BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature-libvipsChange image processing from ImageMagick to libvipsEugen Rochko9 days
features/add-api-to-get-multiple-accounts-and-statusesRevert to not indexing by idClaire11 days
features/search-loading-indicatorAdd loading indicator and empty result message to advanced interface searchClaire9 days
fixes/serialization-hardeningPrevent accidental serialization of `Account` and `User` recordsClaire9 days
mainConvert `entrypoints/sign_up` to Typescript (#30106)Renaud Chaput6 days
recursive-cte-grouped-notificationsApply suggestions from code reviewClaire9 days
renovate/aws-sdk-s3-1.x-lockfileUpdate dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.148.0renovate[bot]9 days
renovate/doorkeeper-5.x-lockfileUpdate dependency doorkeeper to v5.7.0renovate[bot]11 days
renovate/react-monorepoUpdate react monorepo to v18.3.1renovate[bot]9 days
renovate/ws-8.x-lockfileUpdate dependency ws to v8.17.0renovate[bot]7 days
v4.2.8commit bdb6650ebc...Claire2 months
v4.1.16commit c2d8666bbf...Claire2 months
v3.5.19commit e9123ad691...Claire3 months
v4.0.15commit e5726d211f...Claire3 months
v4.1.15commit b7b03e8d26...Claire3 months
v4.2.7commit 0e4e98fad1...Claire3 months
v3.5.18commit 44c265e4c7...Claire3 months
v4.0.14commit 9f83a0aad2...Claire3 months
v4.1.14commit 6499850ac4...Claire3 months
v4.2.6commit 7c8ca0c6d6...Claire3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-12-19Bump version to 3.3.0rc2 (#15365)v3.3.0rc2Eugen Rochko
2020-12-19New Crowdin updates (#15353)Eugen Rochko
2020-12-19Fix missing description on enable bootstrap timeline accounts toggle in admin...Eugen Rochko
2020-12-18Fix resolving accounts sometimes creating duplicate records for a given AP id...ThibG
2020-12-18Fix old migration script not being able to run if it fails midway (#15361)ThibG
2020-12-18Reword invite text settings in admin views for consistency (#15358)ThibG
2020-12-18Bump max supported schema version in maintenance script (#15359)ThibG
2020-12-18Fix styling issue on /about when server admin has a long username (#15357)ThibG
2020-12-18Fix follow limit preventing re-following of a moved account (#14207)Eugen Rochko
2020-12-18Fix styles for RTL languages and the light theme (#15356)Eugen Rochko