AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-22Fix wrong background on unread conversations in web UIfix-conversations-backgroundEugen Rochko
2024-03-21Remove severed relationship notifications for single account suspensions (#29...Claire
2024-03-21Fix notification policy migration not preserving `filter_private_mentions` co...Claire
2024-03-21Add ruby 3.3 to CI test matrix (#29705)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Update dependency ox to v2.14.18 (#29701)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency strong_migrations to v1.8.0 (#29556)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency rspec-rails to v6.1.2 (#29691)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update RuboCop (non-major) to v1.62.1 (#29692)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Add some more tests for notification policies (#29698)Claire
2024-03-21Add empty line after ✨magic✨ frozen string comment (#29696)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Clean up notification requests when deleting accounts (#29693)Claire
2024-03-21Update dependency pino-pretty to v11 (#29662)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency rack to v2.2.9 (#29685)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency @reduxjs/toolkit to v2.2.2 (#29681)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency express to v4.19.1 (#29663)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Add Renovate grouped updates for RSpec and RuboCop (#29621)Nick Schonning
2024-03-21Fix duplicate translation string for severed relationships (#29689)Claire
2024-03-21New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29687)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-21Use existing `SeveredRelationship.about_local_account` scope in more places (...Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Use `db_table_exists?` method in new cli/maintenance area (#29677)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Update `enum` away from deprecated (#29678)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.19 (#29682)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency postcss to v8.4.38 (#29684)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Fix the relationships controller spec, since it requires an extra model now (...Claire
2024-03-20Remove reference to deleted haml lint todo file (#29675)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-20Lock `i18n` gem to version `1.14.1` (#29674)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-20Change back button to always appear in advanced web UI (#29669)Eugen Rochko
2024-03-20Fix error in severed relationship event serializer (#29670)Claire
2024-03-20Fix issue with severed relationships notifications (#29668)Claire
2024-03-20Fix error when attempting to delete posts that triggered a notification reque...Claire
2024-03-20Fix account_relationship_severance_events unique indexes (#29665)Claire
2024-03-20Update babel monorepo to v7.24.3 (#29660)renovate[bot]
2024-03-20Update dependency cssnano to v6.1.1 (#29661)renovate[bot]
2024-03-20Add notifications of severed relationships (#27511)Claire
2024-03-20Allow unblocking email addresses from any matching account (#29305)Claire
2024-03-20Reduce `LineLength` for `react_admin_component` helpers (#29650)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-20Fix “Explore” icon in navigation bar not being filled when selected (#29649)Claire
2024-03-20Fix blockquote color in reply indicator (#29659)Claire
2024-03-20Add back support for old browsers (#29654)Claire
2024-03-20Fix emoji picker placement on limited-height viewports (#29651)Claire
2024-03-20Fix emoji picker dropdown background and borders (#29653)Claire
2024-03-20Fix icon and styling in browser notifications banner (#29658)Claire
2024-03-20New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29657)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-20Update dependency postcss to v8.4.37 (#29656)renovate[bot]
2024-03-19Pull out full `li` element into admin/status_edits/status_edit partial (#29499)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-19Change filtered icon from “archive” to “inventory 2” (#29652)Claire
2024-03-19Add `BrowserDetection` model concern (#29513)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-19Replace `render_symbol` method with `inline_svg_tag` usage (#29647)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-19Change “Notifications” settings page to “E-mail notifications” (#29646)Claire
2024-03-19Slightly increase font weight of favorite/boost numbers in detailed statuses ...Claire