path: root/core/src/default_impl/
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/default_impl/')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/default_impl/ b/core/src/default_impl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c3ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/default_impl/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use std::{
+ path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ fs::{self, File},
+ io::{self, Read},
+ env,
+ marker::PhantomData,
+use checked_command::CheckedCommand;
+use failure::Fail;
+use futures::IntoFuture;
+use headers::header_components::{
+ MediaType,
+ FileMeta
+use ::{
+ iri::IRI,
+ utils::{
+ SendBoxFuture,
+ ConstSwitch, Enabled
+ },
+ error::{
+ ResourceLoadingError,
+ ResourceLoadingErrorKind
+ },
+ resource:: {
+ Data,
+ EncData,
+ Source,
+ UseMediaType,
+ Metadata
+ },
+ context::{
+ Context,
+ ResourceLoaderComponent
+ }
+// have a scheme ignoring variant for Mux as the scheme is preset
+// allow a setup with different scheme path/file etc. the behavior stays the same!
+// do not handle sandboxing/security as such do not handle "file" only "path" ~use open_at if available?~
+//TODO more doc
+/// By setting SchemeValidation to Disabled the FsResourceLoader can be used to simple
+/// load a resource from a file based on a scheme tail as path independent of the rest,
+/// so e.g. it it is used in a `Mux` which selects a `ResourceLoader` impl based on a scheme
+/// the scheme would not be double validated.
+#[derive( Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default )]
+pub struct FsResourceLoader<
+ SchemeValidation: ConstSwitch = Enabled,
+> {
+ root: PathBuf,
+ scheme: &'static str,
+ _marker: PhantomData<SchemeValidation>
+impl<SVSw> FsResourceLoader<SVSw>
+ where SVSw: ConstSwitch
+ const DEFAULT_SCHEME: &'static str = "path";
+ /// create a new file system based FileLoader, which will "just" standard _blocking_ IO
+ /// to read a file from the file system into a buffer
+ pub fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>>( root: P ) -> Self {
+ Self::new_with_scheme(root.into(), Self::DEFAULT_SCHEME)
+ }
+ pub fn new_with_scheme<P: Into<PathBuf>>( root: P, scheme: &'static str ) -> Self {
+ FsResourceLoader { root: root.into(), scheme, _marker: PhantomData}
+ }
+ pub fn with_cwd_root() -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
+ let cwd = env::current_dir()?;
+ Ok(Self::new(cwd))
+ }
+ pub fn root(&self) -> &Path {
+ &self.root
+ }
+ pub fn scheme(&self) -> &'static str {
+ self.scheme
+ }
+ pub fn does_validate_scheme(&self) -> bool {
+ }
+ pub fn iri_has_compatible_scheme(&self, iri: &IRI) -> bool {
+ iri.scheme() == self.scheme
+ }
+impl<ValidateScheme> ResourceLoaderComponent for FsResourceLoader<ValidateScheme>
+ where ValidateScheme: ConstSwitch
+ fn load_resource(&self, source: &Source, ctx: &impl Context)
+ -> SendBoxFuture<EncData, ResourceLoadingError>
+ {
+ if ValidateScheme::ENABLED && !self.iri_has_compatible_scheme(&source.iri) {
+ let err = ResourceLoadingError
+ ::from(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::NotFound)
+ .with_source_iri_or_else(|| Some(source.iri.clone()));
+ return Box::new(Err(err).into_future());
+ }
+ let path = self.root().join(path_from_tail(&source.iri));
+ let use_media_type = source.use_media_type.clone();
+ let use_file_name = source.use_file_name.clone();
+ load_data(
+ path,
+ use_media_type,
+ use_file_name,
+ ctx,
+ |data| Ok(data.transfer_encode(Default::default()))
+ )
+ }
+//TODO add a PostProcess hook which can be any combination of
+// FixNewline, SniffMediaType and custom postprocessing
+// now this has new responsibilities
+// 2. get and create File Meta
+// 3. if source.media_type.is_none() do cautious mime sniffing
+pub fn load_data<R, F>(
+ path: PathBuf,
+ use_media_type: UseMediaType,
+ use_file_name: Option<String>,
+ ctx: &impl Context,
+ post_process: F,
+) -> SendBoxFuture<R, ResourceLoadingError>
+ where R: Send + 'static,
+ F: FnOnce(Data) -> Result<R, ResourceLoadingError> + Send + 'static
+ let content_id = ctx.generate_content_id();
+ ctx.offload_fn(move || {
+ let mut fd = File::open(&path)
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+ err.context(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::NotFound)
+ } else {
+ err.context(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::LoadingFailed)
+ }
+ })?;
+ let mut file_meta = file_meta_from_metadata(fd.metadata()?);
+ if let Some(name) = use_file_name {
+ file_meta.file_name = Some(name)
+ } else {
+ file_meta.file_name = path.file_name()
+ .map(|name| name.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
+ }
+ let mut buffer = Vec::new();
+ fd.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
+ let media_type =
+ match use_media_type {
+ UseMediaType::Auto => {
+ sniff_media_type(&path)?
+ },
+ UseMediaType::Default(media_type) => {
+ media_type
+ }
+ };
+ let data = Data::new(buffer, Metadata {
+ file_meta,
+ content_id,
+ media_type,
+ });
+ post_process(data)
+ })
+fn sniff_media_type(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<MediaType, ResourceLoadingError> {
+ //TODO replace current impl with conservative sniffing
+ let output = CheckedCommand
+ ::new("file")
+ .args(&["--brief", "--mime"])
+ .arg(path.as_ref())
+ .output()
+ .map_err(|err| err.context(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::MediaTypeDetectionFailed))?;
+ let raw_media_type = String
+ ::from_utf8(output.stdout)
+ .map_err(|err| err.context(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::MediaTypeDetectionFailed))?;
+ let media_type = MediaType
+ ::parse(raw_media_type.trim())
+ .map_err(|err| err.context(ResourceLoadingErrorKind::MediaTypeDetectionFailed))?;
+ Ok(media_type)
+//TODO implement From<MetaDate> for FileMeta instead of this
+fn file_meta_from_metadata(meta: fs::Metadata) -> FileMeta {
+ FileMeta {
+ file_name: None,
+ creation_date: meta.created().ok().map(From::from),
+ modification_date: meta.modified().ok().map(From::from),
+ read_date: meta.accessed().ok().map(From::from),
+ //TODO make FileMeta.size a u64
+ size: get_file_size(&meta).map(|x|x as usize),
+ }
+fn get_file_size(meta: &fs::Metadata) -> Option<u64> {
+ #[cfg(unix)]
+ {
+ use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
+ return Some(meta.size());
+ }
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ {
+ use std::os::windows::fs::MetadataExt;
+ return Some(meta.file_size());
+ }
+ #[allow(unreachable_code)]
+ None
+fn path_from_tail(path_iri: &IRI) -> &Path {
+ let tail = path_iri.tail();
+ let path = if tail.starts_with("///") {
+ &tail[2..]
+ } else {
+ &tail
+ };
+ Path::new(path)
+mod tests {
+ mod sniff_media_type {
+ use super::super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn works_reasonable_for_cargo_files() {
+ let res = sniff_media_type("./Cargo.lock")
+ .unwrap();
+ // it currently doesn't take advantage of file endings so
+ // all pure "text" will be text/plain
+ assert_eq!(res.as_str_repr(), "text/plain; charset=us-ascii");
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file