AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-05Update dependency eslint to v9renovate/eslint-9.xrenovate[bot]
2024-04-05Move OAuth flow tests from feature tests to system tests (#29837)Claire
2024-04-05Separate methods for theme style and meta color tags (#29802)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-05Forward 3035 port (#29710)ache
2024-04-05Extract shared callback behaviour to `CustomFilterCache` concern (#29695)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-05Update dependency scenic to v1.8.0 (#29794)renovate[bot]
2024-04-05Improve spec for dimension/languages admin metric (#29842)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-05Add tests for our number formatting function (#29852)Renaud Chaput
2024-04-05Fix wrong extension for a test file (#29853)Renaud Chaput
2024-04-05Update dependency rubocop-rspec to v2.29.1 (#29858)renovate[bot]
2024-04-05Improve email address validation (#29838)Claire
2024-04-05Add stub for trending tags in user mailer spec (#29850)Claire
2024-04-04Use partial collection render for welcome mailer features (#29843)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-04Add coverage for sanitize failure path in api/web/embeds spec (#29851)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-04Add purple border to active compose field search inputs (#29839)Michael Stanclift
2024-04-04Add missing snowflake range correction (#29841)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-04Use `public_visibility` (#29847)Jeong Arm
2024-04-04Update dependency sass to v1.74.1 (#29846)renovate[bot]
2024-04-04Update babel monorepo to v7.24.4 (#29840)renovate[bot]
2024-04-03Makes the star icon rotate around its actual centre axis (#29844)nicolas
2024-04-03Simplify feature loop in welcome mailer (#29760)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-03Update eslint (non-major) (#29820)renovate[bot]
2024-04-03Fix blue border on emoji/language search in Safari & Chrome (#29832)Michael Stanclift
2024-04-03Fix language and emoji search field background colors on light theme (#29828)Michael Stanclift
2024-04-03New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29836)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-02Update dependency pg to v8.11.5 (#29833)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Update dependency pg-connection-string to v2.6.4 (#29814)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Regenerate rubocop todo with version 1.62.1 (#29830)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Update dependency rubocop-performance to v1.21.0 (#29804)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Reduce `LineLength` from 320 to 300 (#29636)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Update dependency faker to v3.3.1 (#29829)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Update stoplight to version 4.1.0 (#28366)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Match comment style of `FeedManager` list/tags checks (#29639)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Fix contrast in notification request badge (#29826)Claire
2024-04-02Fix `RSpec/LetSetup` cop in api/v1/timelines/public spec (#28972)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Remove dependency on posix-spawn (#18559)Claire
2024-04-02Add `max_pinned_statuses` to instances serializer and api response (#29441)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Add `by_latest_used` scope, move admin area recent IPs to partial (#29497)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02Update docker/dockerfile Docker tag to v1.7 (#27993)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Update dependency letter_opener to v1.10.0 (#29189)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.146.1 (#28961)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.4 (#29825)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Use integers and not numbers in notification policy API counters (#29810)Renaud Chaput
2024-04-02Update dependency public_suffix to v5.0.5 (#29824)renovate[bot]
2024-04-02Add API types for status and related objects (#29792)Renaud Chaput
2024-04-02Fix Redux Middleware types (#29800)Renaud Chaput
2024-04-02Rename cop `RSpec/Rails/HttpStatus` to `RSpecRails/HttpStatus` (#29806)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-02New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29812)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-02Fix search box color on light theme (#29808)Michael Stanclift
2024-04-02Update dependency fastimage to v2.3.1 (#29822)renovate[bot]