path: root/internals
diff options
authorPhilipp Korber <>2018-11-16 15:46:43 +0100
committerPhilipp Korber <>2018-11-16 15:46:43 +0100
commit652d6f0ffeee7302a2cb51059bef75d8b0bb50be (patch)
treec3851592642938172f280f7428d43e08b0fe2cbe /internals
parent0947fe8996149fe20a6d47a793f9555790eb2eae (diff)
refactor: merged sources of mail-headers,mail-internals,mail-core, mail
Originally it was palaned to do a merge with `--allow-unrelated-history` but this can not be doesn as `mail-core` has a "invalid" history which has a merge conflict **with itself**. So even rewinding the history on a empty repo is not possible. Instead the code was directly coppied over losing history. But the history is still available in the different `history-backup-*` branches. It is just that the past history is decoupled from the current history.
Diffstat (limited to 'internals')
19 files changed, 4132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/internals/Cargo.toml b/internals/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a99ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+authors = ["Philipp Korber <>"]
+name = "mail-internals"
+description = "[mail-api] _internal_ parts for the mail-api crates"
+documentation = ""
+keywords = ["mail-api"]
+categories = []
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
+repository = ""
+version = "0.2.0"
+readme = "./"
+failure = "0.1.1"
+nom = "3.1.0"
+chrono = "0.4.0"
+base64 = "0.6.0"
+quoted_printable = "0.4.0"
+idna = "0.1.4"
+percent-encoding = "1.0.0"
+quoted-string = "0.6"
+media-type-impl-utils = { git="" }
+soft-ascii-string = "1.0"
+vec1 = "1.0"
+default = []
+traceing = []
diff --git a/internals/ b/internals/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acb8693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# mail-internal
+**Provides some internal functionality for the `mail` crate.**
+The main part of this crate is the `EncodingBuffer` which
+is the place the headers write there content to (in an encoded
+form). Normally nothing in this crate needs to be used, the
+only exception is if you want to write your own mail header
+components for your custom mail header. In which case some
+of the thinks in this crate might prove usefull for you.
+(E.g. the `bind` module which binds some external crates
+like e.g. `quoted-string` and `idna`)
+Documentation can be [viewed on](
+(once it is published).
+## License
+Licensed under either of
+ * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
+ * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
+at your option.
+### Contribution
+Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
+for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
+additional terms or conditions.
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/ b/internals/src/bind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36bb735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use {base64 as extern_base64};
+use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiString, SoftAsciiChar};
+use failure::Fail;
+use ::utils::is_utf8_continuation_byte;
+use ::error::{EncodingError, EncodingErrorKind};
+use super::encoded_word::EncodedWordWriter;
+const CHARSET: extern_base64::CharacterSet = extern_base64::CharacterSet::Standard;
+const NO_LINE_WRAP: extern_base64::LineWrap = extern_base64::LineWrap::NoWrap;
+const LINE_WRAP: extern_base64::LineWrap =
+ extern_base64::LineWrap::Wrap(78, extern_base64::LineEnding::CRLF);
+const USE_PADDING: bool = true;
+const ECW_STRIP_WHITESPACE: bool = false;
+const NON_ECW_STRIP_WHITESPACE: bool = true;
+pub fn normal_encode<R: AsRef<[u8]>>(input: R) -> SoftAsciiString {
+ let res = extern_base64::encode_config( input.as_ref(), extern_base64::Config::new(
+ //FIXME: check if line wrap should be used here, I thinks it should
+ ));
+ SoftAsciiString::from_unchecked(res)
+pub fn normal_decode<R: AsRef<[u8]>>(input: R) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodingError> {
+ extern_base64::decode_config( input.as_ref(), extern_base64::Config::new(
+ )).map_err(|err| err
+ .context(EncodingErrorKind::Malformed)
+ .into()
+ )
+fn calc_max_input_len(max_output_len: usize) -> usize {
+ //NOTE: *3/4 is NOT correct due to the way this
+ // relies on non-floting point division
+ max_output_len / 4 * 3
+//NOTE: base64 does not have to care about the EncodedWordContext,
+// it is valid under all of them anyway
+/// # Note
+/// for now this only supports utf8/ascii input, as
+/// we have to know where we can split
+pub fn encoded_word_encode<O, R: AsRef<str>>( input: R, out: &mut O )
+ where O: EncodedWordWriter
+ _encoded_word_encode(input.as_ref(), out)
+fn _encoded_word_encode<O>( input: &str, out: &mut O )
+ where O: EncodedWordWriter
+ let config = extern_base64::Config::new(
+ );
+ debug_assert!( USE_PADDING == true, "size calculation is tailored for padding");
+ let max_output_len = out.max_payload_len();
+ let max_input_len = calc_max_input_len(max_output_len);
+ let mut rest = input;
+ let mut buff = String::with_capacity(max_output_len);
+ out.write_ecw_start();
+ loop {
+ buff.clear();
+ // additional bytes in uf8 always start with binary b10xxxxxx
+ let rest_len = rest.len();
+ let split_idx = if max_input_len >= rest_len {
+ rest_len
+ } else {
+ let mut tmp_split = max_input_len;
+ let rest_bytes = rest.as_bytes();
+ // the byte at the current index starts with that we are in a
+ // position where we can't split and have to move left until
+ // the beginning of the utf8
+ while is_utf8_continuation_byte(rest_bytes[tmp_split]) {
+ //UNDERFLOW_SAFE: if the string is correct (contains valid utf8) this cant undeflow as
+ // the first byte cant start with 0b10xxxxxx.
+ tmp_split -= 1;
+ }
+ tmp_split
+ };
+ let (this, _rest) = rest.split_at(split_idx);
+ //very important ;=)
+ rest = _rest;
+ extern_base64::encode_config_buf(this, config.clone(), &mut buff);
+ //FIXME add a write_str method to EncodedWordWriter
+ for ch in buff.chars() {
+ //SAFE: base64 consist of only ascii chars
+ out.write_char(SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked(ch))
+ }
+ if rest.len() == 0 {
+ break
+ } else {
+ out.start_next_encoded_word();
+ }
+ }
+ out.write_ecw_end();
+pub fn encoded_word_decode<R: AsRef<[u8]>>(input: R)
+ -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodingError>
+ extern_base64::decode_config(input.as_ref(), extern_base64::Config::new(
+ )).map_err(|err| err
+ .context(EncodingErrorKind::Malformed)
+ .into()
+ )
+mod test {
+ use soft_ascii_string::SoftAsciiStr;
+ use bind::encoded_word::{VecWriter, EncodedWordEncoding};
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn encoding_uses_line_wrap() {
+ let input = concat!(
+ "0123456789", "0123456789",
+ "0123456789", "0123456789",
+ "0123456789", "0123456789",
+ );
+ let res = normal_encode(input);
+ assert_eq!(res.as_str(),
+ let dec = normal_decode(res).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(dec, input.as_bytes());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn calc_max_input_len_from_max_output_len() {
+ assert!(USE_PADDING, "algorithm is specific to the usage of padding");
+ assert_eq!(45, calc_max_input_len(60));
+ assert_eq!(45, calc_max_input_len(61));
+ assert_eq!(45, calc_max_input_len(62));
+ assert_eq!(45, calc_max_input_len(63));
+ assert_eq!(48, calc_max_input_len(64));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn encode_decode_normal() {
+ let pairs: &[(&str,&[u8])] = &[
+ (
+ "this is some\r\nlong\r\ntest.",
+ b"dGhpcyBpcyBzb21lDQpsb25nDQp0ZXN0Lg=="
+ ),
+ (
+ "",
+ b""
+ )
+ ];
+ for &(raw, encoded) in pairs.iter() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ normal_encode(raw).as_bytes(),
+ encoded
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ assert_ok!(normal_decode(encoded)),
+ raw.as_bytes()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ macro_rules! test_ecw_encode {
+ ($name:ident, data $data:expr => [$($item:expr),*]) => {
+ #[test]
+ fn $name() {
+ let test_data = $data;
+ let mut out = VecWriter::new(
+ SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked("utf8"),
+ EncodedWordEncoding::Base64
+ );
+ encoded_word_encode( test_data, &mut out );
+ let expected = &[
+ $($item),*
+ ];
+ let iter = expected.iter()
+ .zip(|x|x.as_str()) )
+ .enumerate();
+ for ( idx, (expected, got) ) in iter {
+ if *expected != got {
+ panic!( " item nr {}: {:?} != {:?} ", idx, expected, got );
+ }
+ }
+ let e_len = expected.len();
+ let g_len =;
+ if e_len > g_len {
+ panic!( "expected following additional items: {:?}", &expected[g_len..e_len])
+ }
+ if e_len < g_len {
+ panic!( "got following additional items: {:?}", &[e_len..g_len])
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ test_ecw_encode! { ecw_simple,
+ data "()\"" => [
+ "=?utf8?B?KCki?="
+ ]
+ }
+ test_ecw_encode! { ecw_simple_max_len,
+ data "012345678901234567890123456789012345678944448888" => [
+ "=?utf8?B?MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTQ0NDQ4ODg4?="
+ ]
+ }
+ test_ecw_encode! { multiple_ecws,
+ data "012345678901234567890123456789012345678944448888NEWWORD" => [
+ "=?utf8?B?MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTQ0NDQ4ODg4?=",
+ "=?utf8?B?TkVXV09SRA==?="
+ ]
+ }
+ test_ecw_encode! { ecw_end_in_multibyte_codepoint,
+ data "01234567890123456789012345678901234567894444888↓" => [
+ "=?utf8?B?MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTQ0NDQ4ODg=?=",
+ "=?utf8?B?4oaT?="
+ ]
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn decode_encoded_word() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ assert_ok!(encoded_word_decode("dGhpc19jcmF6eV9lbmNvZGVkX3dvcmQ=")),
+ b"this_crazy_encoded_word"
+ );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/ b/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7051da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiString, SoftAsciiChar, SoftAsciiStr };
+use vec1::Vec1;
+use grammar::encoded_word::{ MAX_ECW_LEN, ECW_SEP_OVERHEAD };
+use ::encoder::EncodingWriter;
+use super::{ EncodedWordWriter, EncodedWordEncoding as Encoding };
+pub struct VecWriter<'a> {
+ data: Vec1<SoftAsciiString >,
+ charset: &'a SoftAsciiStr,
+ encoding: Encoding
+impl<'a> VecWriter<'a> {
+ pub fn new(charset: &'a SoftAsciiStr, encoding: Encoding) -> Self {
+ let data = Vec1::new( SoftAsciiString::new() );
+ VecWriter { data, charset, encoding }
+ }
+ pub fn data( &self ) -> &[SoftAsciiString] {
+ &*
+ }
+impl<'a> Into<Vec1<SoftAsciiString>> for VecWriter<'a> {
+ fn into(self) -> Vec1<SoftAsciiString> {
+ }
+impl<'a> EncodedWordWriter for VecWriter<'a> {
+ fn encoding( &self ) -> Encoding {
+ self.encoding
+ }
+ fn write_char( &mut self, ch: SoftAsciiChar ) {
+ ch );
+ }
+ fn write_charset( &mut self ) {
+ self.charset.chars() )
+ }
+ fn write_ecw_seperator( &mut self ) {
+ SoftAsciiString::new() )
+ }
+ fn max_payload_len( &self ) -> usize {
+ MAX_ECW_LEN - ECW_SEP_OVERHEAD - self.charset.len() - 1
+ }
+pub struct WriterWrapper<'a, 'b: 'a>{
+ charset: &'a SoftAsciiStr,
+ encoding: Encoding,
+ encoder_handle: &'a mut EncodingWriter<'b>
+impl<'a, 'b: 'a> WriterWrapper<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new_with_charset(charset: &'a SoftAsciiStr,
+ encoding: Encoding,
+ encoder: &'a mut EncodingWriter<'b> ) -> Self
+ {
+ WriterWrapper { charset, encoding, encoder_handle: encoder }
+ }
+ pub fn new(encoding: Encoding,
+ encoder: &'a mut EncodingWriter<'b> ) -> Self
+ {
+ Self::new_with_charset(SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked("utf8"), encoding, encoder)
+ }
+impl<'a, 'b: 'a> EncodedWordWriter for WriterWrapper<'a, 'b> {
+ fn encoding( &self ) -> Encoding {
+ self.encoding
+ }
+ fn write_charset( &mut self ) {
+ //TODO fix
+ let _ = self.encoder_handle.write_str( self.charset );
+ }
+ fn write_ecw_seperator( &mut self ) {
+ self.encoder_handle.write_fws();
+ }
+ fn write_char( &mut self, ch: SoftAsciiChar ) {
+ //TODO fix
+ let _ = self.encoder_handle.write_char( ch );
+ }
+ fn max_payload_len( &self ) -> usize {
+ MAX_ECW_LEN - ECW_SEP_OVERHEAD - self.charset.len() - 1
+ }
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/ b/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef61fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/encoded_word/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiStr, SoftAsciiChar };
+use super::{base64, quoted_printable};
+mod impls;
+pub use self::impls::*;
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum EncodedWordEncoding {
+ Base64, QuotedPrintable
+impl EncodedWordEncoding {
+ /// returns the acronym for the given encoding
+ /// used in a encoded word
+ pub fn acronym(&self) -> &'static SoftAsciiStr {
+ use self::EncodedWordEncoding::*;
+ match *self {
+ Base64 => SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked("B"),
+ QuotedPrintable => SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked("Q")
+ }
+ }
+ /// encodes a given utf8 string
+ ///
+ /// either `self::quoted_printable::encoded_word_encode`
+ /// or `self::base64::encoded_word_encode_utf8` is used
+ /// depending on which value `self` is.
+ ///
+ /// As both algorithm need to know about code point boundaries
+ /// only encoding utf8 is supported for now
+ ///
+ pub fn encode<R, O>(&self, input: R, out: &mut O)
+ where R: AsRef<str>, O: EncodedWordWriter
+ {
+ use self::EncodedWordEncoding::*;
+ let input: &str = input.as_ref();
+ match *self {
+ Base64 => {
+ base64::encoded_word_encode(input, out)
+ },
+ QuotedPrintable => {
+ quoted_printable::encoded_word_encode_utf8(input, out)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub trait EncodedWordWriter {
+ fn write_char( &mut self, ch: SoftAsciiChar );
+ fn write_charset( &mut self );
+ fn encoding( &self ) -> EncodedWordEncoding;
+ fn write_ecw_seperator( &mut self );
+ /// Returns the maximal length of the paylod/encoded data
+ ///
+ /// Any number of calls to methods on in trait in any way
+ /// should never be able to change the returned value.
+ /// Only changing e.g. the charset or encoding should be
+ /// able to change what `max_paylod_len` returns.
+ fn max_payload_len( &self ) -> usize;
+ fn write_ecw_start( &mut self ) {
+ let qm = SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('?');
+ self.write_char(SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('='));
+ self.write_char(qm);
+ self.write_charset();
+ self.write_char(qm);
+ let acronym = self.encoding().acronym();
+ self.write_str( acronym );
+ self.write_char(qm);
+ }
+ fn write_ecw_end( &mut self ) {
+ self.write_char( SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('?') );
+ self.write_char( SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('=') );
+ }
+ fn start_next_encoded_word( &mut self ) {
+ self.write_ecw_end();
+ self.write_ecw_seperator();
+ self.write_ecw_start();
+ }
+ fn write_str( &mut self, s: &SoftAsciiStr ) {
+ for ch in s.chars() {
+ self.write_char(ch)
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/ b/internals/src/bind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b82d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+use soft_ascii_string::SoftAsciiString;
+use idna;
+use ::error::{EncodingError, EncodingErrorKind};
+/// uses puny code on given domain to return a ascii representation
+/// # Implementation Detail
+/// this function uses `idna::domain_to_ascii`, see the
+/// `idna` crates documentation fore more details on how
+/// exactly all edgecase are handled
+/// # Note
+/// that this function does not validate the domain, e.g.
+/// if you puny code the domain `"this seems\0so;wrong"` it
+/// will return `Ok("this seems\0so;wrong")`
+pub fn puny_code_domain<R: AsRef<str>>(domain: R)
+ -> Result<SoftAsciiString, EncodingError>
+ _puny_code_domain(domain.as_ref())
+fn _puny_code_domain(domain: &str)
+ -> Result<SoftAsciiString, EncodingError>
+ match idna::domain_to_ascii(domain) {
+ Ok(asciified) => {
+ //SAFE: well we converted it to ascii, so it's ascii
+ Ok(SoftAsciiString::from_unchecked(asciified))
+ },
+ Err(_non_informative_err) => {
+ Err(EncodingErrorKind::NotEncodable { encoding: "punycode" }.into())
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use idna;
+ use super::puny_code_domain;
+ #[test]
+ fn idna_does_not_validate() {
+ let domain = "this seems\0so;wrong";
+ assert_eq!(
+ domain.to_owned(),
+ assert_ok!( idna::domain_to_ascii(domain) )
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn nop_puny_code() {
+ let domain = "is_ascii.notadomain";
+ let encoded = assert_ok!( puny_code_domain( domain ) );
+ assert_eq!(
+ &*encoded,
+ "is_ascii.notadomain"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn puny_code_ascii_mail() {
+ let domain = "nöt_ascii.ü";
+ let encoded = assert_ok!( puny_code_domain(domain) );
+ assert_eq!(
+ &*encoded,
+ "xn--nt_ascii-n4a.xn--tda"
+ );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/ b/internals/src/bind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afede94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiStr, SoftAsciiString};
+use grammar::is_token_char;
+use percent_encoding::{
+ EncodeSet,
+ percent_encode
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
+struct MimeParamEncodingSet;
+impl EncodeSet for MimeParamEncodingSet {
+ fn contains(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
+ //if it is in the encoding set we need to encode it
+ //which we need to to if it is _not_ a token char
+ !is_token_char(byte as char)
+ }
+/// percent encodes a byte sequence so that it can be used
+/// in a RFC 2231 conform encoded mime header parameter
+pub fn percent_encode_param_value<'a, R>(input: &'a R) -> Cow<'a, SoftAsciiStr>
+ where R: ?Sized+AsRef<[u8]>
+ let cow: Cow<'a, str> = percent_encode(input.as_ref(), MimeParamEncodingSet).into();
+ match cow {
+ Cow::Owned(o) =>
+ //SAFE: MimeParamEncodingSet makes all non-us-ascii bytes encoded AND
+ // percent_encoding::percent_encode always only produces ascii anyway
+ Cow::Owned(SoftAsciiString::from_unchecked(o)),
+ Cow::Borrowed(b) =>
+ Cow::Borrowed(SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked(b))
+ }
+mod test {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn encode_simple() {
+ let input = "this is tüxt";
+ let res = percent_encode_param_value(input);
+ assert_eq!("this%20is%20t%C3%BCxt", res.as_str());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn no_encode_no_alloc() {
+ let input = "full_valid";
+ let res = percent_encode_param_value(input);
+ assert_eq!(res, Cow::Borrowed(input));
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/ b/internals/src/bind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b475ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+//! This module contains bindings to a number of external crates.
+pub mod encoded_word;
+pub mod base64;
+pub mod quoted_string;
+pub mod quoted_printable;
+pub mod idna;
+pub mod mime;
diff --git a/internals/src/bind/ b/internals/src/bind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef6291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internals/src/bind/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiChar, SoftAsciiString };
+use { quoted_printable as extern_quoted_printable };
+use failure::Fail;
+use ::error::{EncodingError, EncodingErrorKind};
+use super::encoded_word::EncodedWordWriter;
+/// a quoted printable encoding suitable for content transfer encoding,
+/// but _not_ suited for the encoding in encoded words
+pub fn normal_encode<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: A) -> SoftAsciiString {
+ let encoded = extern_quoted_printable::encode_to_str(data);
+ SoftAsciiString::from_unchecked(encoded)
+/// a quoted printable decoding suitable for content transfer encoding
+pub fn normal_decode<R: AsRef<[u8]>>(input: R)
+ -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodingError>
+ //extern_quoted_printable h
+ extern_quoted_printable::decode(
+ input.as_ref(), extern_quoted_printable::ParseMode::Strict
+ ).map_err(|err| err
+ .context(EncodingErrorKind::Malformed)
+ .into()
+ )
+/// a quoted printable decoding suitable for decoding a quoted printable
+/// encpded text in encoded words
+pub fn encoded_word_decode<R: AsRef<[u8]>>( input: R ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodingError> {
+ //we can just use the stadard decoding
+ normal_decode( input )
+//FIXME we don't use EncodedWord context here,
+// instead we use the most restructive context as a basis,
+// making it compatilble with all context, but not nessesary
+// the best solution...
+/// Simple wrapper around ecoded_word_encode for utf8 strings only
+pub fn encoded_word_encode_utf8<'a, O>(word: &str, writer: &mut O )
+ where O: EncodedWordWriter
+ let iter = word.char_indices().map( |(idx, ch)| {
+ &word.as_bytes()[idx..idx+ch.len_utf8()]
+ });
+ encoded_word_encode(iter, writer );
+/// Quoted Printable encoding for Encoded Words in MIME-Headers
+/// Which means:
+/// 1. there is a limit to the maximum number of characters
+/// - the limit is 75 INCLUDING the `=?charset?encoding?...?=` overhead
+/// - as such the line length limit of quoted printable can not be hit,
+/// the quoted printable part is at most 67 chars long, e.g. for utf8
+/// it is at most 64 chars
+/// 2. has to be one token, so no ' ','\t' and neither soft nor hard newlines
+/// 3. no '?' character
+/// The input is a sequence of bytes split up in chunks where
+/// a split in multipl encoded words can be done between any
+/// two chunks but not in a chunk. Wrt. utf8 a chunk would
+/// correspond to a character, e.g. `[65]` for `'a'` and
+/// `[0xe2, 0x99, 0xa5]` for a `'♥'`.
+/// Note that a chunk can with more than 21 byte is not guranteed to
+/// work, and can trigger a panic.
+/// As this has to be safe for usage in all header contexts, additional
+/// to the chars required by the standard (i.e. '=') following chars are ALWAYS
+/// quoted' ', '\t', '?', '(', ')'. Also '\n','\r' see the note below for more
+/// details.
+/// # Panics:
+/// 1. if the encoded size of a chunk is more than 16 byte, which can
+/// happen if a chunk has more than 5 bytes. For comparison utf8 has
+/// at most chunks with 4 bytes leading to at most 12 byte buffer usage.
+/// 2. if max size if >76 as no new line handling is implemented and
+/// the max size for the use case can be at most 67 chars
+/// 3. if a single encoded chunk can not be written as one because of
+/// the length limitation AFTER a new encoded word was started.
+/// # Note:
+/// as it has to be a token no new line characters can appear in the output,
+/// BUT q-encoding also forbids the encoding of CRLF line breaks in TEXT!
+/// bodies, which is mean to not mess up with the limitations to the line
+/// length, but they are allowed to appear in non TEXT data, but this
+/// function should, but might not be limited to be used with text data,
+/// which should but might not be limited to data not containing any new
+/// line character. For now any appearance of '\r' or '\n' will be encoded
+/// like any other "special" byte, for the future a context might be needed.
+/// (Especially as encoded words can contain non-ascii text in which '\r','\n'
+/// might be encoded with completely different bytes, but when the RFC speaks of
+/// '\r','\n' it normally means the bytes 10/13 independent of the character set,
+/// or if they appear in a image, zip-archiev etc. )
+pub fn encoded_word_encode<'a, I, O>(input: I, out: &mut O )
+ where I: Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>, O: EncodedWordWriter
+ out.write_ecw_start();
+ let max_payload_len = out.max_payload_len();
+ let mut remaining = max_payload_len;
+ //WARN: on remaining being > 67
+ let mut buf = [SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('X'); 16];
+ for chunk in input {
+ let mut buf_idx = 0;
+ for byte in chunk {
+ let byte = *byte;
+ match byte {
+ // this is the way to go as long as we don't want to behave differently for
+ // different context, the COMMENT context allows more chars, and the
+ // TEXT context even more
+ b'!' | b'*' |
+ b'+' | b'-' |
+ b'/' | b'_' |
+ b'0'...b'9' |
+ b'A'...b'Z' |
+ b'a'...b'z' => {
+ buf[buf_idx] = SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked(byte as char);
+ buf_idx += 1;
+ },
+ _otherwise => {
+ buf[buf_idx] = SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('=');
+ buf[buf_idx+1] = lower_nibble_to_hex( byte >> 4 );
+ buf[buf_idx+2] = lower_nibble_to_hex( byte );
+ buf_idx += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if buf_idx > remaining {
+ out.start_next_encoded_word();
+ remaining = max_payload_len;
+ }
+ if buf_idx > remaining {
+ panic!( "single character longer then max length ({:?}) of encoded word", remaining );
+ }
+ for idx in 0..buf_idx {
+ out.write_char( buf[idx] )
+ }
+ remaining -= buf_idx;
+ }
+ out.write_ecw_end()
+fn lower_nibble_to_hex( half_byte: u8 ) -> SoftAsciiChar {
+ static CHARS: &[char] = &[
+ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
+ '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B',
+ 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'
+ ];
+ SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked(CHARS[ (half_byte & 0x0F) as usize ])
+mod test {
+ use soft_ascii_string::SoftAsciiStr;
+ use ::bind::encoded_word::EncodedWordEncoding;
+ use super::super::encoded_word::VecWriter;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn to_hex() {
+ let data = &[
+ ('0', 0b11110000),
+ ('0', 0b0 ),
+ ('7', 0b0111),
+ ('7', 0b10111),
+ ('F', 0b1111)
+ ];
+ for &(ch, byte) in data {
+ assert