BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature-libvipsChange image processing from ImageMagick to libvipsEugen Rochko3 days
features/add-api-to-get-multiple-accounts-and-statusesRevert to not indexing by idClaire5 days
features/search-loading-indicatorAdd loading indicator and empty result message to advanced interface searchClaire3 days
fixes/serialization-hardeningPrevent accidental serialization of `Account` and `User` recordsClaire3 days
mainConvert `entrypoints/sign_up` to Typescript (#30106)Renaud Chaput12 hours
recursive-cte-grouped-notificationsApply suggestions from code reviewClaire4 days
renovate/aws-sdk-s3-1.x-lockfileUpdate dependency aws-sdk-s3 to v1.148.0renovate[bot]4 days
renovate/doorkeeper-5.x-lockfileUpdate dependency doorkeeper to v5.7.0renovate[bot]5 days
renovate/react-monorepoUpdate react monorepo to v18.3.1renovate[bot]3 days
renovate/ws-8.x-lockfileUpdate dependency ws to v8.17.0renovate[bot]38 hours
v4.2.8commit bdb6650ebc...Claire2 months
v4.1.16commit c2d8666bbf...Claire2 months
v3.5.19commit e9123ad691...Claire2 months
v4.0.15commit e5726d211f...Claire2 months
v4.1.15commit b7b03e8d26...Claire2 months
v4.2.7commit 0e4e98fad1...Claire2 months
v3.5.18commit 44c265e4c7...Claire2 months
v4.0.14commit 9f83a0aad2...Claire2 months
v4.1.14commit 6499850ac4...Claire2 months
v4.2.6commit 7c8ca0c6d6...Claire2 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-12-01Fix changelog containing items from 3.2.1 twice (#15255)v3.3.0rc1Eugen Rochko
2020-12-01Bump version to 3.3.0rc1 (#15230)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-30Fix `ku` locale not being right-to-left (#15252)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-30Fix character count not ignoring hidden CW field (#15236)Mélanie Chauvel
2020-11-29Update Dockerfile (#15232)Shlee
2020-11-28Fix omniauth (SAML/CAS) sign-in routes not having CSRF protection (#15228)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-28Fix media modal crashing when media has no blurhash (#15229)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-27Bump version to 3.2.1 (#15227)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-27Fix deletes not reaching every server that interacted with status (#15200)Eugen Rochko
2020-11-27Fix media modal regression on public pages (#15221)Eugen Rochko