AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-28Change favourites to likesfeature-likeEugen Rochko
2023-10-27Extract class from CSP configuration/initialization (#26905)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-27Use `deliveries.size` in mailer-related examples in controller specs (#27589)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-27Have `Follow` activities bypass availability (#27586)Jonathan de Jong
2023-10-27Fix hashtag matching pattern matching some URLs (#27584)Claire
2023-10-27Fix account click on detailed status (#27587)SouthFox
2023-10-27Update dependency pundit to v2.3.1 (#27585)renovate[bot]
2023-10-27Simplify column headers (#27557)Renaud Chaput
2023-10-27Misc spec/refactor to user mailer and user mailer spec (#27486)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-27Update libretranslate/libretranslate Docker tag to v1.4.0 (#27504)renovate[bot]
2023-10-27New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27583)github-actions[bot]
2023-10-27Fix error and incorrect URLs in `/api/v1/accounts/:id/featured_tags` for remo...Claire
2023-10-27Handle featured collections without items (#27581)Jeong Arm
2023-10-26Fix various icon styles in web UI (#27579)Eugen Rochko
2023-10-26Use `Rails.env.local?` shorthand method to check env (#27519)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-26Capture minimum postgres version 12 (#27528)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-26Add HTML lang attribute to preview card descriptions (#27503)Simon Rapilly
2023-10-26Fix report processing notice not mentioning the report number when performing...Claire
2023-10-26Issue 26048: swap "muting" and "blocking" list options in settings -> Data Ex...Mark T. Tomczak
2023-10-26Fix error when trying to delete already-deleted file with OpenStack Swift (#2...Claire
2023-10-26New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27567)github-actions[bot]
2023-10-26Use a context to propagate column-related Props, and remove `forceUpdate` usa...Renaud Chaput
2023-10-26Use `next` keyword in field loop in admin/accounts/index view (#27559)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-26Update dependency @material-symbols/svg-600 to v0.13.2 (#27565)renovate[bot]
2023-10-26Update dependency sass to v1.69.5 (#27566)renovate[bot]
2023-10-25Fix confusing screen when visiting a confirmation link for an already-confirm...Claire
2023-10-25Run `bin/rails app:update` with Rails 7.1 (#27522)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-25Fix batch attachment deletion when using OpenStack Swift (#27554)Claire
2023-10-25Add missing ban icons (#27555)Renaud Chaput
2023-10-25Solve simplest haml-lint `Rubocop` lints (#27529)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-25Fix cache store pool config deprecation warnings (#27551)Claire
2023-10-25Fix haml-lint `UnnecessaryStringOutput` for views (#27531)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-25New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27544)github-actions[bot]
2023-10-25Update dependency node to 20.9 (#27534)renovate[bot]
2023-10-25Remove unused `#error_explanation` id from error partials (#27536)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-24Fix `<ColumnBackButtonSlim>` (#27540)Renaud Chaput
2023-10-24Fix missing icon props (#27539)Renaud Chaput
2023-10-24Update `rails/ujs` delegate method usage (#27538)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-24Change icons in web UI (#27385)Eugen Rochko
2023-10-24Fix missing libyaml-dev dependency in Dockerfile (#27533)Michael Stanclift
2023-10-24Fix history handling not properly handling states after update to react-route...Claire
2023-10-24Create custom Github Actions for common steps (#27518)Renaud Chaput
2023-10-24Use Rails 7.1 `normalizes` feature (#27521)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-24New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#27523)github-actions[bot]
2023-10-24Use `ENV.fetch` in views, fixes rubocop haml-lint issue (#27527)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-24Regenerate lint todos (#27513)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-24Rewrite `emoji_unicode_mapping_light` to TS (#25444)たいち ひ
2023-10-23Rails 7.1 update (#25963)Matt Jankowski
2023-10-23Add SELF_DESTRUCT env variable to process self-destructions in the background...Claire
2023-10-23Migrate to request specs in `/api/v1/media` (#25543)Daniel M Brasil