AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-26Add support for preview cards for local posts/accountsfeatures/local-preview-cards-2nd-takeClaire
2024-03-26New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29756)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-26Remove extraneous `Lint/UselessAccessModifier` config (#29749)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-26Bundler version update and misc gem version bumps (#29717)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-26Ensure case-insensitive fields are converted to lowercase in user imports (#2...Emelia Smith
2024-03-26Ensure case-insensitive fields are converted to lowercase in Admin Imports (#...Emelia Smith
2024-03-26Update dependency faker to v3.3.0 (#29755)renovate[bot]
2024-03-26Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.24.1 (#29745)renovate[bot]
2024-03-26Update dependency express to v4.19.2 (#29750)renovate[bot]
2024-03-26Update dependency cssnano to v6.1.2 (#29754)renovate[bot]
2024-03-26Support "system" theme setting (light/dark theme depending on user system pre...Renaud Chaput
2024-03-25Fix background and icon on notification requests in web UI (#29706)Eugen Rochko
2024-03-25Change design of notification about lost connections in web UI (#29731)Eugen Rochko
2024-03-25Change out-of-band hashtags design in web UI (#29732)Eugen Rochko
2024-03-25Update devDependencies (non-major) (#29746)renovate[bot]
2024-03-25Update DefinitelyTyped types (non-major) (#29743)renovate[bot]
2024-03-25Update dependency typescript to v5.4.3 (#29744)renovate[bot]
2024-03-25Update formatjs monorepo (#29733)renovate[bot]
2024-03-25New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29726)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-25Add ability to reorder uploaded media before posting in web UI (#28456)Eugen Rochko
2024-03-24Restore advanced filter bar setting (#29737)Renaud Chaput
2024-03-22Improve specs for severed relationships (#29688)Claire
2024-03-22Remove setting for unfollow confirmation modal, and make it unconditional (#2...Claire
2024-03-22Update dependency rails-i18n to v7.0.9 (#29564)renovate[bot]
2024-03-22Remove obsolete `admin` and `moderator` columns from `users` table (#29718)Claire
2024-03-22Reattribute notification-related records if possible when merging accounts (#...Claire
2024-03-22Change new modals to allow vertical scrolling (#29644)Claire
2024-03-22Change icon of severed relationships notifications (#29712)Claire
2024-03-22Change `AccountRelationshipSeveranceEvent` model to store lost followers and ...Claire
2024-03-22Fix results/query in `api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions` (#29597)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-22New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29708)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-22Use `has_many through` instead of `delegate` for ARSE<>SR (#29672)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-22Add the role ID to the badge component (#29707)Renaud Chaput
2024-03-21Remove severed relationship notifications for single account suspensions (#29...Claire
2024-03-21Fix notification policy migration not preserving `filter_private_mentions` co...Claire
2024-03-21Add ruby 3.3 to CI test matrix (#29705)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Update dependency ox to v2.14.18 (#29701)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency strong_migrations to v1.8.0 (#29556)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency rspec-rails to v6.1.2 (#29691)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update RuboCop (non-major) to v1.62.1 (#29692)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Add some more tests for notification policies (#29698)Claire
2024-03-21Add empty line after ✨magic✨ frozen string comment (#29696)Matt Jankowski
2024-03-21Clean up notification requests when deleting accounts (#29693)Claire
2024-03-21Update dependency pino-pretty to v11 (#29662)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency rack to v2.2.9 (#29685)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency @reduxjs/toolkit to v2.2.2 (#29681)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Update dependency express to v4.19.1 (#29663)renovate[bot]
2024-03-21Add Renovate grouped updates for RSpec and RuboCop (#29621)Nick Schonning
2024-03-21Fix duplicate translation string for severed relationships (#29689)Claire
2024-03-21New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#29687)github-actions[bot]