AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-27Add test configuration file to webpackfix/build-envYamagishi Kazutoshi
2024-01-26Update formatjs monorepo (#28925)renovate[bot]
2024-01-26Update dependency axios to v1.6.7 (#28917)renovate[bot]
2024-01-26Update babel monorepo to v7.23.9 (#28916)renovate[bot]
2024-01-26Combine repeated subject in `cacheable response` shared example (#28945)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subject in `well_known/webfinger` shared example (#28944)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subject in `api/v1/media` shared example (#28943)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine repeated `subject` in `cli/accounts` spec shared example (#28942)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine repeated subjects in link details extractor spec (#28941)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subject in admin/statuses controller shared example (#28940)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subjects in instance actors controller shared example (#28939)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subjects in application controller shared example (#28938)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine repeated subjects in `models/user` spec (#28937)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Combine double subjects in `admin/accounts` controller spec (#28936)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Fix intmermittent failure in `api/v1/accounts/statuses` controller spec (#28931)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-26Change compose form to use server-provided post character limit (#28928)Claire
2024-01-26New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28923)github-actions[bot]
2024-01-26Handle CLI failure exit status at the top-level script (#28322)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Refactor: fix streaming postgresql and redis typing issues (#28747)Emelia Smith
2024-01-25Change design of compose form in web UI (#28119)Eugen Rochko
2024-01-25Add specs for `Instance` model scopes and add `with_domain_follows` scope (#2...Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Extract `rebuild_index` method in maintenance CLI (#28911)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Update paperclip and climate_control gems (#28379)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Fix `Style/GuardClause` cop in app/controllers (#28420)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Refactor conversations components in web UI (#28833)Eugen Rochko
2024-01-25Extract helper methods for db connection and table existence check in `CLI::M...Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Reduce factory creation in `spec/models/account_statuses_cleanup_policy` (#28...Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Fix `Style/TernaryParentheses` cop (#28387)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25Consolidate db test prep steps to rake task (#28886)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#28899)github-actions[bot]
2024-01-25Add `CustomFilterKeyword#to_regex` method (#28893)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25fix(deps): update dependency dotenv to v16.4.1 (#28889)renovate[bot]
2024-01-25Fix remaining `Rails/WhereExists` cop violations, regenerate todo (#28892)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-25fix(deps): update dependency axios to v1.6.6 (#28895)renovate[bot]
2024-01-25chore(deps): update dependency rspec-rails to v6.1.1 (#28905)renovate[bot]
2024-01-25Add tests for processing statuses using bearcap URIs (#28904)Claire
2024-01-25Add tests for redirect confirmations (#28903)Claire
2024-01-25Fix redirect confirmation for accounts (#28902)Claire
2024-01-25Fix process of receiving posts with bearcaps is not working (#26527)KMY(雪あすか)
2024-01-24Tidy up association declaration in `Instance` model (#28880)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-24chore(deps): update dependency chewy to v7.5.0 (#28730)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24fix(deps): update dependency dotenv to v16.4.0 (#28872)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24chore(deps): update artifact actions (major) to v4 (major) (#28415)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24chore(deps): update dependency selenium-webdriver to v4.17.0 (#28858)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24chore(deps): update dependency haml_lint to v0.55.0 (#28856)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24Use active variants for boost icons and increase icon size (#27924)Claire
2024-01-24Fix `Rails/WhereExists` cop in app/lib (#28862)Matt Jankowski
2024-01-24chore(deps): update dependency rubocop to v1.60.1 (#28731)renovate[bot]
2024-01-24Add confirmation when redirecting logged-out requests to permalink (#27792)Eugen Rochko
2024-01-24Add `created_before` and `updated_before` scopes to `MediaAttachment` (#28869)Matt Jankowski