NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "bendPlus", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("rate_temp_up", 0x45, "[Channel2]"));
-//Mapping the buttons, sliders, wheels etc.
- //Changes the selectKnob (below) dirMode attribute to 'playlist' if 'track'. If dirMode attribute
- //already 'playlist' or not yet set, attempts to expand or contract the select directory tree.
- NumarkDJ2Go.backBut = function(channel, midino, value) {
- var backBut = NumarkDJ2Go.playlist.backBut;
- var selectKnob = NumarkDJ2Go.playlist.selectKnob;
- shiftBck=0;
- if (shiftUsed==0)
- {
- if (("dirMode" in selectKnob) && (selectKnob.dirMode == "Track"))
- {
- selectKnob.dirMode = "Playlist";
- }
- else
- {
- backBut.onOff(1);
- };
- };
- };
- //Changes the selectKnob (below) dirMode attribute to 'track' if 'playlist'. If dirMode attribute
- //already 'track', loads the selected track into the first available deck.
- NumarkDJ2Go.enterBut = function(channel, midino, value) {
- var enterBut = NumarkDJ2Go.playlist.enterBut;
- var selectKnob = NumarkDJ2Go.playlist.selectKnob;
- shiftEnt=0;
- if (shiftUsed==0)
- {
- if (("dirMode" in selectKnob) && (selectKnob.dirMode == "Track"))
- {
- enterBut.onOff(1);
- }
- else
- {
- selectKnob.dirMode = "Track";
- };
- };
- };
-//Depending on the dirMode attribute, either scrolls up and down the directory tree or the tracklist.
-NumarkDJ2Go.selectKnob = function(channel, midino, value) {
- var selectKnob = NumarkDJ2Go.playlist.selectKnob;
- if (!("dirMode" in selectKnob))
- {
- selectKnob.dirMode = "Playlist"; //Assumes playlist if back/enter buttons never been pressed.
- };
- selectKnob.key = (value == 0x7F)?"SelectPrev"+selectKnob.dirMode:"SelectNext"+selectKnob.dirMode;
- selectKnob.onOff(1);
-//On pressing A or B loads new track into deck unless track is currently playing, in which
-//case starts track again from beginning, ignoring any cue points.
-NumarkDJ2Go.load = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (
- {
- if (deck.scratchMode)
- {
- deck.scratchMode = false;
- }
- else
- {
- deck.scratchMode = true;
- };
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.load.onOff(1);
- };
-//Turns on/off headphone monitor for the deck, but also turns off the headphone monitor for the other deck.
-//This is how VDJ does it with DJ2Go.
-NumarkDJ2Go.pfl = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- if (shiftBck) {
- NumarkDJ2Go.flip(group,"flanger");
- shiftUsed=1;
- return;
- }
- else {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (deck.control.pfl.checkOn())
- {
- deck.control.pfl.onOff(0);
- }
- else {
- NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.control.pfl.onOff(0);
- NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.control.pfl.onOff(0);
- deck.control.pfl.onOff(1);
- };
- };
- };
-//Cue. Reacts to both status on and status off bytes (i.e. button held down and released).
-NumarkDJ2Go.cue = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (shiftBck){
- deck.jump2begin();
- return;
- }
- else {
- //Need to disable the deck brake first, if it is applied.
- if (deck.braked)
- {
- deck.brakeOff();
- };
- if (deck.loadedCheck())
- {
- var onoff = (status == 0x90)?1:0;
- deck.control.cue.onOff(onoff);
- };
- }
-//Play. Does deck brake instead of pause if scratch mode selected. = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- if (status==0x80)
- {
- if (shiftBck) {
- engine.setValue(group, "reverse", 0);
- shiftUsed=1;
- };
- }
- else {
- if (shiftBck){
- engine.setValue(group, "reverse", 1);
- shiftUsed=1;
- return;
- }
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- //Turns deck brake off if it is on.
- if (deck.braked)
- {
- deck.brakeOff();
- };
- if (deck.loadedCheck())
- {
- if (
- {
- if (deck.scratchMode)
- {
-// deck.brakeOn(750);
- };
- }
- else {
- };
- };
- };
-//Jog wheel. Scratches or pitchbends depending on whether scratch mode selected.
-NumarkDJ2Go.wheel = function (channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- var forwards = (value == 0x7F)?false:true;
- if (shiftEnt) {
- deck.scratchMode=1;
- shiftUsed=1;
- };
- if (deck.scratchMode)
- {
- if (deck.scratchTimer == 0)
- {
- //If no scratch timer (i.e. jog wheel not already being scratched), turns scratch mode on.
- deck.scratchOn();
- };
- //Does scratching. Whether back or forward given in 'forwards' variable.
- deck.scratch(forwards);
- deck.scratchMode=0;
- }
- else
- {
- //Does pitchbend.
- deck.pitchBend(forwards);
- };
-//Pitch bend down. This toggles off the pitch bend up and pitches down while the
-//button is held. Turns off when button released.
-NumarkDJ2Go.pitchBendMinus = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (!deck.control.bendPlus.checkOn())
- {
- if (status == 0x90)
- {
- deck.control.bendPlus.onOff(0)
- deck.control.bendMinus.onOff(1)
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.bendMinus.onOff(0)
- }
- };
-//Pitch bend up. This toggles off the pitch bend down and pitches up while the
-//button is held. Turns off when button released.
-NumarkDJ2Go.pitchBendPlus = function(channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (!deck.control.bendMinus.checkOn())
- {
- if (status == 0x90)
- {
- deck.control.bendMinus.onOff(0)
- deck.control.bendPlus.onOff(1)
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.bendPlus.onOff(0)
- }
- };
-NumarkDJ2Go.sync =function (channel, midino, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (shiftEnt) {
- deck.control.beatTapCurPos.onOff(1);
- deck.control.beatTapCurPos.onOff(0);
- shiftUsed=1;
- return;
- }
- else if (shiftBck){
- deck.control.bpmTap.onOff(1);
- deck.control.bpmTap.onOff(0);
- shiftUsed=1;
- return;
- }
- else {
- deck.control.sync.onOff(1);
- deck.control.sync.onOff(0);
- }
- };
-//Light functions. These are connected to Mixxx controls in the 'init'
-//part of the script (see top) and are called whenever the Mixxx control
-//changes, e.g. play value changes from 1 to 0. The lights are handled this
-//way so that they activate both when using the controller and when
-//using the mouse on screen.
-//All four button lights flash twice if track successfully loads, then
-//cue and play continue flashing, as track now in pause mode.
-NumarkDJ2Go.loadLights = function(value,group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (value !== 0)
- {
- deck.control.sync.light.flashOn(2);
- deck.control.pfl.light.flashOn(2);
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOn();
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.sync.light.flashOff();
- deck.control.pfl.light.flashOff();
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOff();
- };
-//Headphone monitor lights.
-NumarkDJ2Go.pflLights = function(value, group, key) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- deck.control.pfl.light.onOff(value);
-//Cue light. The play and cue lights behave the same way as they do with VirtualDJ.
-NumarkDJ2Go.cueLights = function(value, group, key) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (deck.loadedCheck())
- {
- if (value == 0)
- {
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOn();
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOff();
- };
- };
-//Play lights. If play paused, both cue and play flash. If play resumed, play button
-//lights up and cue goes off. This is how the buttons behave with VirtualDJ.
-NumarkDJ2Go.playLights = function(value, group, key) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- if (deck.loadedCheck())
- {
- if (value == 1)
- {
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOff();
- }
- else
- {
- deck.control.cue.light.flashOn();
- };
- };
-//Mixxx's sync feature is not the same as VDJ, where syncing appears to
-//be continuously going on. Therefore less relevance with Mixxx to having a sync button
-//that illuminates. Have set it so that it flashes twice when pressed.
-NumarkDJ2Go.syncLights = function(value, group, key) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.decks["D" + group.substring(8,9)];
- deck.control.sync.light.flashOnceOn();
-// Loop by Coval
-NumarkDJ2Go.groupToDeck = function(group) {
- var matches = group.match(/^\[Channel(\d+)\]$/);
- if (matches == null) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return matches[1];
- }
-NumarkDJ2Go.loopIn = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.groupToDeck(group);
- if (value) {
- if(NumarkDJ2Go.manualLooping[deck-1]) {
- // Cut loop to Half
- var start = engine.getValue(group, "loop_start_position");
- var end = engine.getValue(group, "loop_end_position");
- if((start != -1) && (end != -1)) {
- var len = (end - start) / 2;
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_end_position", start + len);
- }
- } else {
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_in", 1);
- }
- }
-} //loopIn
-NumarkDJ2Go.loopOut = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
- var deck = NumarkDJ2Go.groupToDeck(group);
- if (value) {
- var start = engine.getValue(group, "loop_start_position");
- var end = engine.getValue(group, "loop_end_position");
- if(NumarkDJ2Go.manualLooping[deck-1]) {
- // Set loop to current Bar (very approximative and would need to get fixed !!!)
- var bar = NumarkDJ2Go.samplesPerBeat(group);
- engine.setValue(group,"loop_in",1);
- var start = engine.getValue(group, "loop_start_position");
- engine.setValue(group,"loop_end_position", start + bar);
- } else {
- if (start != -1) {
- if (end != -1) {
- // Loop In and Out set -> call Reloop/Exit
- engine.setValue(group, "reloop_exit", 1);
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_in",0);
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_out",0);
-// engine.setValue(group, "loop_start_position",-1);
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_end_position",-1);
- } else {
- // Loop In set -> call Loop Out
- engine.setValue(group, "loop_out", 1);
- engine.setValue(group,"reloop",1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-}; //loopOut
+//Written by Alimantado, modified by Coval 11 Sep 2012. Thanks to authors of other scripts, especially the Vestax ones.
+//Made to be close as possible to how DJ2Go works with VDJ.
+NumarkDJ2Go = new function() {
+ this.decks = [];
+ this.playlist = [];
+ this.master = [];
+var shiftUsed=0;
+var shiftA=0;
+var shiftB=0;
+var shiftBck=0;
+var shiftEnt=0;
+NumarkDJ2Go.shiftA = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
+shiftA = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
+NumarkDJ2Go.shiftB = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
+shiftB = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
+NumarkDJ2Go.shiftBck = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
+shiftBck = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
+NumarkDJ2Go.shiftEnt = function(channel, control, value, status, group) {
+shiftEnt = ((status=="0x90") ? 1 : 0);
+NumarkDJ2Go.flip = function(group, key) {
+ var flip=engine.getValue(group, key);
+ flip = (flip != true);
+ engine.setValue(group, key, flip);
+ }
+//Initialise and shutdown stuff.
+NumarkDJ2Go.init = function(id) {
+//Connect button lights to equivalent controls. The track_samples control
+//is being used to tell if a track has successfully loaded (whereupon lights
+//flash twice. Best way I could think of in the absence of a proper control
+//for checking whether a track is loaded.
+NumarkDJ2Go.manualLooping = [false, false];
+NumarkDJ2Go.shutdown = function(id) {
+//Turn off all controller lights at shutdown.
+//Setting up classes for objects
+//The deck class holds functions for checking attributes about the deck (e.g.
+//whether track loaded, holds the functions for scratching/pitch bending on the
+//jog wheel, and has a 'control' array, which holds all the controls (buttons etc)
+//associated with the deck. The jog wheels haven't been treated like the other controls
+//because there is only one per deck. Obviously two deck objects are created: D1 and D2.
+NumarkDJ2Go.deck = function(deckNum) {
+ this.deckNum = deckNum;
+ = "[Channel" + deckNum + "]";
+ this.loadedCheck = function() {
+ var yesno = (engine.getValue(, "track_samples") > 0)?true:false;
+ return yesno;
+ };
+ //Brake effect introduced in Mixxx 1.11
+ this.brakeOn = function(factor) {
+ engine.brake(this.deckNum, true, factor);
+ this.braked= true;
+ };
+ //Turns brake off. Needed because brake stays on after track has stopped, and play/pause etc
+ //can't be used until brake turned off again.
+ this.brakeOff = function() {
+ engine.brake(this.deckNum, false); // disable brake effect
+ this.braked= false;
+ };
+ //Attribute for whether brake is applied to deck.
+ this.braked= false;
+ //Timer used to turn off scratch mode.
+ this.scratchTimer = 0;
+ //Enables scratching. While is on, playing/pausing not possible, so scratchOff function (below) also needed.
+ this.scratchOn = function() {
+ var intervalsPerRev = 60; //DJ2Go jog wheel is 60 intervals per revolution.
+ var rpm = 85; //Adjust to suit.
+ var alpha = (0.1); //Adjust to suit.
+ var beta = (alpha/30); //Adjust to suit.
+ engine.scratchEnable(this.deckNum, intervalsPerRev, rpm, alpha, beta);
+ };
+ this.scratchOff = function() {
+ engine.scratchDisable(this.deckNum);
+ this.scratchTimer= 0;
+ };
+ //Function that actually does the scratching in response to moving the jog wheel. The timer is
+ //used to automatically turn the scratch mode off when the jog wheel stops moving for a period.
+ //This allows play to resume when scratching finished.
+ this.scratch = function(forwards) {
+ if (this.scratchTimer !== 0)
+ {
+ engine.stopTimer(this.scratchTimer);
+ };
+ var playDelay = 40; //Adjust to suit.
+ var scrConst = 1; //Adjust to suit.
+ var scrVal = (forwards)?scrConst:-scrConst;
+ engine.scratchTick(this.deckNum, scrVal);
+ this.scratchTimer = engine.beginTimer(playDelay,"NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D" + this.deckNum + ".scratchOff()", true);
+ };
+ //Pitchbend attribute. Required for pitchbend to be ramping (i.e speeds up/slows down the more the wheel is moved).
+ this.bendVal= 0;
+ //Timer used to turn of pitch bend.
+ this.pitchTimer= 0;
+ //The alternative mode to scratching for the jog wheel.
+ this.pitchBend = function(forwards) {
+ //For some reason the ramping pitchbend option in Mixx menu together with temp_rate_up/down doesn't seem
+ //to work for the jog wheel. So this function allows the pitch bend to ramp the faster/more
+ //revolutions of the wheel.
+ if (this.pitchTimer !== 0)
+ {
+ engine.stopTimer(this.pitchTimer);
+ };
+ var bendConst = 0.002; //Adjust to suit.
+ var nVal = (Math.abs(this.bendVal) + bendConst); //Turn bendVal to absolute value and add.
+ nVal = (nVal > 3.0)?3.0:nVal; //If gone over 3, keep at 3.
+ this.bendVal = (forwards)?nVal:-nVal; //Return to positive or minus number.
+ engine.setValue(, "jog", this.bendVal);
+ this.pitchTimer = engine.beginTimer(20,"NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D" + this.deckNum + ".pitchBendOff()", true);
+ };
+ //Used by function above. Turns pitchbend off.
+ this.pitchBendOff = function() {
+ this.bendVal = 0;
+ this.pitchTimer= 0;
+ };
+ //Controls for the deck--buttons, sliders, etc--are associated with the deck using this array.
+ this.control = [];
+ this.beatActive = function(){
+ if (engine.getValue(, "beat_active")) {
+ this.beatLed = true
+ }
+ else {
+ this.beatLed= false;
+ }
+ }
+ this.jump2begin = function (){
+ engine.setValue(,"playposition",0);
+ };
+//Control class for control objects, e.g. play button. Objects for the two jog wheels are not created this way, instead they are
+//represented directly by the deck objects. This was just an easier way to do it, and there will only ever be one jog wheel
+//per deck anyway.
+NumarkDJ2Go.control = function(key, midino, group) {
+ this.key = key;
+ this.midino = midino;
+ = group;
+ this.onOff = function(value) {
+ engine.setValue(, this.key, value);
+ };
+ this.checkOn = function() {
+ var checkOn = engine.getValue(, this.key);
+ return checkOn;
+ };
+//Has on/off and flashing modes for all button lights. Light objects are only created for buttons that can
+//actually illuminate.
+NumarkDJ2Go.light = function(group, midino, deckID, controlID) {
+ this.midino = midino;
+ this.objStr= "NumarkDJ2Go.decks." + deckID + ".control." + controlID + ".light"
+ this.lit = false;
+ this.flashTimer= 0;
+ this.flashOnceTimer= 0;
+ this.onOff = function(value) {
+ midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, this.midino, value);
+ this.lit = value;
+ };
+ this.flashOnceOn = function() {
+ midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, this.midino,1);
+ this.flashOnceTimer = engine.beginTimer(150, this.objStr + ".flashOnceOff()", true);
+ };
+ this.flashOnceOff = function() {
+ midi.sendShortMsg(0x80, this.midino,1);
+ this.flashOnceTimer = 0;
+ };
+ this.flashOff = function(relight) {
+ if (this.flashTimer !== 0)
+ {
+ engine.stopTimer(this.flashTimer);
+ this.flashTimer= 0;
+ };
+ if (this.flashOnceTimer !== 0)
+ {
+ engine.stopTimer(this.flashOnceTimer);
+ this.flashOnceTimer= 0;
+ };
+ if (relight)
+ {
+ this.onOff(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.onOff(0);
+ };
+ };
+ this.flashOn = function(flashNo) {
+ var relight = this.lit;
+ this.flashOff();
+ this.flashOnceOn(); //This is because the timer take 600 milisecs before first flash.
+ this.flashTimer = engine.beginTimer(600, this.objStr + ".flashOnceOn()");
+ if (flashNo)
+ {
+ engine.beginTimer((flashNo * 600) -50, this.objStr + ".flashOff(" + relight + ")", true);
+ };
+ };
+//Constructor for creating control objects
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl = function(arrID, ID, controlObj, addLight) {
+ var arrAdd = this[arrID];
+ if (addLight)
+ {
+ //If the button can illuminate, a light object is created for it (see above).
+ controlObj.light = new NumarkDJ2Go.light(, controlObj.midino, "D" + this.deckNum,ID);
+ };
+ arrAdd[ID] = controlObj;
+//This creates an 'addControl' constructor function to the deck class, using the above function as a template.
+NumarkDJ2Go.deck.prototype.addControl = NumarkDJ2Go.addControl;
+//Creating the actual deck/control objects and adding them to the appropriate arrays.
+//The only object that goes into the playlist array.
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "selectKnob", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("", 0x1A, "[Playlist]"));
+//Creating the two deck objects.
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("decks", "D1", new NumarkDJ2Go.deck("1"));
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("decks", "D2", new NumarkDJ2Go.deck("2"));
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "enterBut", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedIntoFirstStopped", 0x5A, "[Playlist]"));
+NumarkDJ2Go.addControl("playlist", "backBut", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("ToggleSelectedSidebarItem", 0x59, "[Playlist]"));
+//All controls below associated with left or right deck.
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "load", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedTrack", 0x4B, "[Channel1]"));
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "load", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("LoadSelectedTrack", 0x34, "[Channel2]"));
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "sync", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beatsync", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "sync", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beatsync", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "beatTapCurPos", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beats_translate_curpos", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "beatTapCurPos", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("beats_translate_curpos", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "bpmTap", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("bpm_tap", 0x40, "[Channel1]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "bpmTap", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("bpm_tap", 0x47, "[Channel2]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "pfl", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("pfl", 0x65, "[Channel1]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "pfl", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("pfl", 0x66, "[Channel2]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "cue", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("cue_default", 0x33, "[Channel1]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D2.addControl("control", "cue", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("cue_default", 0x3C, "[Channel2]"), true);
+NumarkDJ2Go.decks.D1.addControl("control", "play", new NumarkDJ2Go.control("play", 0x3B, "[Channel1]"), true);