AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-04Bump mio from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11dependabot/cargo/mio-0.8.11dependabot[bot]
2024-02-22add fennel supportMarcin Puc
2024-02-22change neovim to proper iconZach Coyle
2024-02-16🛤️ ✨: add loongarch ci and releases (#990)Wei Zhang
2024-02-16:art: :hammer: simplify the windows cfgWei Zhang
2024-02-16Update docDom Slee
2024-02-16ImplementationDom Slee
2024-02-16:hammer: :art: put fish auto comp under vendor dirWei Zhang
2024-02-16update various dependenciesFabio Valentini
2024-02-13Bump libgit2-sys from 0.16.1+1.7.1 to 0.16.2+1.7.2 (#987)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-12📝 document `--date=locale` (#985)zica
2024-01-26Nim lang support (#979)atamakahere-git
2023-12-21:railway_track: :sparkles: ci: package deb without zst (#970)Wei Zhang
2023-12-20update various dependencies (#938)Fabio Valentini
2023-12-19:memo: :hammer: emphasis on the dev docs notice (#969)Wei Zhang
2023-11-26ci: Release PowerShell completion script (#953)Y.D.X
2023-11-25Updated to contain clear instructions for color scheming in Windows...Inventhrice
2023-11-24RPM spec file for lsd (#901)daniejstriata
2023-11-22:memo: docs: add notice for the readme is for dev (#960)Wei Zhang
2023-11-22installation: windows (winget) (README) (#920)KD Puvvadi
2023-11-19Update README: Icon Theme config does not require build from source (#957)巢鹏
2023-11-15Fix `literal` flag not being recognized from config file (#935)Azad
2023-11-07Update (#946)Jonathan
2023-11-07Add PRQL (#945)Jonathan
2023-11-02Adding some more icons for filenames and extensions (#929)Tanner Babcock
2023-11-01⬆️ bump lscolors to v0.15.0 and msrv to 1.69.0 (#944)Wei Zhang
2023-10-30add and improve icons (#942)Ari Archer
2023-10-22Bump rustix from 0.36.7 to 0.36.16dependabot[bot]
2023-10-15fix typo in link color tabledcechano
2023-10-02:heart: add sponsor from warp.devWei Zhang
2023-09-29:arrow_down: change dirs to 4Wei Zhang
2023-09-28:heart: update funding to WeiWei Zhang
2023-09-27upgrade lscolors to 0.14.0Alexander Kjäll
2023-09-27upgrade dirs to version 5Alexander Kjäll
2023-09-27upgrade xattr to version 1Alexander Kjäll
2023-09-24add `obj` directory iconAri Archer
2023-09-23Add changelog deprecation notice (#907)Marcin Wojnarowski
2023-09-20:mag: :hammer: fix test for adding disable permissionWei Zhang
2023-09-20:sparkles: add disable option for permissionWei Zhang
2023-09-19Add support for --literal flag and literal entry in config (#900)Panagiotis Ganelis
2023-09-17Add configuration and CLI options: truncate ownerBertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet
2023-09-05Update README for installation on OpenBSDLaurent Cheylus
2023-09-01Update repository names in README.mdZhizhen He
2023-08-30Parse hex colors in themes (#647)Bjoern Hiller
2023-08-30Fix a broken parenthesis in CHANGELOGY.D.X
2023-08-26:tada: :memo: update docs, release v1.0.0v1.0.0Wei Zhang
2023-08-26:sparkles: ci: add aarch64 darwin build target and skip on testWei Zhang
2023-07-18Update src/theme/ to add Svelte iconmarcos-gamarra
2023-07-08Added newlines to warning message (#869)juansc
2023-07-06fix version sort for matching GNU ls (#843)juansc