AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-16Bump version to v4.0.15v4.0.15stable-4.0Claire
2024-02-16Merge pull request from GHSA-jhrq-qvrm-qr36Claire
2024-02-14Fix user creation failure handling in OmniAuth paths (#29207)Claire
2024-02-14Bump version to v4.0.14v4.0.14Claire
2024-02-14Merge pull request from GHSA-vm39-j3vx-pch3Claire
2024-02-14Merge pull request from GHSA-7w3c-p9j8-mq3xClaire
2024-02-14Add `sidekiq_unique_jobs:delete_all_locks` task and disable `sidekiq-unique-j...Claire
2024-02-14Disable administrative doorkeeper routes (#29187)Emelia Smith
2024-02-14Update dependency sidekiq-unique-jobs to 7.1.33blah
2024-02-14Update dependency nokogiri to 1.16.2blah
2024-02-01Merge pull request from GHSA-3fjr-858r-92rwv4.0.13Claire
2023-10-10Update dependencies (#27352)v4.0.12Claire
2023-10-10Bump version to v4.0.12Claire
2023-10-10Dont match mention in url query string (#25656)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-10Add a short-lived lock to trend refresh scheduler (#27253)Claire
2023-10-10Change min age of backup policy from 1 week to 6 days (#27200)David Aaron
2023-10-10Fix importer returning negative row estimates (#27258)Jakob Gillich
2023-10-10Change some worker lock TTLs (#27246)Claire
2023-10-10Fix filtering audit log for entries about disabling 2FA (#27186)Claire
2023-10-10Properly remove tIME chunk from PNG uploads (#27111)Essem
2023-10-10Fix crash when filtering for “dormant” relationships (#27306)Claire
2023-10-10Fix inefficient queries in “Follows and followers” as well as several adm...Claire
2023-09-20Bump version to v4.0.11 (#26996)v4.0.11Claire
2023-09-20Fix post translation erroring out (v4.0.x) (#26991)Claire
2023-09-19Bump version to v4.0.10v4.0.10Claire
2023-09-19Fix moderator rights inconsistencies (#26729)Claire
2023-09-19Fix crash when encountering invalid URL (#26814)Claire
2023-09-19Fix cached posts including stale stats (#26409)Claire
2023-09-19Fix `frame_rate` for videos where `ffprobe` reports 0/0 (#26500)Nicolai Søborg
2023-09-19Fix unexpected audio stream transcoding when uploaded video is eligible to pa...yufushiro
2023-09-19Merge pull request from GHSA-v3xf-c9qf-j667Claire
2023-09-19Merge pull request from GHSA-2693-xr3m-jhqrClaire
2023-09-18Change Dockerfile to upgrade packages when building (#26930)Claire
2023-09-06Update actions for stable-4.0 (#26813)Claire
2023-09-05Bump version to v4.0.9v4.0.9Claire
2023-09-05Fix Dockerfile installing incompatible npm version (#26803)Claire
2023-09-05Allow reports with long comments from remote instances, but truncate (#25028)Emelia Smith
2023-09-05Fix `/api/v1/timelines/tag/:hashtag` allowing for unauthenticated access when...Daniel M Brasil
2023-09-05Fix blocking subdomains of an already-blocked domain (#26392)Claire
2023-09-05Change text extraction in `PlainTextFormatter` to be faster (#26727)Claire
2023-08-31Backport container build changes to the stable-4.0 branch (#26741)Claire
2023-07-31Bump version to v4.0.8v4.0.8Claire
2023-07-31Fix missing return values in streaming (#26233)Renaud Chaput
2023-07-31Fix: Streaming server memory leak in HTTP EventSource cleanup (#26228)Emelia Smith
2023-07-31Fix incorrect connect timeout in outgoing requests (#26116)Claire
2023-07-31Refactor streaming's filtering logic & improve documentation (#26213)Emelia Smith
2023-07-31Fix wrong filters sometimes applying in streaming (#26159)Claire
2023-07-21Bump version to v4.0.7v4.0.7Claire
2023-07-21Add check preventing Sidekiq workers from running with Makara configured (#25...Claire
2023-07-21Fix CSP headers being unintendedly wide (#26105)Claire