path: root/package.json
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-09-09Upgrade dependenciesChristian Paul
2020-09-09Remove bluebird (#94)Christian Paul
2020-08-17Replace userhome with env-paths (#91)Christian Paul
2020-08-12Upgrade dependenciesChristian Paul
2020-08-12Add preliminary support for parsing of command line options (#86)Thorkil Værge
2020-05-28Raise the minimum NodeJS version to 10 (#84)Christian Paul
2020-05-21Upgrade dev dependencies: jest and eslintChristian Paul
2020-02-19:white_check_mark: re-adding jest, making the CI happy againMichael Straßburger
2020-02-18:bookmark: bumping 0.3.1v0.3.1Michael Straßburger
2020-02-18:arrow_up: upgrading dependenciesMichael Straßburger
2019-10-14:bookmark: bumping 0.3.0, adding @quincylvania to the authorsv0.3.0Michael Straßburger
2019-10-11:white_check_mark: Merge pull request #74 from rastapasta/eslintMichael Straßburger
2019-10-11:bookmark: bumping 0.2.0v0.2.0Michael Straßburger
2019-10-10Make ESLint pass the current codebaseChristian Paul
2019-10-10Upgrade dependenciesChristian Paul
2019-06-16Merge branch 'master' into upgrade-dependenciesChristian Paul
2019-06-16Upgrade various dependenciesChristian Paul
2019-03-24Merge pull request #62 from rastapasta/safe-upgradesChristian Paul
2019-03-24Remove tests / support for Node 6Christian Paul
2019-03-24Upgrade string-width to 3.1.0. The latest version supporting Node 6.Christian Paul
2019-03-24Upgrade dependencies which are unlikely to break MapsciiChristian Paul
2018-11-18Update dependenciesChristian Paul
2018-10-18Add Jest as a development dependency for unit testsChristian Paul
2018-10-17Lower required NodeJS version to 6.14.0 to support the maintained LTS 6Christian Paul
2018-10-17Update dependenciesChristian Paul
2018-10-17Require the latest LTS of NodeChristian Paul
2017-12-23Remove CoffeeScript dependencyChristian Paul
2017-12-23Add ESLint configurationChristian Paul
2017-10-25:arrow_up: updating dependenciesMichael Straßburger
2017-10-25:bookmark: bumping 0.1.6v0.1.6Michael Straßburger
2017-06-17:arrow_up: upgrading to term-mouse 0.2.0 (closes #24)Michael Straßburger
2017-05-14:bookmark: bumping 0.1.5v0.1.5Michael Straßburger
2017-05-10:heavy_plus_sign: adding string-widthMichael Straßburger
2017-04-29:bookmark: bumping 0.1.4v0.1.4Michael Straßburger
2017-04-29:mouse2: showing lat/lon under cursor, center on clickMichael Straßburger
2017-04-28:bookmark: bumping 0.1.3v0.1.3Michael Straßburger
2017-04-26request-promise -> node-fetchJannis R
2017-04-26:arrow_up: adding dependency check for node >=4.5Michael Straßburger
2016-11-10:art: adding simplify-js to readme, adapting canvasMichael Straßburger
2016-11-06:runner: removing matrix translations, combinding reduce/move/scale in one loopMichael Straßburger
2016-11-06:construction_worker: making mbtiles library optional (install via npm instal...Michael Straßburger
2016-11-04:house: persiting downloaded tiles in $home/.mapscii/cache/Michael Straßburger
2016-11-03:arrow_right: global linking of 'mapscii'Michael Straßburger
2016-11-03:mag: endless magnification zoomability after max tile zoom level is reachedMichael Straßburger
2016-11-03:satellite: implementing HTTP source handling for TileSourceMichael Straßburger
2016-11-03:performing_arts: more async refactoring in preperation for multitile supportMichael Straßburger
2016-11-02:beer: comitting current dev stage of various refactorsMichael Straßburger
2016-09-27:triangular_ruler: using earcut for triangulation, implementing own CanvasMichael Straßburger
2016-09-21:art: improving Styler condition parser, adding main.jsMichael Straßburger
2016-09-21:mag: adapting label decluttering to centered labelsMichael Straßburger