AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-05Bump version to 2.7.4v2.7.4stable-2.7Eugen Rochko
2019-03-05Fix suspended account's fields being set as empty dict instead of list (#10178)ThibG
2019-03-05Fix lists export (#10136)ThibG
2019-03-05Fix home timeline perpetually reloading when empty (#10130)Eugen Rochko
2019-03-05Fix serialization of boosts (#10129)ThibG
2019-03-05Fix direct timeline pagination in the WebUI (#10126)ThibG
2019-03-05Allow getting-started to scroll on short screens (#10075)trwnh
2019-03-05Fix mention processing for unknwon accounts on incoming ActivityPub Notes (#1...ThibG
2019-03-05Improve account media query (#10121)abcang
2019-03-05Avoid redundant HTTP request on some error cases (#10115)ThibG
2019-03-05Fix web UI not removing notifications after block (#10108)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-23Bump version to 2.7.3v2.7.3Eugen Rochko
2019-02-23Fix “reset” button of instance filter switching to custom emoji admin pan...ThibG
2019-02-23Add quick link from admin account view to block/unblock instance (#10073)ThibG
2019-02-23Add domain search/filter to the "Federation" (/admin/instances) page (#10071)ThibG
2019-02-23Randomize emoji filename (#10090)Hinaloe
2019-02-23Do not error out when performing admin actions on no statuses (#10094)ThibG
2019-02-23Fix crash when conversations have no valid participants (#10078)ThibG
2019-02-23Hide domain filter in admin page when “local” filter is active (#10074)ThibG
2019-02-23Fix video player width not being updated to fit container width (#10069)ThibG
2019-02-17Bump version to 2.7.2v2.7.2Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix crash on public hashtag pages when streaming fails (#10061)ThibG
2019-02-17Fix mutes, blocks, domain blocks and follow requests not paginating (#10057)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Add vapid_key to the application entity in the REST API (#10058)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Add registrations attribute to instance entity in REST API (#10060)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Change error graphic to hover-to-play (#10055)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Change buttons on timeline preview to open the interaction dialog (#10054)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Change conversations to always show names of other participants (#10047)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix breaks when opening a reply tree in WebUI (#10046)rinsuki
2019-02-17perf: run node directly when streaming (#10032)Nolan Lawson
2019-02-17Improve image description user experience (#10036)Ben Lubar
2019-02-17Change robots.txt to exclude only media proxy URLs (#10038)nightpool
2019-02-17Change robots.txt to exclude some URLs (#10037)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix relay enabling/disabling not resetting inbox availability status (#10048)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix Announce activities of unknown statuses not fetching those statuses (#10065)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Add logging for rejected ActivityPub payloads and add tests (#10062)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Filter incoming Announce activities by relation to local activity (#10041)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Filter incoming Create activities by relation to local activity (#10005)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Alternative handling of private self-boosts (#9998)ThibG
2019-02-17Create Redisable#redis (#9633)ysksn
2019-02-17Fix hashtag column not subscribing to stream on mount (#10040)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Add tight rate-limit for API deletions (#10042)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix style regressions on landing page (#10030)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix hashtags select styling in default and high contrast themes (#10029)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Fix color of static page links in high contrast theme (#10028)Eugen Rochko
2019-02-17Save IP address used for sign-up, not only sign-in (#10026)ThibG
2019-02-17Add support for IPv6 only MXes in Email validation (#10009)Franck Zoccolo
2019-02-17Move sending account Delete to anyone but the account's followers to the pull...ThibG
2019-02-17Don't focus spiler input when disabled spoiler (#10017)Hinaloe
2019-02-17Fix timeline jumps (#10001)ThibG