AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-24Merge branch 'master' into describedescribeAmjith Ramanujam
2019-10-24Merge pull request #66 from dbcli/completionsAmjith Ramanujam
2019-09-01Merge pull request #72 from chocolateboy/fix-banner-typoAmjith Ramanujam
2019-09-01Fix banner typochocolateboy
2019-08-17Merge pull request #71 from shwnchpl/read-commandAmjith Ramanujam
2019-08-15Add .read commandShawn Chapla
2019-08-15Fix the github template.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-08-15Fix changelog.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-08-03Merge pull request #68 from arp242/chmodAmjith Ramanujam
2019-08-03chmod a-x litecli/main.pyMartin Tournoij
2019-07-31Improve the describe/desc commands.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-07-31Autocomplete schema and dot commands.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Update changelog.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Releasing version 1.1.0v1.1.0Amjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Merge pull request #61 from dbcli/add-descAmjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Merge pull request #51 from dbcli/support-question-markAmjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Update changelog.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-07-14Add describe and desc as aliases for .schema.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-06-01Use the sqlite binding for favorite queries.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-05-22Use s-tab to select the last item in the completion menu.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Merge branch 'master' into support-question-markAmjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Merge pull request #59 from dbcli/shif-tabAmjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Use non-posix shlex.split() for favorite command arg parsing.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Fix the tests.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Add the change to changelog.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-05-21Add shift-tab to select the previous entry in the completion menu.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-31Merge pull request #53 from veprbl/patch-1Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-31Fix running tests in environment where opening /dev/tty gives ENXIODmitry Kalinkin
2019-01-19Merge pull request #52 from reverendpaco/fix-pager-config-readingAmjith Ramanujam
2019-01-19Fixed the 'pager' config variable. Was not picking up any user-suppliedDaniel Eklund
2019-01-14Update changelog.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-14Add tests for parameterized favorite queries.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-14Support question mark in the favorite query substitution.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-14Fix some failing tests.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-14Fix some failing tests.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-15Merge pull request #50 from zmwangx/remove-show-keyword-helpDelgermurun
2019-01-15Merge pull request #48 from dbcli/cleanup-favsDelgermurun
2019-01-14Merge pull request #49 from zmwangx/load-commandDick Marinus
2019-01-14Remove keyword help.Zhiming Wang
2019-01-14Add .load command.Zhiming Wang
2019-01-13Cleanup the favorite query code.Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-13Merge pull request #46 from dbcli/j-bennet/directory-not-existsDelgermurun
2019-01-13black.Irina Truong
2019-01-13Typo in contributing guide.Irina Truong
2019-01-13Changelog.Irina Truong
2019-01-13Descriptive error when directory does not exist.Irina Truong
2019-01-07Merge pull request #41 from Scriptkiddi/patch-1Amjith Ramanujam
2019-01-08Add recursive-include tests *.txt to Manifest.inFritz Otlinghaus
2019-01-07Update README.mdAmjith Ramanujam
2019-01-07Update README.mdAmjith Ramanujam