AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-24Change mute options to be in dropdown on muted users list in web UIfix-mute-buttonsEugen Rochko
2024-04-23Move JS source from `packs` to `entrypoints` (#30037)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-23Add material design icons to admin/settings views (#27780)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-23Fix string interpolation for software updates admin mailer (#30035)Claire
2024-04-23Add read:me OAuth 2.0 scope, allowing more limited access to user data (#29087)Emelia Smith
2024-04-23New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#30034)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-23Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.9 (#30029)renovate[bot]
2024-04-23Update dependency rubocop to v1.63.3 (#30031)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Update dependency http to '~> 5.2.0' (#30027)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Revert "Rely on dotenv autoload instead of explicit call (#30007)" (#30028)Claire
2024-04-22Use shared `form` partial for `admin/domain_blocks` views (#29609)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-22Limit `http` gem version to 5.1.x series (#30010)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-22Update Gemfile.lock ruby and bundler versions (#30011)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-22Fixed crash when supplying FFMPEG_BINARY environment variable (#30022)Tim Rogers
2024-04-22Fixed rendering error on /start when not logged in (#30023)Tim Rogers
2024-04-22New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#30014)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-22Rely on dotenv autoload instead of explicit call (#30007)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-22Fix intermittent order based failure in `UpdateStatusService` spec (#30008)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-22Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.8 (#30018)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Update dependency @types/react to v18.2.79 (#30024)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v6.0.4 (#30025)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Update eslint (non-major) to v7.7.0 (#30026)renovate[bot]
2024-04-22Fix Rubocop `Rails/UniqueValidationWithoutIndex` cop (#27461)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Remove remnants of capistrano (#30009)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Fix `Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral` cop (#30004)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Fix `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` cop (#30003)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Silence warning about requiring `rubocop-rspec_rails` (#30002)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Fix `Style/StringLiterals` cop (#30005)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Fix `Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters` cop (#30006)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Update dependency test-prof to v1.3.3 (#30000)renovate[bot]
2024-04-19Indirect deps gem version bumps (#29998)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Add `any_args` to have_enqueued_sidekiq_job call (quiets deprecation) (#29999)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19Replace deprecated `dotenv-rails` gem with `dotenv` gem (#29173)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-19New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29994)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-19Use shared `form` partial for `admin/announcements` views (#29608)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-18Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.6 (#29983)renovate[bot]
2024-04-18Fix `Bundler/OrderedGems` cop (#28400)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-18New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29980)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-18Use enum-generated scopes/queries for `BulkImport` (#29975)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-17Update dependency ioredis to v5.4.1 (#29977)renovate[bot]
2024-04-17Update dependency rspec-sidekiq to v4.2.0 (#29964)renovate[bot]
2024-04-17Change `have_enqueued_sidekiq_job` usage to always make argument expectations...Claire
2024-04-17Rename JS testing section in GH Actions config (#29931)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-17Add `not_featured_by` scope to Tag (#28815)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-17Add `API::Pagination` concern (#28826)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-17Enable AR Encryption (#29831)Matt Jankowski
2024-04-17Update dependency ioredis to v5.4.0 (#29969)renovate[bot]
2024-04-17Update dependency core-js to v3.37.0 (#29968)renovate[bot]
2024-04-17New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29972)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-17Change `/api/v1/announcements` to return regular `Status` entities (#26736)Claire