path: root/.travis.yml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-08fix travis warningsJay
2020-05-31bump up travis rust version to 1.43.1dvvvvvv
2020-04-18bump up travis rust version to 1.34dvvvvvv
2019-12-06Increase the minimum rust supported channel to 1.33Pierre Peltier
2019-06-05add *-unknown-linux-musl to travisAbin Simon
2019-03-04Remove the clippy pedantic linterPeltoche
2019-02-16Drop the support of V1.30.1 and move to the rust 2018 editionPeltoche
2018-12-17Add support to the arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf platformPeltoche
2018-12-14 Make clippy fail in case of warnings and enable the pedantic rulesPeltoche
2018-12-06Fix indentation in travis-ci.ymlPeltoche
2018-12-06Update the encrypted passwordPeltoche
2018-12-06Upload all the .dep assetsPeltoche
2018-12-06Add the missing fakeroot installPeltoche
2018-12-06Fix the deploy step into the .travis-ci.yml filePeltoche
2018-12-06Add a complete CDPeltoche
2018-12-05Improve the CI pipelinePeltoche
2018-11-26Add a basic .travis.yml config filePeltoche