AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-13Change `GET /invite/:invite_code` to return a JSON document when JSON is requ...features/registration-invite-apiClaire
2023-11-13Add `invite_code` to `POST /api/v1/accounts`Claire
2023-11-13Refactor AppSignUpService specsClaire
2023-11-13Refactor registration authorization logicClaire
2023-11-10New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27804)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-10Extract crutches_active_mentions from FeedManager (#27785)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-10Add `Api::V1::Instances::BaseController` base controller class (#27797)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-10Update dependency @material-symbols/svg-600 to ^0.14.0 (#27803)renovate[bot]
2023-11-09Do not try to update an undefined video element (#27798)Aleks Xhuvani
2023-11-09Minor speed improvement on `controllers/accounts` spec (#27679)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Disable sidekiq unique jobs in test env (#27737)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Allow viewing and severing relationships with suspended accounts (#27667)Claire
2023-11-09Fix Yarn version in devcontainer (#27788)Michael Stanclift
2023-11-09Consolidate html page title output logic into helper (#27563)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Fix Web UI not displaying appropriate explanation when a user hides their fol...Claire
2023-11-09Fix `RSpec/MessageChain` cop (#27776)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Update dependency lint-staged to v15 (#27407)renovate[bot]
2023-11-09Update dependency axios to v1.6.1 (#27773)renovate[bot]
2023-11-09Update babel monorepo to v7.23.3 (#27789)renovate[bot]
2023-11-09Run `yarn dedupe` when updating with Renovate (#27786)Yamagishi Kazutoshi
2023-11-09New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27787)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-09Reduce complexity in `StatusCacheHydrator` (#27783)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Fix `Rails/I18nLocaleTexts` cop (#27779)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Fix `Lint/UnusedBlockArgument` cop (#27777)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-09Update dependency fog-openstack to v1 (#25968)renovate[bot]
2023-11-08Fix `RSpec/InstanceVariable` cop (#27766)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Ignore block result of `send` method and remove `rubocop:disable` in deepl sp...Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Using Sidekiq concurrency for default db pool value (#26488)Jaehong Kang
2023-11-08Use helper method to build batched status edits in `admin/statuses/show` (#27...Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Move RSpec config for streaming/search managers to be near classes (#27761)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Fix `Style/WordArray` cop (#27770)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Don't stub SUT in `FollowLimitValidator` spec (#27760)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27768)github-actions[bot]
2023-11-08Simplify request cache spec shared examples (#27673)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Remove unmatched `rubocop:enable` declaration (#27769)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Fix `Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses` cop (#27771)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Upgrade to Yarn 4, remove support for Node 16 (#27073)Renaud Chaput
2023-11-08Fix format-dependent redirects being cached regardless of requested format (#...Claire
2023-11-08Use framework helpers instead of i-vars in controller specs (#27767)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-08Deduplicate yarn lock file (#27670)Matt Jankowski
2023-11-07Feature - Prevents multiple audio/video attachments from being played at the ...João Pedro Marques
2023-11-07Update dependency net-http to '~> 0.4.0' (#27721)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency react-select to v5.8.0 (#27722)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency sanitize to v6.1.0 (#27723)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency simple_form to v5.3.0 (#27725)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update formatjs monorepo (#27746)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency selenium-webdriver to v4.15.0 (#27649)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency json-ld-preloaded to v3.3.0 (#26763)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency thor to v1.3.0 (#27464)renovate[bot]
2023-11-07Update dependency sidekiq-unique-jobs to v7.1.30 (#26091)renovate[bot]