BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
add-the-WIP-actionMerge branch 'master' into add-the-WIP-actionPierre Peltier4 years
assetsUpdate the screenshotPeltoche5 years
dependabot/cargo/mio-0.8.11Bump mio from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11dependabot[bot]8 weeks
master:heart: update warp logo with linux supportWei Zhang9 days
update-changelogUpdate the CHANGELOG and prepare a new releasePierre Peltier4 years
v1.1.2commit 0e70dbdb7a...Wei Zhang5 weeks
v1.1.1commit 16181df25b...Wei Zhang5 weeks
v1.1.0commit 4310bf814c...Wei Zhang5 weeks
v1.0.0commit 9b8ed0ef73...Wei Zhang8 months
0.23.1commit 84fedc6f44...Abin Simon20 months
0.23.0commit 80a2bb26c8...Abin Simon20 months
0.22.0commit dadd350d2e...Abin Simon23 months
0.21.0commit af7ce9a03e...Abin Simon2 years
0.20.1commit 958ab5491d...Abin Simon3 years
0.20.0commit 2930769d82...Abin Simon3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
9 days:heart: update warp logo with linux supportHEADmasterWei Zhang
2024-04-02Update permission options in README; minor tweaksadrian5
2024-03-29chore: build with `--locked` flag in CI (#1022)Orhun Parmaksız
2024-03-29chore: update Cargo.lock for latest versionOrhun Parmaksız
2024-03-26:tada: release v1.1.2v1.1.2Wei Zhang
2024-03-26:arrow_down: rollback the term grid to 0.1Wei Zhang
2024-03-23:tada: release v1.1.1v1.1.1Wei Zhang
2024-03-22:construction: temporarily allow deprecated durationv1.1.0Wei Zhang
2024-03-22:arrow_up: set msrv to 1.74Wei Zhang
2024-03-22:sparkles: add xdg dir backWei Zhang