AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-19Bump version to 3.2.1v3.2.1Eugen Rochko
2020-10-19Add support for latest HTTP Signatures spec draft (#14556)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix dereferencing remote statuses not using the correct account (#14656)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix: also use custom private boost icon for detailed status (#14471)Tdxdxoz
2020-10-19Add support for inlined objects in activity audience (#14514)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix `tootctl media` commands not handling snowflake ids for media_attachments...ThibG
2020-10-19Fix crash when failing to load emoji picker (#14525)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix thumbnail color extraction (#14464)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix audio/video player not using CDN_HOST in media paths on public pages (#14...ThibG
2020-10-19Fix audio player on Safari (#14485)ThibG
2020-10-19Change content-type to be always computed from file data (#14452)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix new audio player features not working on Safari (#14465)ThibG
2020-10-19Fix an error when file_file_size is nil in tootctl media remove (#14657)Takeshi Umeda
2020-10-19Fix videos with near-60 fps being rejected (#14684)Eugen Rochko
2020-10-19Remove dependency on goldfinger gem (#14919)Eugen Rochko
2020-10-19Fix reported statuses not being included in warning e-mail (#14778)Eugen Rochko
2020-10-19Fix handling of Reject Follow when a matching follow relationship exists (#14...ThibG
2020-10-19Fix limited follower id in fan-out-on-write service (#14709)Takeshi Umeda
2020-10-19Fix inefficiencies in fan-out-on-write service (#14682)Eugen Rochko
2020-10-19Do not serve account actors at all in limited federation mode (#14800)ThibG
2020-07-27Bump version to 3.2.0 (#14395)v3.2.0Eugen Rochko
2020-07-26Fix following restriction not working when exact match in account search (#14...Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-24Bump version to 3.2.0rc2 (#14382)v3.2.0rc2Eugen Rochko
2020-07-24Fix unnecessary second connection to user stream from account timeline in web...Eugen Rochko
2020-07-24New Crowdin updates (#14335)Eugen Rochko
2020-07-24Fix hover and normal colors for private boost icon being swapped (#14386)ThibG
2020-07-23Add custom icon for private boosts (#14380)ThibG
2020-07-23Fix duplicate notification and delivery of mentions (#14378)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-22Update translators (#14374)Eugen Rochko
2020-07-22Change disabled retweet icon (#14373)ThibG
2020-07-22Fix not handling Undo on some activity types when they aren't inlined (#14346)ThibG
2020-07-22Fix RSS feeds not being cachable (#14368)ThibG
2020-07-22Dereference object URIs in Create and Update messages (#14359)ThibG
2020-07-20Changed retries and rescued in ActivityPub::ProcessingWorker (#14355)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-20Fix to add RedisLock to handle Announce activity (#14365)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-20Remove nodejs buildpack from buildpacks (#14364)Jeong Arm
2020-07-19Fix movie width and frame_rate returning nil (#14357)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-19Add thumbnail_remote_url in MediaAttachment REST response (#14358)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-19Fix/14021 behaviour on add or remove toots (#14212)Ariel
2020-07-19Fix mimetype returning nil (#14356)Takeshi Umeda
2020-07-18helm: add examples of annotation for NGINX upload limits (#14350)Alex Dunn
2020-07-18ran `yarn manage:translations` (#14344)mayaeh
2020-07-18Set bundle config in local file, and set path (#14351)David Cook
2020-07-18Fix keyboard navigation in scrollable lists (#14348)ThibG
2020-07-17Fix following_counter plural to include "one" (#14342)Sasha Sorokin
2020-07-17Fix boosted toots from blocked account not being retroactively removed from T...ThibG
2020-07-17Fix audio player controls color in mastodon-light theme (#14338)ThibG
2020-07-17Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (#14321)dependabot[bot]
2020-07-16Stop using heroku-buildpack-nodejs (#14341)Daigo 3 Dango
2020-07-16New Crowdin updates (#14314)v3.2.0rc1Eugen Rochko