AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-12-12(cargo-release) version
2018-12-12Change the file icon for an empty onePeltoche
2018-12-12Add a custom color for all the special fils (char / pipe / block)Peltoche
2018-12-12Run cargo fmtPeltoche
2018-12-12Fixed testsUnknown
2018-12-12Merge conflictsYour Name
2018-12-12Move icon rendering logic to nameYour Name
2018-12-12Also color iconYour Name
2018-12-12Code ReviewYour Name
2018-12-12Color executable files greenYour Name
2018-12-11Add exa to the benchmarksPeltoche
2018-12-11Remove the Installation steps from the ToCPeltoche
2018-12-11Remove the TODO sectionPeltoche
2018-12-10Fix name order case sensitivityPeltoche
2018-12-10Add tests for the date, name and filetype modulesPeltoche
2018-12-10Implement the -F flagPeltoche
2018-12-10Update bug_report.mdPierre Peltier
2018-12-10Update issue templatesPierre Peltier
2018-12-10add None in Unit enum to handle non file itemsAbin Simon
2018-12-10use option for size values instead of sizeAbin Simon
2018-12-10show - for size when if it is not a fileAbin Simon
2018-12-09Add rust and swift iconsLippyBoy
2018-12-09Remove the fallback symlink iconPeltoche
2018-12-09Remove the license line into the snacraft.yaml filePeltoche
2018-12-08(cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.8.1-prePeltoche
2018-12-08(cargo-release) version
2018-12-08Lint everythingPeltoche
2018-12-08Add a symlink iconPeltoche
2018-12-08Make the symlinks more visiblePeltoche
2018-12-08Refactore the icon packagePeltoche
2018-12-08Add the --color flag supportPeltoche
2018-12-08Create the flags package and move the Options struct into itPeltoche
2018-12-08Remove some Symlink logic from the Batch structPeltoche
2018-12-08Add a Contributor and Credit section into the READMEPeltoche
2018-12-08Update cargo install instructionsDavid Peter
2018-12-08Set license instead of license-fileCrestwave
2018-12-07Change the display orderPeltoche
2018-12-07Add Snap to the Installation sectionPeltoche
2018-12-07Improve some style into the filePeltoche
2018-12-07Add Ubuntu into the Installation sectionPeltoche
2018-12-07Improve the README installation sectionPeltoche
2018-12-07Add the license into the snapcraft.yml filePeltoche
2018-12-07(cargo-release) version
2018-12-07Change the snapcraft confinement to strictPeltoche
2018-12-07(cargo-release) version
2018-12-07Improve some wording into the READMEPeltoche
2018-12-07Move the snap to the classic confinementPeltoche
2018-12-07Fix the snapcraft configPeltoche
2018-12-07Add the Snap Status badgePeltoche