AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-28Empty committest-new-container-buildRenaud Chaput
2023-11-28Fix devcontainer by not forcing `NODE_ENV` (#28099)Renaud Chaput
2023-11-28Refactor streaming to simplify for logging change (#28056)Emelia Smith
2023-11-28Fix streaming eslint configuration (#28055)Emelia Smith
2023-11-28Dockerfile rewrite based on Ruby image with performance optimizations and siz...Michael Stanclift
2023-11-28Ignore `@svgr/webpack` updates as they require a Webpacker upgrade (#28098)Renaud Chaput
2023-11-28Extract `path_without_format` private methd in accounts controller (#28091)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-28chore(deps): update dependency fabrication to v2.31.0 (#28089)renovate[bot]
2023-11-28New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28096)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-28Avoid unnecessary i-var for account rss page url generation (#28092)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-28Remove unused `cached_filtered_status_page` method from accounts controller (...Matt Jankowski
2023-11-28Use `admin_mailer` layout with initial salutation (#28085)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-28nodeinfo: add instance name and description (#28079)6543
2023-11-27Clamp dates when serializing to Elasticsearch API (#28081)Claire
2023-11-27Update dependency typescript to v5.3.2 (#28078)renovate[bot]
2023-11-27Remove unused `plain_mailer` layout (#28065)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-27Update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.140.0 (#28080)renovate[bot]
2023-11-27Update DefinitelyTyped types (non-major) (#28077)renovate[bot]
2023-11-27Fix not all legal images showing in file picker when uploading custom emoji (...June
2023-11-27Update dependency jsdom to v23 (#28075)renovate[bot]
2023-11-27New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28069)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-24New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28060)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-24Change GIF max matrix size error to explicitly mention GIF files (#27927)Claire
2023-11-24Change search popout to not list unusable search options when logged out (#27...Claire
2023-11-23Add missing email previews for `AdminMailer` (#28044)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-23Update dependency doorkeeper to v5.6.7 (#28051)renovate[bot]
2023-11-23Update dependency @types/npmlog to v7 (#28048)renovate[bot]
2023-11-23Deduplicate IDs in relationships and familiar_followers APIs (#27982)Kevin Bongart
2023-11-23Consolidate configuration of `Sidekiq::Testing.fake!` setup (#28046)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-23New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28050)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-23Remove `default_scope` from `StatusEdit` class (#28042)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-23Update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.139.0 (#28047)renovate[bot]
2023-11-22New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28036)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-22Add coverage for `api/v2/media` endpoint (#28027)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-22Update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.138.0 (#28031)renovate[bot]
2023-11-22Update dependency test-prof to v1.3.0 (#28032)renovate[bot]
2023-11-22Fix unsupported time zone or locale preventing sign-up (#28035)Eugen Rochko
2023-11-21Add debug + irb gems to assist with debugging in development and tests (#27960)Emelia Smith
2023-11-21Update rspec fixture path config to silence deprecation warning (#28018)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Convert measurement `api/v1/admin/*` controller specs to request specs (#28005)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Update dependency rspec-rails to v6.1.0 (#28017)renovate[bot]
2023-11-21Reduce `.times` usage in request and controller specs (#27949)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Add coverage for `settings/privacy` controller (#28000)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Fix error when muting users from Web UI (#28016)Claire
2023-11-21Update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.137.0 (#27961)renovate[bot]
2023-11-21Add coverage for `settings/verifications` controller (#28001)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Update partials for the `AdminMailer.new_trends` mailer (#28011)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28015)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-21Add coverage for `remote_interaction_helper` (#28002)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-21Update babel monorepo to v7.23.4 (#28004)renovate[bot]