path: root/arch/sparc/include/asm/current.h
blob: 10a0df55a574aeb8758e57c99073ccf8cf4e2d54 (plain)
/* include/asm/current.h
 * Copyright (C) 1999 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Pete Zaitcev (
 * Copyright (C) 2007 David S. Miller (
 *  Derived from "include/asm-s390/current.h" by
 *  Martin Schwidefsky (
 *  Derived from "include/asm-i386/current.h"

#include <linux/thread_info.h>

register struct task_struct *current asm("g4");

/* We might want to consider using %g4 like sparc64 to shave a few cycles.
 * Two stage process (inline + #define) for type-checking.
 * We also obfuscate get_current() to check if anyone used that by mistake.
struct task_struct;
static inline struct task_struct *__get_current(void)
	return current_thread_info()->task;
#define current __get_current()

#endif /* !(_SPARC_CURRENT_H) */
id='n299' href='#n299'>299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570
# This Makefile has two purposes:
# 1. Starting the compilation of Vim for Unix.
# 2. Creating the various distribution files.

# 1. Starting the compilation of Vim for Unix.
# Using this Makefile without an argument will compile Vim for Unix.
# "make install" is also possible.
# NOTE: If this doesn't work properly, first change directory to "src" and use
# the Makefile there:
#	cd src
#	make [arguments]
# Noticed on AIX systems when using this Makefile: Trying to run "cproto" or
# something else after Vim has been compiled.  Don't know why...
# Noticed on OS/390 Unix: Restarts configure.
# The first (default) target is "first".  This will result in running
# "make first", so that the target from "src/auto/" is picked
# up properly when config didn't run yet.  Doing "make all" before configure
# has run can result in compiling with $(CC) empty.

	@if test ! -f src/auto/; then \
		cp src/ src/auto/; \
	@echo "Starting make in the src directory."
	@echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
	cd src && $(MAKE) $@

# Some make programs use the last target for the $@ default; put the other
# targets separately to always let $@ expand to "first" by default.
all install uninstall tools config configure reconfig proto depend lint tags types test scripttests testtiny test_libvterm unittests testclean clean distclean:
	@if test ! -f src/auto/; then \
		cp src/ src/auto/; \
	@echo "Starting make in the src directory."
	@echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
	cd src && $(MAKE) $@
	@# When the target is "test" also run the indent tests.
	@if test "$@" = "test"; then \
		$(MAKE) indenttest; \
	@# When the target is "clean" also clean for the indent tests.
	@if test "$@" = "clean" -o "$@" = "distclean" -o "$@" = "testclean"; then \
		cd runtime/indent && \
			$(MAKE) clean; \

# Executable used for running the indent tests.
VIM_FOR_INDENTTEST = ../../src/vim

	cd runtime/indent && \
		$(MAKE) clean && \

# 2. Creating the various distribution files.
# unixall	vim-#.#.tar.bz2		All runtime files and sources, for Unix
# html		HTML docs
# dossrc		sources for MS-DOS
# dosrt		runtime for MS-DOS
# dosbin		binary for Win32
#		binary for GUI Win32
#		OLE exe for Win32 GUI
# amisrc	vim##src.tgz		sources for Amiga
# amirt		vim##rt.tgz		runtime for Amiga
# amibin	vim##bin.tgz		binary for Amiga
# farsi		Farsi fonts
#    All output files are created in the "dist" directory.  Existing files are
#    overwritten!
#    To do all this you need the Unix archive and compiled binaries.
#    Before creating an archive first delete all backup files, *.orig, etc.


# CHECKLIST for creating a new version:
# - Update Vim version number.  For a test version in: src/version.h,
#   READMEdir/Contents, MAJOR/MINOR above, VIMMAJOR and VIMMINOR in
#   src/Makefile, README.txt,, src/, READMEdir/README*.txt,
#   runtime/doc/*.txt and make nsis/gvim_version.nsh.
#   For a minor/major version: src/GvimExt/GvimExt.reg, src/vim.manifest.
# - Compile Vim with GTK, Perl, Python, Python3, TCL, Ruby, Lua, Cscope and
#   "huge" features.  Add MZscheme if you can make it work.
#   Use "make reconfig" after selecting the configure arguments.
# - With these features: "make proto" (requires cproto and Motif installed;
#   ignore warnings for missing include files, fix problems for syntax errors).
# - With these features: "make depend" (works best with gcc).
# - If you have a lint program: "make lint" and check the output (ignore GTK
#   warnings).
# - If you have valgrind, enable it in src/testdir/Makefile and run "make
#   test".  Enable EXITFREE, disable GUI, scheme and tcl to avoid false alarms.
#   Check the valgrind output.
# - Adjust the date and other info in src/version.h.
# - Correct included_patches[] in src/version.c.
# - Check for missing entries in runtime/makemenu.vim (with checkmenu script).
# - Check for missing options in runtime/optwin.vim et al. (with check.vim).
# - Do "make menu" to update the runtime/synmenu.vim file.
# - Add remarks for changes to runtime/doc/version9.txt.
# - Check that runtime/doc/help.txt doesn't contain entries in "LOCAL
# - In runtime/doc run "make" and "make html" to check for errors.
# - Check if src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile and src/feature.h don't contain
#   any personal preferences or the changes mentioned above.
# - Check file protections to be "644" for text and "755" for executables (run
#   the "check" script).
# - Check compiling on Amiga, MS-DOS and MS-Windows.
# - Delete all *~, *.sw?, *.orig, *.rej files
# - "make unixall", "make html"
# - Make diff files against the previous release: "makediff7 7.1 7.2"
# Amiga: (OBSOLETE, Amiga files are no longer distributed)
# - "make amisrc", move the archive to the Amiga and compile:
#   "make -f Make_manx.mak" (will use "big" features by default).
# - Run the tests: "make -f Make_manx.mak test"
# - Place the executables Vim and Xxd in this directory (set the executable
#   flag).
# - "make amirt", "make amibin".
# MS-Windows:
# - Run make on Unix to update the ".mo" files.
# - Get 32 bit libintl-8.dll, libiconv-2.dll and libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll. E.g. from
# .
#   Use the " file and extract the archive to get the files.
#   Put them in the gettext32 directory, "make dosrt" uses them.
# - Get 64 bit libintl-8.dll and libiconv-2.dll. E.g. from
# .
#   Use the " file and extract the archive to get the files.
#   Put them in the gettext64 directory, "make dosrt" uses them.
# - > make dossrc
#   > make dosrt
#   Unpack dist/ and dist/ on an MS-Windows PC.
#   This creates the directory vim/vim90 and puts all files in there.
# Win32 console version build:
# - See src/INSTALLpc.txt for installing the compiler and SDK.
# - Set environment for Visual C++ 2015:
#   > cd src
#   > msvc2015.bat
# - Build the console binary:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak
# - Run the tests and check the output:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak test
# - Rename (using ../tools/rename.bat):
#           vim.exe to vimw32.exe
#           tee/tee.exe to teew32.exe
#           xxd/xxd.exe to xxdw32.exe
#           vim.pdb to vimw32.pdb
#           install.exe to installw32.exe
#           uninstall.exe to uninstallw32.exe
# Win32 GUI version build:
# - > cd src
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes
# - Run the tests and check the output:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testgvim
# - move "gvim.exe" to here (otherwise the OLE version will overwrite it).
# - Move gvim.pdb to here.
# - Copy "GvimExt/gvimext.dll" to here.
# - Delete vimrun.exe, install.exe and uninstall.exe.
# Win32 GUI version with OLE, PERL, Ruby, TCL, PYTHON and dynamic IME:
# - Install the interfaces you want, see src/INSTALLpc.txt
#   Adjust bigvim.bat to match the version of each interface you want.
# - Build:
#   > cd src
#   > bigvim.bat
# - Run the tests:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testgvim
#   - check the output.
# - Rename "gvim.exe" to "gvim_ole.exe".
# - Rename gvim.pdb to "gvim_ole.pdb".
# - Delete install.exe and uninstall.exe.
# Create the archives:
# - Copy all the "*.exe" files to where this Makefile is.
# - Copy all the "*.pdb" files to where this Makefile is.
# - in this directory:
#   > make dosbin
# NSIS self installing exe:
# - To get NSIS see
# - Make sure gvim_ole.exe, vimw32.exe, installw32.exe,
#   uninstallw32.exe, teew32.exe and xxdw32.exe have been build as mentioned
#   above.
# - copy these files (get them from a binary archive or build them):
#	gvimext.dll in src/GvimExt
#	gvimext64.dll in src/GvimExt
#	VisVim.dll in src/VisVim
#   Note: VisVim needs to be build with MSVC 5, newer versions don't work.
#   gvimext64.dll can be obtained from:
#	It is part of gvim_9.0.* as vim/vim90/GvimExt/gvimext64.dll.
# - Make sure there is a diff.exe two levels up (get it from a previous Vim
#   version).  Also put winpty32.dll and winpty-agent.exe there.
# - go to ../nsis and do:
#   > unzip
#   > makensis gvim.nsi  (takes a few minutes).
#      ignore warning for libwinpthread-1.dll
# - Copy gvim##.exe to the dist directory.
# 64 bit builds (these are not in the normal distribution, the 32 bit build
# works just fine on 64 bit systems).
# Like the console and GUI version, but first run vcvars64.bat or
#   "..\VC\vcvarsall.bat x86_amd64".
# - Build the console version:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak
# - Build the GUI version:
#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes
# - Build the OLE version with interfaces:
#   > bigvim64.bat
# OBSOLETE systems: You can build these if you have an appropriate system.
# 16 bit DOS version: You need to get a very old version of Vim, for several
# years even the tiny build is too big to fit in DOS memory.
# 32 bit DOS version: Support was removed in 7.4.1399.  When syncing to before
# that it probably won't build.
# Win32s GUI version: Support was removed in patch 7.4.1364.
# OS/2 support was removed in patch 7.4.1008.  If you want to give it a try
# sync to before that and check the old version of this Makefile for
# instructions.


# Vim used for conversion from "unix" to "dos"
VIM	= vim

# How to include Filelist depends on the version of "make" you have.
# If the current choice doesn't work, try the other one.

include Filelist
#.include "Filelist"

# All output is put in the "dist" directory.
	mkdir dist

# Clean up some files to avoid they are included.
# Copy README files to the top directory.
	if test -f runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; then \
		rm runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; fi
	for name in $(IN_README_DIR); do \
	  cp READMEdir/"$$name" .; \

# For the zip files we need to create a file with the comment line
	mkdir dist/comment

COMMENT_RT = comment/$(VERSION)-rt
COMMENT_W32 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-w32
COMMENT_GVIM = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-gvim
COMMENT_OLE = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-ole
COMMENT_SRC = comment/$(VERSION)-src
COMMENT_HTML = comment/$(VERSION)-html
COMMENT_FARSI = comment/$(VERSION)-farsi

dist/$(COMMENT_RT): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) runtime files for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_RT)

dist/$(COMMENT_W32): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_W32)

dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) GUI binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM)

dist/$(COMMENT_OLE): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) MS-Windows GUI binaries with OLE support" > dist/$(COMMENT_OLE)

dist/$(COMMENT_SRC): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) sources for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_SRC)

dist/$(COMMENT_HTML): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) documentation in HTML" > dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)

dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI): dist/comment
	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) Farsi language files" > dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)

unixall: dist prepare
	-rm -f dist/$(VIMVER).tar.bz2
	-rm -rf dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
	mkdir dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
	tar cf - \
		$(RT_ALL) \
		$(RT_ALL_BIN) \
		$(RT_UNIX) \
		$(LANG_GEN) \
		$(SRC_ALL) \
		$(SRC_UNIX) \
		$(EXTRA) \
		$(LANG_SRC) \
		| (cd dist/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
# Need to use a "distclean" file
# Note: this file is not included in the repository to avoid problems, but it's
# OK to put it in the archive.
	cp -f src/ dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/
# Create an empty config.h file, make dependencies require it
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/config.h
# Make sure configure is newer than to force it to be generated
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/configure
# Make sure ja.sjis.po is newer than ja.po to avoid it being regenerated.
# Same for cs.cp1250.po, pl.cp1250.po and sk.cp1250.po.
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ja.sjis.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/cs.cp1250.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/pl.cp1250.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/sk.cp1250.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/zh_CN.cp936.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ru.cp1251.po
	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/uk.cp1251.po
# Create the archive.
	cd dist && tar cf $(VIMVER).tar $(VIMRTDIR)
	bzip2 dist/$(VIMVER).tar

# Amiga runtime - OBSOLETE
amirt: dist prepare
	-rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz
	-rm -rf dist/Vim
	mkdir dist/Vim
	mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
	tar cf - \
		$(ROOT_AMI) \
		$(RT_ALL) \
		$(RT_ALL_BIN) \
		$(RT_AMI) \
		$(RT_NO_UNIX) \
		$(RT_AMI_DOS) \
		| (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/
	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
	rmdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
	cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)rt.tar Vim
	gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar
	mv dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tgz

# Amiga binaries - OBSOLETE
amibin: dist prepare
	-rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar.gz
	-rm -rf dist/Vim
	mkdir dist/Vim
	mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
	tar cf - \
		$(ROOT_AMI) \
		$(BIN_AMI) \
		Vim \
		Xxd \
		| (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/
	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/ dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info