path: root/src/preferences
diff options
authorUwe Klotz <>2021-01-01 22:34:26 +0100
committerUwe Klotz <>2021-01-01 23:21:21 +0100
commitcb3abbdfccdee8ed50817be4a743ee83f44f2dbd (patch)
treeb26eea243a9cd3ef5871569c6d3aa51dd5cc2bcc /src/preferences
parent312331ac544028460f397748356734d4f6346b88 (diff)
i18n: Fix ambiguous display names of translations
Diffstat (limited to 'src/preferences')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefinterface.cpp b/src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefinterface.cpp
index 1db6f9a7c5..f1a3fde2fe 100644
--- a/src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefinterface.cpp
+++ b/src/preferences/dialog/dlgprefinterface.cpp
@@ -79,29 +79,56 @@ DlgPrefInterface::DlgPrefInterface(QWidget * parent, MixxxMainWindow * mixxx,
// Iterate through the available locales and add them to the combobox
// Borrowed following snippet from
- QString translationsFolder = m_pConfig->getResourcePath() + "translations/";
+ const auto translationsDir = QDir(
+ m_pConfig->getResourcePath() +
+ QStringLiteral("translations/"));
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(translationsDir.exists());
- QDir translationsDir(translationsFolder);
QStringList fileNames = translationsDir.entryList(QStringList("mixxx_*.qm"));
- fileNames.push_back("mixxx_en_US.qm"); // add source language as a fake value
- for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); ++i) {
- // Extract locale from filename
- QString locale = fileNames[i];
- locale.truncate(locale.lastIndexOf('.'));
- locale.remove(0, locale.indexOf('_') + 1);
- QLocale qlocale = QLocale(locale);
- QString lang = QLocale::languageToString(qlocale.language());
- QString country = QLocale::countryToString(;
- if (lang == "C") { // Ugly hack to remove the non-resolving locales
+ // Add source language as a fake value
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(!fileNames.contains(QStringLiteral("mixxx_en_US.qm")));
+ fileNames.push_back(QStringLiteral("mixxx_en_US.qm"));
+ for (const auto& fileName : qAsConst(fileNames)) {
+ // Extract locale name from file name
+ QString localeName = fileName;
+ // Strip prefix
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(localeName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("mixxx_")));
+ localeName.remove(0, QStringLiteral("mixxx_").length());
+ // Strip file extension
+ localeName.truncate(localeName.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ // Convert to QLocale name format. Unfortunately the translation files
+ // use inconsistent language/country separators, i.e. both '-' and '_'.
+ auto localeNameFixed = localeName;
+ localeNameFixed.replace('-', '_');
+ const auto locale = QLocale(localeNameFixed);
+ const QString languageName = QLocale::languageToString(locale.language());
+ // Ugly hack to skip non-resolvable locales
+ if (languageName == QStringLiteral("C")) {
+ qWarning() << "Unsupported locale" << localeNameFixed;
- lang = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(lang, country);
- ComboBoxLocale->addItem(lang, locale); // locale as userdata (for storing to config)
+ QString countryName;
+ // Ugly hack to detect locales with an explicitly specified country.
+ //
+ // "If country is not present, or is not a valid ISO 3166 code, the most
+ // appropriate country is chosen for the specified language."
+ if (localeNameFixed.contains('_')) {
+ countryName = QLocale::countryToString(;
+ DEBUG_ASSERT(!countryName.isEmpty());
+ }
+ QString displayName = languageName;
+ if (!countryName.isEmpty()) {
+ displayName += QStringLiteral(" (") + countryName + ')';
+ }
+ // The locale name is stored in the config
+ ComboBoxLocale->addItem(displayName, localeName);
- ComboBoxLocale->model()->sort(0); // Sort languages list
- ComboBoxLocale->insertItem(0, "System", ""); // System default locale - insert at the top
+ // Sort languages list...
+ ComboBoxLocale->model()->sort(0);
+ // ...and then insert entry for default system locale at the top
+ ComboBoxLocale->insertItem(0, QStringLiteral("System"), "");
// Skin configurations
QString sizeWarningString =